>Trump drops largest bomb ever on ISIS
>Doesn't kill a single guy
>Trump drops largest bomb ever on ISIS
>Doesn't kill a single guy
>ISIS claims
It wasn't meant to, it was meant to destroy the tunnel system they were using to transport weapons, Trump didn't do this without a full briefing from various intelligence analysts. They needed an explosion large enough to destroy the tunnels.
They would claim that tho wouldn't they,
The same way they claim all those trucks raging through Europe atm.
Tunnels mattered, crippled their network and might force them to some exposure - what a joke you are
>wow the enemy who wants more muzzies to join their cause claims that not a single person died now I wonder why they might say that
>wow the enemy who wants more muzzies to join their cause claims that not a single person died now I wonder why they might say that
>Britbong takes the word of ISIS over officials
like clockwork
>isis claims
Typical bong trusting his brothers over western sources
Trump wasn't even the one who approved the operation. it was Obama. The US military has been looking for a way to close the tunnel systems for years and this was the safest method.
Trump's military policy has been such a fucking joke so far
>It wasn't meant to, it was meant to destroy the tunnel system
brah they say that, but the reality is that the bomb was dropped on a lot of people. Most likely fighters and their families. it killed everybody. That was the intention. Mass death. Not a 'tunnel system'
>wastes money
>fails at acheiving goals
>pretends it was a success
trump presidency 101
Shut up fag, he's the GOAT president.
We already know there's 36 dead already. They just want to claim American superbombs are duds.
And what are you going to do about it besides shitpost on a vietnese fishing image posting website you snaggletooth fucking brit.
"Zero scandals" -king nigger
bravo sandniggers, bravo. I bet a few of the goat fucking faggots deserted today because this scared the ever loving shit out of them.
>bomb kills people
HAHAH see that suckers trump got em good!
>bomb doesnt kill people
I-it was just for tunnel systems, HAHA he still got em good!
>muh 4d chess
Nope. This one was Trump greenlighting the drop. They didn't get permission to use a MOAB from the previous administration.
>ISIS claims
>Drop the largest non nuclear bomb you have in the middle of empty dessert
What a great chess player
You think they care about 36 fucking ape men? They could wipe them out in 30 minutes with an A-10 strafe, or in an hour with special forces.
They don't even have fucking night vision. Killing a few men doesn't win wars, you have to cut off their supply of weapons and money.
Well, if some user on the internet says so....
>lowest approval of any president in 60 days
>being investigated by his own government for collusion and treason
>1 to 1 odds of impeachment
>all in less than 100 days
nice "president" kiddo
HEY RETARD, don't defend a fuck up like this, but also, OP is retarded and wrong anyway because Afghani government says 36 were killed and another report says 100 so it was probably 36.
>1 to 1 odds of impeachment
>tfw people actually believe this
>tfw the butthurt is this strong
Yes, well done Trump, well done.
It wasn't Trump who planned the mission you dense fuck, I could care less about his relation to this event.
When you talk down on this mission you are talking down on the Intelligence analysts who probably watched that area for years. It was a successful strike. Like I said, they don't care about the little guys, It is just like busting a kingpin, you don't go after the pusher, you go after the supplier.
Yeah, well, a muslim lies when he opens his mouth.
>ameriburger takes the word of breitbart over scientists and officials
like clockwork
The bombing was revenge for the recent death of a special forces soldier. I'm sure they had high rez surveillance of that whole area and knew it was a hive of muzzie activity - men women goats children. all gone now.
legiterally mentally handicapped
highly intelligent posters with very good IQs
>scientists and officials
>no source
>somehow they would know over military officials
>trump spent 300 million on a bomb
Sweetie the bombs cost 19 mill each and were built in the Bush Era
>these bombs result in horrible excruciating pain for the victims as they suffocate to death
Sweetie ISIS claims no one died
>fuck you blumpf btfo
>actually believing what ISIS says
>not thinking ISIS might have some kind of motivation for downplaying the damage done by the MOAB
Grow up son.
Even if it was 35 people killed, that's 36 kills for a $16,000,000 bomb, plus operational costs. Pretty poor ratio.
>800D checkers
yeah this is true desu, I hope blumbph can get them made cheaper in the future like he did with some planes
Really cant imagine any other way to spend those 16 mil. I mean it's widely recognized at this point, but we have a long way to go as a species.(obviously i don't consider niggers a part of that species, come on now)
The two narratives libs are trying to spin are glorious
>100 ISIS troops died
>No one died
Haha you wasted a lot of money on that one didn't ya donny boy, ha HA!
