Christian Alliance General

For Catholics, Coptics, Orthodox, and Protestants alike, we are all brothers and sisters in Christ.

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No, Protestants might as well be mudslimes, absolute degeneracy.

Keep infighting, infidel. Meanwhile we will be making babies with your women.

Your infighting is a shade more bloody m8!

>tfw superior Protestant

Have fun sitting in purgatory forever heathen scum.

well this started well

>sitting in purgatory forever
I'm not even Catholic and I know that purgatory doesn't work that way.

Why would atheists side with islam? They're like the biggest enemeis

You're right, on the day of judgement you get to go get ass-fucked by the fallen star, followed by cleanse.

I was raised protestant and I trust Papists about as far as I can throw them. I hate their doctrine and their giant byzantine organization.
But if the call for Crusade came I would take it up to defend Christendom all the same. They may be retarded papists but they're sons of God anyway.

The fools in this thread is why I will never identify as Christian.

May the Lord have mercy on your evil and aggressive souls.

>All these predictions and not one Bible verse to support them
No wonder you guys kept Bibles out of the hands of peasants, can't have them calling you out on your bullcrap.

>they're like the biggest enemies


fuck off, you are basically the same as the jews

fourth crusade never forget

Methodist reporting in
>inb4 cuck jokes, I'm the conservative kind

Friendly reminder that Israel/CIA/Shariablue create religious threads in an attempt to cause infighting among us. It's classic D&C (divide and conquer). Ignore religion threads: the OP is NEVER sincere with his questions or points. It all just to start a fight.

I haven't met a single atheist who supports islam and every muslim I've seen interviewed wants to kill atheists, most of all

>fourth crusade never forget
Protestants didn't cause the 4th Crusade, that was Catholics.

They have better, the works of the saints, something you wouldn't even come close to being able to gasp. People who have thought on the bible so far that they could perform miracles on our plain of existence. The quickest way to god is through the saints and philosophers in tandem with the Bible. This is why the church kept the Bible out of public reach for so long, because you're all stupid and are going to take the words of God in the wrong context.

>People who have thought on the bible so far that they could perform miracles on our plain of existence.
>deny people thinking on the Bible

Saints also thought on the words of other saints and philosophers with the Bible. There is a good consistency between their works. They were all mostly educated monks, priest, or just major Christian historical figures that did amazing things. All of which imply a class higher than peasant.

>People who have thought on the bible so far that they could perform miracles on our plain of existence
John 14:12-14. You don't need to be a special "saint" to perform miracles, and it's sad that the church has drilled that idea into your head.

>because you're all stupid and are going to take the words of God in the wrong context
Galatians 1:8. It's awfully easy to deceive the people when they are unable to know the true gospel from the one your preaching to them.

Heavenly father, please stop OP from being a faggot. May your holy electricity smite him. Amen.




You didn't use Christ-chan for that post, shame on you.

>John 14:12-14
You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it.

>Galatians 1:8
But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let them be under God’s curse!

Thank you user.

I'm Christian (not any denomination) because there's no denominations in the Bible. It's a silly concept that divides Christians. We need to unite against our enemies, most of all Islam

Checked for Kek and for Lord Jesus. This is correct.

Atheism has two sides, SJW cucks and certain fedora shitters who simply like to be left alone (and in the process they hate Islam a lot since it intrudes on their society)

But it was their faith what made them amazing things, not their education or status. The apostles themselves weren't chosen solely from the high classes or the monks.

They Were given the power to forgive sins John 20
And were given the ability to perform signs The Whole Acts of the Apostles

whoops, made them do amazing things*

how does this relate to my reply?

Holy shit, what a cringy image. Remembered of a "trend" here in Brazil of 14 yo kids posting this kind of stuff like they was some kind of warriors or something like that.

The only "war" I see right now is from freedom, and Islam is right in the middle of this. But "war" like "cristians x atheists/islam"? nah, m8, respect the person next to you and don't be an asshole, and then you don't have a reason to attack other people's believes; that's how life should work

They were a different class because God allowed them to be born of that class. They earned the power to forgive sins based on their class and their faith.

> be Protestant
> accuse Catholics of being pagans
> actively try to divorce Christian festivals to make society pure
> remove God from everywhere in society as it appears to be pagan
> create a godless society
> pic related is the product of Protestantism creating a pure Christian world

Any day of the week lads.

Any day of the week I would love to fight with y'all and retake the Constantinople.

The most pathetic thing I've every heard.

What is the charge of the Light Brigade?

>tfw Baptist and neither protestant or catholic
We were never part of the Catholic church so how could we be protesting against the hierarchy?

How about we start with our own countries?

Purgatory doesn't exist you illiterate city person.

