I'll admit that I've pretty much been under a rock for a few weeks.
Why does everyone all of a sudden hate Trump?
I thought he was /ourguy/
I'll admit that I've pretty much been under a rock for a few weeks.
Why does everyone all of a sudden hate Trump?
I thought he was /ourguy/
Other urls found in this thread:
He was /theirguy/ all along
he's still our guy.
the leftists and muslims are infiltrating this board.
Cause he's literally flip flopped on everything and about to commit us to even more stupid wars overseas for no reason.
>pol is one person
He is, there was right-wing hysteria over a missile strike which someone must mean we are going to invade Syria like we did Iraq.
He stated endlessly at rallies that he was going to "bomb IS", reassert American strength overseas within reason and the largest military expansion in modern history.
These same people also don't remember that he also said at rallies that he was going to fill his administration with top people from the world of business and people he knew from Wall St, which he is doing. Including Gary Cohn whom he has known personally for years before running for office.
some of our worst fears of him flip flopping turned out to be true. there is cause for legitimate concern but we can't give up yet
>the leftists and muslims are infiltrating this board.
fuck off, stop spreading this falsehood you r the blogan fanboy
this, sadly
basically he turned on his base, and that leaves him open for attack and manipulation by the neocohens
Shills from shareblue..
literally the ONLY reason I was ever favorable towards Trump is because he was the only candidate against going to war in Syria
2 months in and "muh beautiful babies" and he's done an 180 degree turn
fuck him and fuck the u.s. deep state
Short answer: most of us aren't sure who's jewing who anymore
Read the Art of the Deal. He makes big asks up front and then negotiates to somewhere in the middle where everyone wins, except people who have no grasp of pragmatism.
>there was right-wing hysteria over a missile strike
don't you think that's a good thing? that we actually and unironically stuck with our principles and stuck to our guns about shit instead of endlessly rationalizing every fuckup he makes like a leftist sycophant? He isn't beyond reproach
not only that, but we made it clear that we won't follow him no matter what. we showed that you can't abandon your diehard core base without consequences
>going to war with syria
>not going to war with syria
>somewhere in the middle
He's a politician now.
And should be treated like any other politician.
I dont like a lot he's done recently. Doesnt mean I hate him. People should react to his policies and be critical on whether he represents his electorate properly. Blind personality cults and following arent good. But neither is panic
Assad bombed some chemical mine making facility that the rebels had and it killed some people, Western media hammed it up and said Assad dripped chemical bombs on them even though there were high level peace talks going on behind closed doors, Trump takes the MSM position and shoots a bunch of missiles at a Syrian airbase and talks mad shit about Assad, meanwhile Sup Forums is trying to figure out if Trump conned us and turn coated so that he doesn't get JFKd, if he's really just a retarded idiot, or if he's trying to dispell the Russian 1337 haxorz bullshit by almost starting WW3 with Russia by bombing a base where Russian airmen were stationed. However, it is important to note that Trump somehow used this to get a better negotiating position with China, as they now seem willing to help us with North Korea..
None of them were killed, only a random civilian, which is why a lot of people are spooked about Keks prophecy, for one of the signs is
>A killing bolt will shine in the night sky but will not kill
Close enough for me
Also in other news, Shia's sekrit cabin was located and his art project may once again be down
Oh and Trump used the Mother of All Bombs on a cave complex that ISIS was in as a show of force but it only killed like 50 dudes
It's organized shilling from reddit. they've been in full force. Any of the
>I voted for trump and regret it
threads are made by them, and any argument with them will result in you being called from r_donald an insulted.
people are crying over a couple million dollar potholes in syria that have done effectively nothing
Bargaining stage
The US isn't going to war in Syria
The wall is being built.
And the Muslim ban is going through the legal process.
He's going to make American Great again
He hasn't removed Assad and he has always stated that he wanted to remove ISIS. Do you just get your news from memes or do you actually do your own homework?
Yet he has said multiple times that he isn't going to war with Syria. He did say he was going to remove ISIS during his campaign though.
Why the fuck do you even care about sand niggers or american interventionism from Brazil.
isis is a scapegoat, the neocons are doing whatever the hell they want in the middle east
>trump launches missiles at a empty airbase, most miss, and the ones that hit only took out a handful of migs
>base re-operational in less than a day
>trump says later we're not going into syria
>one week has passed and nothing else has happened
yeah, i'm bargaining
>most miss
american technical incompetence has saved the day?
No you dumb faggots just jumped to conclusions. It showed how weak you are. You are literally one shill attack away from playing right into the kikes hands.
You should really stop posting and lurk more. Its because of people like you that feed shills and prefer to shitpost in threads that took no effort to make that this happened.
Stop posting and lurk more. Even if someone is really pissing you off, remember he was paid to do so, just ignore him until he brings up a valid argument with sources and more.
He fell for the McCain ruze
>He did say he was going to remove ISIS during his campaign though.
yeah, putin says they are targeting ISIS while bombing the rebels, trump says they are targeting ISIS while bombing assad, this is what is in store for us for the next few years
>Why the fuck do you even care about sand niggers or american interventionism from Brazil.
because these sandniggers you create across libya, syria, iraq and afghanistan are becoming refugees en masse and contributing to the destruction of a once white and peaceful europe (with european politicians obviously at fault too)
Oh fuck off already. Trump has already stated they are not removing Assad. We even just bombed the shit out of ISIS.
