Calm down mods this is a Korea thread not a FaceApp thread

Calm down mods this is a Korea thread not a FaceApp thread


I just had to check.








main stream meteor where?



Some 1 do pepe pl0x


whatchu looking at? givme that cake


updated roll


Requesting this guy




Old Shapiro looks like erdogan lol


who's on 5?

Female brendan is pretty hot


Dyke Pence.

no requests, download the app yourself dumb nigger

>get nothing


Fem-Shkreli a cute

is it weird to want to fuck the female version of yourself?


you forgot 0

rollin for waifutin

That's Trey Gowdy you retards.


in b4 cp banned for using young filter

This is Dyke pence

>is it weird
No, wanting to fuck something that looks like yourself is normal


Trumpina coming through

i mean you wouldnt be alone


Alexa Jones

godamn! totally a GILF

I understand trans people now

No, the app uses features from models and actresses. Its way too generous for what you fags would look like as ladies.

more like Fey Gowdy

Billary Clinton

C'mon Tammy Carlson c'mon

Looks hotter than Lauren Southren


Josephina Stalin

hot damn

Turtle gas attack?

My flatmate looks like young Joseph Stalin

That's wrong. Do one of yourself, it doesn't use other people's features it just feminizes your own.

her name is miranda cosgrove fyi

He had trans potential



Is there a way to use this app with pictures straight from my hard drive? I don't have a smart phones.

I tried it but it came out shit.

This isn't Stalin you dumb cunt

Mine is better.


No, it doesn't. The simple explanation is that the standards for male beauty are just higher and those Plain Jane versions men post from themselves seem like an upgrade to the usual girls they try to date.

rulin for deb!

Yes it it

Why is Putin so aesthetic?


>that smile

No it isn't, it comes up on Google because lots of stupid people bought the lie. The guy that actually looks like Stalin is young Stalin. This fuck does not even have the same facial make up as Stalin


>Hot Sam is Charls

Then who the fuck is it?



This is sick.

The pic is even in Wikipedia, who do you think it is?

It's Castro you fucking retard.

Don't give them ideas

Do you want to fug?

Is this fake Stalin too?

this faceapp shit is terrifying
they have your face they can make anyone look like you, make you look like anyone, it's fucking horrifying!
they could make me look like a sexy woman for harambe's sake! think about what if my wife's son were to see that!!!


>pictures are saved to global databank
>technology is used to paste your femanised face on porn
>people start masturbating to themselves without even knowing it
>new world order is established



>people start masturbating to themselves without even knowing it

Thought you could straight from the google play store. Has an install button, so give it a shot.


This app is really fucking accurate, my female self looks like my sister.

meant for

my older self looks like the milkman


More like I understand why girls take so many god damn selfies now.