Can someone explain to me why on earth white, affluent American women go out of their way to show solidarity with homosexuals? How does it benefit them? Seems pretty pointless.
Can someone explain to me why on earth white...
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Virtue signalling
Same reason they do anything: because they are fucking idiots.
They use them as surrogates for children. Same reason why liberal women eventually become cat ladies.
These. Also homosexuals are the only people who make them seem virtuous in comparison. Why deny yourself physical pleasure when you can just lower the standard?
Virtue Signaling. Go read The Economist or a Sex Psych book.
Women by nature can not compete for physical contest or social dominance like a male can without alienating themselves from female Queen Bee societies. Since female cliques are essential for raising children (ie. birthday parties and sewing circles) there is a strong social stigma attached by both mother to daughter and other females to "land a man" by demonstrating their social intelligence vs. physical prowness.
Virtue Signaling is just that. Women desperate to land an alpha male by showing how "socially savvy" they are by joining community causes and being able to find groups to socialise/present the alpha males.
As alpha males become more rare, females need to do ever more outrageous things to virtue signal; which is why they now run around topless and in pink hats. In much the same way chimps in the zoo graduate from throwing shit at the Alpha male to get laid and escalate towards jumping off the cliffs during peak mating season.
Humans are just apes with nukes. Never forget it.
It's this. These "virtue signaling" comments are giving them far too much credit. Women love to be fag hags because they get the feeling of pampering a man without the threat of a dicking so they can be lazy around them and let their guard down.
at least it lets you know who to avoid
formally educated, middle class white women are conditioned from childhood to support liberal ideals. This conditioning happens in the public school system and becomes solidified in college.
Just my theory anyways...
A lot of them even let homosexuals do sexual activities with them because they're gay so it doesn't really mean anything teehee!
>Virtue signalling
>Can someone explain to me why on earth white, affluent American women go out of their way to show solidarity with homosexuals? How does it benefit them? Seems pretty pointless.
Because they both know how to take a dick.
You'll notice all these women except the one in the cleavy black dress are uggos.
Think about that. There's where your answer lies.
I detest women who proudly describe their "best gay friend". Are they trying to impress liberal men because they certainly ain't turning my almonds. I'm not even sure other women like women with gay friends. I know women don't like other women with lots of straight male friends.
I think women just look for backup males and gays are easily accessible.
They are both feminine and thus similar? Women feel gays are also oppressed like they are (lmao)?
Fag hags
Basically, Gay best friends are like degenerate fashion accessories to bitches
WTF? Uggo? If they were straight I'd fuck each one of them you gay fag.
Desperation is sad, friendo
They are very easily influenced by Jews.
We crush on them.
(Gays are the only men who are hard-to-get. And they're super affectionate anyway a lot of the time. It's a recipie for feels despite logics.)
so much this.
I dated a girl who did this.
Not sure if it's intentional, but you can be pretty sure they're sexual freaks.
It's literally the safest way to virtue signal, giving you that affirmation that you're a good person without actually having to have any moral value.
How does the fact that pussy hat feminists are always hideous fit into the theory?
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Sissyboys love talking about clothes and don't make putting out on a regular basis the price of putting up with a woman's shit for longer than it takes a man to pull up his pants and leave.
That's what the sillier members of the sisterhood think.
Of course, real faggots, by all accounts, hate women even more than their straight brothers. Based faggots (like Milo, say) are free to tell women to fuck their feelings without consequences.
Its not virtue signalling its because men are better at women at everything including being friends.
Think how good having a gay guy as a friend for a girl is
>Provides more protection than female friends.
>Cant steal your man
>Probably looks hot
>Less Drama
>Similar interests
>Keeps weirdo's away
>Good fashion sense
>More honest than a woman
But why do they virtue signal?
The whole "gay best friend" thing is as old as the hills. And it does kind of make sense, since such women tend to share more of the stereotypical petty/bourgeois/snobby gay sensibility than lesbians or trannies do
For the same reason conservative Christians virtue signal about hating gays. To look good without having to actually do anything good themselves.
This is spot-on. Well-put
Both SJWs and Christcucks need to be fucking gassed.
They're so full of shit they can only find solidatity with men who think feces is a snack.
But it's also virtue signaling. There's a reason they're so vocal about it, and make so many public overtures of support. It ups their perceived status.
They're signaling intelligence
>I'm not like those uneducated hicks
They're signaling sophistication
>I am open to many different things, and my way is not the only way
They're signaling charitability
>I will devote my time and energy to fight for something other than me
They're signaling friendliness
>I'm totally okay with these people because I have friends that are gay
They're signaling independence
>I'm not suckered into being like my parent's generation
The list goes on and on. The reason they're so vocal is because they want you to see it and associate them with the public image of a gay rights supporter. Sophisticated, open minded, urbanite, socially savvy, a real modern woman.
They don't see them as a threat and as "one of the girls". They don't have to worry about the gay friend stealing their boyfriend (so they think).