America has the M.O.A.B
Russia has the F.O.A.B
F.O.A.B( father of all bombs) is 4 times more powerful than the American M.O.A.B
America has the M.O.A.B
Russia has the F.O.A.B
F.O.A.B( father of all bombs) is 4 times more powerful than the American M.O.A.B
When they can afford one
We don't even know if that weapon its real, it could be a scamm
Fucking leaf phoneposter
>literally just a barrel with fins
Just because US dropped a bigass bomb, now everyone is gonna measure how big their dicks are?
They are not going to use unless it's necessary.
Kekistani MOAM
Fake bomb like how they like their news
Fuck lets just team up and have fun bombing sand niggers together with our massive weapons
ITs like the avengers but with countrys
>foab literally the apex male of bombs.
Lmao cuckm, even your bigger bomb is female.
Fuckign femenist.
i mean, why not? It's cheaper to use than dismantle. Also, it'd be the best 'fuck you' ever.
Hey, OP. You know why they call it the "Mother of All Bombs"?
Because it weighs 11 tons just like your mom.
When their next soyuz rocket fails and exploded which may be coming sooner than you think!
The tomahawk strike had 15 times the tonnage as the MOAB strike.
I know right?
Maybe the bloodthirsty lefties will finally be cool with Russia, just for the combined snk(sand nigger kills)/hour a "working partnership" would provide
Proofs Ivan. Show the world what you got faggot
>to use
On what? The US one was dropped for a specific reason, and on a specific target.
Starting to bomb everything with these would be absolutely nonsensical.
>ITs like the avengers but with countrys
where is the livestream?
>america invents yet another cool military device
>russians scramble to trace the design and enlarge it by 4x
But they have completely different design. Our is thermobaric.
Also, looks like this all will end with Father Of All Moms (R-28) .
>russia being obsessed with having everything bigger than the US despite being fucked royally every war
>that wasn't the most powerful american bomb
it was the most powerful american bomb they want to be known in public knowledge
you're just compensating. i doubt they even made more than 1 bomb so put could jerk off and go home
How do you even pack 60 million tons of TNT in that thing, like seriously?
Ayyy lmao
your moab like any other marican woman are fat and ugly.
our Foab are tryly aryan of the bombs.
have you heard of atoms my dude?
the moab is fat compared to standard russian bombs, yes
They have to Fold the TNT Like sheets
buh dum tsh
Ya deactivated atoms
This wiki page doesn't reek of slavsmalldickism at all
tovarishch, capitalist explosion is weak! Slav science makes our bomb 4x as big even though its about half the size!
>When will Russia use the F.O.A.B?
never, because russians are not violent primitive thugs
>Russia is Motherland
>has the Father of all bombs
>US is ????
>has the mother of all bombs
Are we the fatherland now!?
What happens when father of all bombs loves the mother of all bombs very much?
>make one (1) prototype "weapon" after the US makes the largest functional bomb ever
>this is done simply because you cannot handle issues with your own inadequacies
>never make another because it wasn't actually a bomb in the first place, and instead just a large propane tank that you dropped from high up
when will Germany drop my wive's son of all bombs
>>When will Russia use the F.O.A.B?
>never, because russians are not violent primitive thugs
When Russia can find a plane that works.
this coming from the offspring of brutal russian gang-rape sessions
100MT nuke when?
Calm down you dumbass
Russia has more nukes than anybody
Yes and then we can nuke the gooks together too
>citing wikipedia
There's an initial blast that releases a cloud of flammable metal which is then ignited
A steel beam cloud if you would
Who is the step sister of all bombs? I wanna see her.
The moment they build a plane that can deploy it or a guided missile system that is effective.
What happens if we ducktape them together and drop them at the same time?
>mexican intellectuals
hydraulic press
Burgers BTFO yet again
surely the best way to have an international posturing match or new cold war would be to use more and more impressive tech in blowing away mussies. instead of wasting money on getting to the moon the US could waste money on a really extravagant bomb which makes terrorists' skin turn inside out
Too bad Trump did a 180 on that.
So many lulz could have been had.
this guy gets it
Are you reta-
Magic. White people magic.
You get an amount of dakka that is sufficient to get serious about achieving point of 'enough dakka for now'.
I'd assume, a 500MT cobalt-spiced nuke is what you get.
Delivered by this Swan.
>he thinks wikipedia is a source of information and not just a compilation of other sources
everyone point at him and laugh
>claims russia
Why does the MOAB look like it was built in a shed?
truly impressive how your country copied the B-1
No, everyone who isn't an idiot knows this.