>inb4 ISIS claims ISIS is invincible to kaffir bombs
What the fuck are you thinking? They're just going to be secretly bombing and destroying Assads/ Official Russian government troops?
Not even in the cold war man.
All of them hit but one. 9 planes destroyed. 5 people killed. and (chemical weapons) gone.
wow drumpf is so incompetent. It must have just been luck lol.
I still support him. The crypto-commies have not changed my mind with their weak arguments.
>trump says they are targeting ISIS while bombing assad
This hasn't happened once and Russia would never let it happen.
You are retarded. Maybe learn a thing or two about geo politics before you start shilling.
>because these sandniggers you create across libya, syria, iraq and afghanistan are becoming refugees en masse and contributing to the destruction of a once white and peaceful europe
European nations are sovereign nations. It is up to them to stop taking migrants. Claiming that it is our fault they will take more shit skins is like claiming we'd better keep feeding those Africans with our money or they are going to enter Europe.
Fuck off.
So american technical incompetence DIDN'T save the day, and Americans have actually successfully performed a fuckup?
Because he's a fucking traitor neoconservative globalist, just like all the others.
He clearly is a psychopath, given the amazing speeches on the campaign trail vs his complete abandonment of every single person who voted for him and has been completely culturally ostracized for supporting him.
FUCK TRUMP. Nothing but a traitor. You fucking fools need to wake up and start smelling the coffee. Trump lied. His cabinet is the richest and most corrupt in history. His administration is run by Goldman Sachs executives. He has not kept a single fucking promise.
I hope he gets killed. And no I'm not "calling for violence" I'm just saying if he gets fucking killed it would be best for everyone.
>Russian Defense Ministry spokesman Maj. Gen. Igor Konashenkov said six Syrian jets were destroyed but the air base's runway was intact. He said “the combat efficiency of the U.S. strike was very low" and 23 of the 59 missiles fired by the United States reached the base. "The place of the fall of the other missiles is unknown," Konashenkov said, according to Russia's TASS news agency.
>Tillerson says Bashar al-Assad must go
>Tillerson insists Assad must go
>Tillerson hits Russia with ultimatum: Syria's Assad must go
>Rex Tillerson: 'Assad family reign is coming to an end'
>'No role for Assad': Tillerson's U-turn on Syria regime change
>Tillerson: Russia must choose between Assad and the U.S.
This is what happens when you make an oil hungry CEO your Secretary of State.
They have no need to remove assad since they can just destabilize the area anytime they want using isreal supply lines. isis is losing the fight and they have been, its a complete front and theres hundreds of other islamic extremists groups in the middle east
newest and weakest copypasta
It would've gone both ways. Trump has sucked dick for a while but at least the ISIS attack is one step closer to his promise on getting rid of them. Still, even with his blatant abandonment of everything he "stood" for, I'm still grateful we got him instead of Hillary. The lib tears were worth it.
More like
>never going to war
>going to war a lot
somewhere in the middle being
>going to war a little and getting it out of the way in his first term.
war is not this black and white thing.
>implying a disagreement must be copypasta
Fuck you, you fucking reddit filth. You have pissed me off in ways you cannot imagine. WHAT'S YOUR EMAIL??
anyone who says they've turned on Trump is a liar
100% scripted narrative
>This hasn't happened once and Russia would never let it happen.
It will certainly happen >It is up to them to stop taking migrants.
All european nations have signed both the 1951 Refugee Convention and the 1967 Protocol Relating to the Status of Refugees. These are pieces of international law with as much weight as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights or the Geneva Convention for humanitarian treatment in war.
These displaced people have rights and the signatory states have clear obligations towards them. One of them is to not return them to their original countries if they face serious threats to their lives. This is international LAW.
Of course a warmongering nation like the U.S. doesn't give a shit about this. What matters are the profits of the military industrial complex. Your nation will pay the price one day and your leaders will go down in history as bloodthirsty tyrants and your people as blind, fat and scared sheeple.
>the wake up and smell the coffee bit didnt tip you off.
you are a fool to not see that trump has turned to the globalists agenda, and simply denying it is not helpful
>I'll hire the best people, folks. Believe me
Trump is so fucking fat and dumb
He's a kike puppet and has been all along.
People here were too blinded by the liberal butthurt to notice.
Easy mistake.
We don't need to destroy ISIS, ISIS is already dying and has lost over half of its territory in the last 6 months. Syria's and Iraq's governments can take them out at this point.
Still /ourguy/, we just got a shit ton of new shills
And they're still blinded. They'll follow Jeff Rense, Henry Makow, Eric Jon Phelps, Occidental Obs, Incogman, DailyStormer, Breit, or some other zio shill pretending to be a Great Hero Fighting Za Globalist soon after. They are incapable of understanding even the most basic tools of deception.
He said he was going to let the military do what they think is best, and they are. They are not sending troops, they are only dropping bombs and letting ANSF do their job.