Redpilled maps

I'm learning how to use GIS and our instructor is this liberal German woman.

We have to present a map to the class and I want to do something that will trigger the liberals with "hate facts".

Any suggestions?

So far I've got
>Total bombs dropped in MidEast countries vs % refugee
>Total terrorist attacks vs % refugee population

How are these?

post the one by precinct
it's even more red

I've got this one as well

and yet he still lost the popular vote

Election votes and crime rate

Or you could do IQ

Or racism in regards to a black population

>Dat patch of Africa that averages 56

Isn't 75 Mental Retardation?
And Koko the Gorilla has an IQ of like 88

How do they not all starve or something

they should just call that the immigrant vote

These are good.
I'm wondering if I should do Total murders vs. Electoral college map.

I have never seen that one.

they do all starve though

found it


I'm thinking Country Approximate IQ vs % refugee acceptance.

I am thinking something that hits home for this woman. She had us map the birthrate of Europe and used it to justify migration.

>all that blue in alaska


Here's a better map

>tfw your precinct is the darkest blue

I'm a stranger in a strange land.

>tfw red in dark blue state
feels good

Even if that were true (it's literally just the 2012 election by county), it's a shitty map because it doesn't show how wide the crime rate can be within and between those blue areas. Also Phoenix has more crime than Boston.

makes sense

the thing about that map is that its essentially a population map. gotta be careful.

top lel

According to these maps, Mississippi ain't doing so well

Were you some how unaware? Proxy poster?

the south hasn't been doing well since reconstruction m8. although, that's also when all the blacks were freed. Makes you wonder whats correlation & what's causation.

>All but 2 Democrat states are in the highest category of hdi.
>only Republican state with high hdi is Alaska
Is it big cities? I don't get it.

56 Jesus

>in with the rest of east asia
>By late afternoon, the invigilators were trapped in a set of school offices, as groups of students pelted the windows with rocks. Outside, an angry mob of more than 2,000 people had gathered to vent its rage, smashing cars and chanting: "We want fairness. There is no fairness if you do not let us cheat."

of course its big cities. the bigger the city, the more likely it is to vote democrat. daily reminder that the minority population is highest in cities, and the minority population is always mostly democrat-voters.

i'm honestly suprised the southern states always still turn republican during elections, minus Virginia. But I guess that's because blacks aren't very likely to bother voting.

At least do a TIN or some IDW with nearest-neighbor.

You're just changing the colors of the symbology.

Write a Python script to pull some metadata from a source.

Put some effort into it, man.

Just make sure whatever you do, you research the shit out of it. There's going to be a lot of ordinance heading your way and we don't need you to make our side look retarded.

I was just being silly