Intellectually challenging and existentially satisfying career

>intellectually challenging and existentially satisfying career
>continually involved in both city and church community
>beautiful 5'11" fit germanic wife
>2 growing and healthy children
>upper middle class neighborhood
>modestly sized house
>family doggo (german shepherd)
>several satisfying hobbies
>fit and active
>good diet
>healthy friendships
>happy with my life

why is it so hard for beta Sup Forumsocks to achieve this?

Because most of us are manlets.

the jews!

>actually talking to other people
why are you here?

>happy with my life
>posting on Sup Forums

pick one

And then you woke up.

I'll never understand people's obsession with dogs

Literally no one achieves all of that without some kind of baggage. No one is perfect and anyone who tries to come across that way has got something shady they're trying to hide.

All of these things basically hinge on the availability of high paying jobs of which there are none.

Listen as unrealistic as it is it might all be believable up until

>healthy friendships
>happy with my life

If that were the case you wouldn't be on fucking Sup Forums

White girls fuck dogs.

These posts are so sad. If someone were really so satisfied with their perfect life why on earth would they spend their day on Sup Forums talking to teenagers?

cat loving numale faggot

I have this but 4 kids and my wife is short

Doggos are good protectors of family members, as well as being good at warning you of possible intruders/animals on your land. If you live in an apartment, or a big city, you probably don't understand the doggo life.

2 children? It's like you're sponsoring the extinction of white people


What are some examples of existentially satisfying careers?

I like gloating

>beautiful 5'11" fit germanic wife

afraid not, user

I can make up stories also.

Lol just knowing about pol and posting here, some of our redpills would either have trickled into his head which would create unhappiness, or he would be an sjw and I dont see how anyone could be happy like that.

Me neither, its kinda sickening tbqh desu