It may have been timed as such, but I am sure the Air Force Fusion Analysts along with a certain 3 letter agency chose to strike the tunnels for a reason.
Dying killed by the enemy is the greatest honor to them. They have been seen prostrating and praying while the bombs fall around them. Why would they lie about the glory of their martyrs? Stop the mental gymnastics cuck.
Don't act like it was Trump who planned it, it was CIA and Air Force Intelligence.
>Believing official Isis social media over actual news reporters
If this didn't kill any ISIS guys, that also means that tunnel system wasn't in use. Total waste by the cheeto man
>1 to 1 odds
I believe you mean there is less than a 10% chance that he gets impeached
Why didnt he just drop it on Raqqa?
>Trump admin claims
Not even civilians? WTF US is losing it's touch.
>36 isis memers killed
>ISIS claims nobody died
>the mee-dee-uhhh shapes it according to their narrative
No suprise breh
ISIS rarely lie. They do propaganda in the way that they are quiet when they are losing and are pompous about any gains, but they don't tend to lie that much.
My guess would be less than 5 wounded and maybe one dead.
No it is part of Air Force and CIA intelligence's plan, Trump is just letting them make the calls on things.
>Throw 100 million worth of tomahawks
>Half of them don't even hit their target
>Fortified air base is back to operating within two hours
>Local town sustained more damage and casualties
>Have 1 half billion dollar moab
>Drop it on abandoned tunnels
>Trump drops largest bomb ever
>Doesn't kill a single guy
3 months and he's already made America as great as it was during Nam
>Government claims
This wtd brumpfy, just let them expire instead you idiot!
>believing a single word daesh says
ANSF is moving into the area, so I am sure it is safe.
Why are you all so fucking dense? They had intel in the tunnels along with weapons, the tunnels were basically their fucking HQ
i want to get a job working for gook-trump
A moab costs about 16 million to make, not half a billion...
Because their funding from the US have been cut.
yes, and it probably cost us more transporting in theater + ops costs for the flight from which it was dropped
people are retarded. pay them no mind, leaf
toothbrits believe ISIS monkeys vs US partner
Yep, you guys are full kebab now. There is no future for you.
Ah, you're right. That was the R&D cost. 16million isn't too shabby actually compared to other solutions.
FPBP Came to say that.
Sewer rat Brockpuppets. You all need to report to your supervisors for up-training.
They said from day 1 it was to destroy the tunnel system faggot. This has nothing to do with 4d chess it was simply about taking out their legs.
Fake news
Just stop
>ISIS claims
Oh wow, ISIS sure are trustworthy aren't they?
The strike wasn't even meant to kill anyone, that would have been a happy consequence, but it wasn't the operational goal, it was to destroy the tunnel network they were making use of.
No need to destroy every molecule in the rabid dogs body, just cut the throat.
>largest bomb
oh no he still got the truth bomb which is calling out ISIS in media for overcompensating with violence for having small dicks. when he drops that it´s over, gg, isis morale crushed coz oh its true, you know it
>isis scientists and officials
I trust them though, I trust an ISIS scientist to make new and interesting explosives that won't always work and I trust an ISIS official to lie.
>ISIS in afghanistan
wow such a huge threat bravo trump i love trump now
They lie about casualties all the time.
>why would somebody lie about getting assfucked by somebody else
maybe so the world doesn't think their getting their shit pushed in like they already are?
Shut the hell up, all I was saying is that Trump had nothing to do with the strike, it was the Air Force and combined Intelligence agencies. It is pointless to even say anything to you though because you already adopted the Sup Forums group ideology.
lying is haram in islam, user
>ISIS claims...
Sounds legit.
No surprise that you believe what ISIS has to say, Mohammad.
>implying trump had any say In that call.
Thanks for the update, ISIS! I guess we'll have to just keep dropping bombs until we kill someone then. :^)
>ISIS claims
i'm sure they were innocent civilians
any chance we'll get to see this soon?
USA is on side of ISIS, isn't it obvious? All Americans kill is babies, their rape victims and people who don't like CIA.
And saying that the first use of the largest conventional weapon in the US arsenal had no effect is good propaganda for their fighter's morale shit bag.
It's hard to play with the audience against you.
It's amazing how our press doesn't hesitate to turn against him, I haven't seen something like this since the worst part of the Bush years.
And he's just starting.
Where did they get 36 dead from anyway? How would they know?
Blumpf is a fucking joke...
Because we're fighting aliens.
11 tons of bombs doesn't sound much tho.
It's more important to make the infidels look incompetent then to brag how many were brought to Allah.. they take lying for Islam seriously
Quite the opposite. They even have a word for the lies that help the jihad.