> In describing the destructive power of "FOAB", deputy chief of the Russian general staff Alexander Rukshin was quoted as saying, "all that is alive merely evaporates.
Okay, you've successfully triggered me.
'Took parts of the design and made an actually good nuclear bomber' is not quite 'copied', amerifat.
Is this a new meme?
>(insert group here) claims
Isn't it known Russia has a massive stockpile of cherry bombs 5000s?
nukes everywhere
Yeah and the S-400 can shoot down everything....
E-except Tomahawk missles... ooo
>not pictured: ghost in the shell
>posting the mobile link
>not using a PC
gas yourself you stupid mexican. Pol is for PC users only.
Hard to shoot down shit when you don't bother launching missiles because you haven't deployed them...
Oh, of course, and also Assad surely did the chemical attack.
'Cause that's what you do when you want people to like you as you are close to winning a very bloody civil war.
Badly written sarcasm aside. Once you're winning, you have a reputation to uphold to the enemy won't have the moral highground.
That's precisely why Soviet Union in 1945 demanded 'fair' trial for the nazis instead of just shooting or hanging them straight away.
That aside, the whole story is fishy. I get a feeling our paranoid as ever ministry of defense thought the attack was meant to poke at the S-400s to see their limits.
What is Russia compensating for?
USA builds MOAB
Then Russia builds larger FOAB
USA detonates 15 Megaton H bomb
Russia detonates 50 Megaton Tsar Bomba H bomb.
It's like they all have small penises.
>thinks he is Aryan
Slavs are the niggers of europe
>be such a pathetic country you have to copy superior US tech to make your own planes
>still has nothing that compares to the B-2
no different than china, stay mad vlad
t. Stole military aircraft design secrets from USSR
Didn't Russia claim like less than half the Tomahawks hit their targets? Even though the after footage shows 58 of 59 hit...
tsar bomb is a nuke...
Deutschland ist unser Vaterland.
>Who is the step sister of all bombs?
the designated shitting street during rush hour.
>have such a pathetic intelligence service that soviet bluff in 40s-50s went by fully bought until soviets actually got enough nukes to oppose US
That's pretty shameful, burger.
Same as 58,315 dead and 153,303 wounded over a false flag your very own government started, and that's not counting untold billions of dollars worth of ordnance, planes, tanks.
Apparently only 20-something targets were hit, because multiple Tomahawks were used on the same targets. The US expected that anti-missile defenses were going to be a problem, but not a single anti-missile missile went up.
Since the Russians were told about the attack in advance, they were aware Trump was virtue signalling and didn't bother to intercept anything. They probably also knew the airfield wasn't in any great danger, and that normal operations could resume immediately.
>stealth bomber
And then i remember that 1 in 4 americans belive that sun orbit the earth.
Your country hasn't designed anything good since the kalashnikov.
Lets stop meming for a second and acknowledge the fact that the entire cold war was your shitty ass country LARPing as a world power by desperately making shittier copies of every piece of tech the US invented.
>Same as 58,315 dead and 153,303 wounded over a false flag your very own government started, and that's not counting untold billions of dollars worth of ordnance, planes, tanks.
this reminds me of when the same intelligence service you're making fun of managed to drag your entire country into an islamic hellhole that ultimately bankrupted your country in the 80's
>mexican intellectuals
>Your country hasn't designed anything good since the kalashnikov.
The situation is more nuanced. They've copied a lot of our aircraft designs, mostly because testing aircraft is really expensive and Communism can't afford that.
At the same time, they've got some of the most advanced ICBMs and missile systems in the world. Also, as of now, they have the most advanced MBT in production.
>but muh broke down
No, the driver was a total noob and stalled it while switching gears. It drove away without any help.
If that's the case, you'd not gleefully rub hands when ukrainians willingly cut up their nuclear-capable bombers and handed over their nukes for meager millions of dollars.
And the best part is, burger, while we were enslaved by a commie regime, you were bled dry by a regime that slowly became Marxist, partially with our help.
How does it feel to lose the long war? I truly, though, wish Trump saves you from the hell that SJW scum are dragging you into.
Or that one time they failed to notice nukes being brought to a small island nation until they were ready to melt New York and Florida.
Also, Soviet Union isn't my country, I was born after it dissolved. Good thing, too, commies are a blight.
Not quite that, but we're on our way there. There's still a hell to test with it, but I'm honestly impressed we could make something like T-14, given our current state.
thanks for reminding me
Tbh the same amount of Russians believes that too.
Well aren't you the smart one. So $20 Trillion of national debt means you can afford any weapons you want. Absolutely moronic.
Premium bantz are premium
i kek'd
also checked
Nice b8