>RELEASE: Inside the top secret CIA virus control system HIVE wikileaks.org/vault7/

>Today, April 14th 2017, WikiLeaks publishes six documents from the CIA's HIVE project created by its "Embedded Development Branch" (EDB).

>HIVE is a back-end infrastructure malware with a public-facing HTTPS interface which is used by CIA implants to transfer exfiltrated information from target machines to the CIA and to receive commands from its operators to execute specific tasks on the targets. HIVE is used across multiple malware implants and CIA operations. The public HTTPS interface utilizes unsuspicious-looking cover domains to hide its presence.

>Full doc: CIA orders to hack Le Pen & other French presidential candidates

Julian Assange Press Conference and Q&A on Vault 7, Year Zero and the CIA (03-09-2017): youtu.be/uxmMt4EW3PQ

Other urls found in this thread:


Honeslty someone what Wikileaks leaks is good for us to know, but how is this beneficial to leak?


Also for you the agreement, much sleepiness in the vibrant sunbeam.


fucking try to state relevant Assange. Yes, CIA does bad shit for reasons. Let's just assume they are sanctioned to do the worse, up to and including making you a non-person.

Can we move on to some actionable leaks?

it just keeps getting worse.

wait until the leak about how they can use your phone's magnetic components to hack your brain's emotions and the vaccines are acually a backdoor built into our firmware.

literally nothing would suprise me at this point. the current reality is a schizo fantasy come true.

Morals aren't always beneficial
Politics isn't always logical

pick one you enormous larping faggot

>but how is this beneficial to leak?

it is more information to inform your decisions with you retard.

CIA/FiveEyes larping.
not interested in.

Not sure either. The general public could care less since most already know your information is being collected online and the small percentage don't know and don't care at all. They'll need to release something that is like the MOAB. General public wants to know something bigger like their favorite celeb

have a bump

Julian assange is actually on the 13th dimension interfacing as a hologram, and he's currently fending off psychic vampires attempting to biologically and technologically interface up into the global hive mind of google and cabal of moloch based out of Antarctica

Wikileaks was disappointed with the poor cooperation from big business regarding their CIA cyber weapons/Vault 7 bomb shell, so they're going through the list of the weapons themselves to force a response.

Nobody cares, Trump won, the Yanks are fully sated and have stopped larping as nationalistic patriots. (((MAGA)))


I'm just not sure whether Wikileaks is a CIA honeypot or not.

They're not, "Assange is dead" was mostly pushed by CTR to discredit WikiLeaks and try and damage control for their releases on Clinton.

It was two prong and very effective propaganda campaign; "WikiLeaks works for Russia" for normies and "WikiLeaks works for the CIA" or aspies

It's suppose to derail discussion about the actual leaks.





Pompeo's denounciation of WL and Trump's support sway me, but I'm sitting on my hands for now.


I don't know what to say. In the trailer for the new Assange documentary he is seen roaming the streets of London in disguise. Why the fuck can he not show himself on the balcony or window? He is aware of the rumors and could stop them with a simple action.

More proof that Sup Forums is ALWAYS right

but nooooooooo you newfags never wanna listen.

Sup Forums = Always right

The documentary started filming before he was trapped in the embassy, I wouldn't be surprised if that clip was filmed before he was in there. I remeber him briefly having brown hair like it's dyed in that clip a few years before entering the embassy.

WikiLeaks is a threat to virtually every powerful entity in the world and after costing the globalists billions of dollars by tanking Hillary they're currently taking on the fucking CIA directly. Assassination is a real possibility if he pokes his head out a window.

Notice how this topic is argued back and forth in every WL thread, instead of THE LEAKS. That's the intention and it's working.

More fanfiction LARPing to keep all you basement dwelling autists entertained and roaming down dead ends. Friendly reminder Assange is kill.

>inb4 CTRshill

Thanks for the bump shillscum



There's more, FUCK

There are more mental illnesses you can choose from, you know.


Good points, keep spreading the message.

Talk about a compromised wiki helps the powers that be. Focus on the leaks.

Just goes to show you, just because someone is "crazy" it doesn't mean they are wrong.

Actually I think most believe their information is secure online. It's blissful ignorance apparently.

Normies put their information out there willingly.

Pompeo is the fucking swap.


>when you need to explain your unfunny joke.


Both McMaster and Pompeo are snakes in the grass? What's going on here?

Coming down frome some shrroms but i can still see a happy merchant in this picture wherever i look.



Pretty sure the deep state has consolidated the corporate media


Holy shit is there a source for this?


He also drops red pills on NSA mass surveillance later in the argument, pretty woke for a Fox news host

So are the French media all over this?


Dude thanks!

It may be important to certain groups. Probably just not the average joe

No problem, pay me back with bumps when this thread is starting to slide


Don't let CIA slide this thread!


Sauce plz

Why would anyone be surprised a kike like Blitzer is a DNC shill?

>"[al-Quada] is on our side in Syria"--email from policy advisor to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton (Feb 2012) wikileaks.org/clinton-emails/emailid/23225#efmAGIAHu

>Hillary Clinton on North Korea in private paid speech to Goldman Sachs (see attachment 1) wikileaks.com/podesta-emails/emailid/11011

Top 100 Most Damaging DNC, Clinton and Podesta WikiLeaks emails: mostdamagingwikileaks.com

Vault 7:

Yemen Files:
>The Yemen Files are a collection of more than 500 documents from the United States embassy in Sana'a, Yemen. Comprising more than 200 emails and 300 PDFs, the collection details official documents and correspondence pertaining to the Office for Military Cooperation (OMC) located at the US embassy.

>Julian Assange said: "The war in Yemen has produced 3.15 million internally displaced persons. Although the United States government has provided most of the bombs and is deeply involved in the conduct of the war itself reportage on the war in English is conspicuously rare."

Donate and support WikiLeaks mission of transparency for the powerful: shop.wikileaks.org/donate

>and to receive commands from its operators to execute specific tasks on the targets
LITERALLY BOTNET. Sup Forums was right all along

I like how he avoided everything and got off completely scot-free for the debate cheating.

>posting the edit

You have to go back >>/x/

and no one was surprised



I want to know where is the rest of Bruticus Maximus.

Its missin Onslaught and Blast Off.

Fucking Decepticons









That's about all, peace out

Why Le Pen?

Why does this guy keep getting shilled around here? What's your game?

Can someone give the short version on what they are doing to Le Pen?
Just trying to find dirt to tarnish her with or direct election meddling?



Because CIA doesn't like her, that's why.
US Deepstate works basically like the world's gestapo, and can very much fuck up your life if it desires.

As far as I can tell, it involves relevant information gathering on policies, such as economics and relations with Germany.

I'm pretty sure they just hack everyone at this point.

And why don't they like her?

Then why didn't it fuck up Trumps if it hated him so much?


Hi, I'm a captioned image and I don't have to have any real facts behind me, I just use innuendo and bullshit to trick people into believing shit.

It's pretty funny that Americans found out the CIA knows how to spy, and suddenly they all accuse the CIA of spying on them when the NSA is the one carrying out blanket domestic surveillance.

Fuckin' mongs lol

Feels good man

>accuse the CIA of spying on them when the NSA is the one carrying out blanket domestic surveillance

It's both

>I'm pretty sure they just hack everyone at this point.
That really shouldn't be legal.

Access Hollywood was their attempt.
Who do you think had the tapes? It was Billy Bush (whose father was CIA director if you remember).
They also attempted that entire sex scandal thing, which was very much operatives working in CIA to discredit him (DNC planned with RNC).

Did you not watch the election...?
Trump had to walk through hell.

Also the whole Russian conspiracy which is a complete fabrication was created largely to reign him in and keep him under control.


>when your logo is an eagle stuffed into a meat grinder

>they will fuck up your life
>well user, like, they tried

Well Trump got in line didn't he?
Pretty quickly also.

Had he continued being an anti-globalist who knows what would have happened.
Perhaps impeachment or assassination.

Now he is basically siding with the establishment on basically everything except maybe immigration... and even that I just don't know enough about other then reading some nice sounding fluff stories.

I think the idea here is hiding the truth about things takes a shit load of money and planning and they can't just make anyone disappear at any given moment.

Most would consider the "Grab em' by the pussy" tape to really fuck up your presidential run, and not to mention your business afterwards.
Thankfully Trump is a lot tougher, and he came out on top.