All saved people are saints you illiterate twit. My grandmother is literally a saint.

This is how I know you have never cracked open a Bible let alone read one.

You really do disgust me. May the Lord have mercy on us both.


Whats the difference between Catholic and Orthodox?

>twf 99% of so called christians will never answer
>tfw superiour Christian aka Protestant

>Protestants reject the authority that created the Biblical canon in the first place
>Catholics bend the knee to the single most cucked institution in existence
Can't we all just agree that worshiping the God of the Jews was a bad idea to begin with?


That would make no sense. They earned the power when they were called because of their faith.


Also, the Church of the East needs our help!!

Quick rundown:
>Orthodox priest can get married
>Orthodox cross their arms while undergoing confession
>Main language is Greek or Russian

>Not knowing the difference


Why do you hate Catholics so much, separated brother? Posting insults feels nice but stokes the fire. Suppose your theology is 100% correct, do you really think it's doing God's will to spread faith with hate, swearing, insults? No one is listening except to find fault in you.

>2 Tim 24-25

Brother Nathanael is based, and may we one day be one again.

The Lord's Prayer

>And when thou prayest, thou shalt not be as the hypocrites are: for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and in the corners of the streets, that they may be seen of men. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward. But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly.

>But when ye pray, use not vain repetitions, as the heathen do: for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking. Be not ye therefore like unto them: for your Father knoweth what things ye have need of, before ye ask him.

>After this manner therefore pray ye:
>Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name.

>Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.

>Give us this day our daily bread.

>And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.

>And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen. For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you: But if ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.
What did Jesus mean by this?


Great song

I've had dozens of debates with all different types of Catholics over years and years, because I'm super familiar with the Bible. And every single time I BTFO of them, they resort to, and I with paraphrase here:
>I don't care if it's wrong! I'll always be Catholic.

Your sect (not just yours) is bullshit. And if you really, truly, deeply cared about that book you claim to follow, you'd've read it multiple times and realized it on your own.

now this is /comfy/

Keep slurping on that pope cock you piece of shit.

Now now, that sort of thing isn't productive. Keep it civil m8, it is Easter.

That's nice, about 3mins in.

Hey pol, why did King Solomon receive 666 talents of gold every year?

Daily reminder that only JEWS will try to subvert us.

>Orthodox priest can get married
So could Catholic priests up until a few hundred years ago, so when Orthodoxy was created this wasn't a difference. And it won't remain a difference for long as the Vatican are probably going to accept married men as priests again soon anyway.
>Orthodox cross their arms while undergoing confession
Minor difference; barely worth mentioning. All children yet to recieve first communion must do this also in Catholic churches in order to recieve the priests blessing.
>Main language is Greek or Russian
Main orthodox countries are Greece and Russia. go figure. That's like asking what's the difference between Irish Catholicism and French Catholicism; and then answering; the French Catholics speak French.

You're not even trying.


I was Mormon. Now, I am Norwegian Protestant ever since I converted to be able to marry my wife. I am not really that religious or spiritual anymore, though.


>Not knowing that Lord of the Rings literally describes Islamic endtimes and apocalypse

Coming back to my baptized faith never felt so good!

Saruman is the Pope and church while Gandalf is a true christian

It seems to be mainly about the Pope and where the seat of power is; Rome or Constantinople. Now, power is moving out of that region towards Moscow and Russia, so that part of the religion is obviously more flexible than at first it appeared.

Other than this there seems to be a minor quibble about a one or two words in the bible and what they mean. But I think this is just an excuse; they want to keep power in their region and they don't want to bow to the Pope. That's it.

In this sense, the Orthodox are like most protestants. The current Pope Francis seems to have dialled back a lot of what the former Popes used to do in an effort to appeal more to the Eastern churches (maybe?) idk. But either way it doesn't seem to have worked much, if at all.



>Quick rundown:
>Orthodox priest can get married
>Orthodox cross their arms while undergoing confession
>Main language is Greek or Russian

Isn't this Eastern, and not exclusively Orthodox, though?

God doesn't give people "classes" based on birth, it was their faith that allowed those miracles to happen, faith that anyone can attain, not just an elite class of "saints".
>Matthew 17:20

If i am catholic and made ''the confirmation'', can i still turn protestant or am i beyond saving?

Thread reflection for all Christians
> 3 The teachers of the law and the Pharisees brought in a woman caught in adultery. They made her stand before the group 4 and said to Jesus, “Teacher, this woman was caught in the act of adultery. 5 In the Law Moses commanded us to stone such women. Now what do you say?” 6 They were using this question as a trap, in order to have a basis for accusing him.

But Jesus bent down and started to write on the ground with his finger. 7 When they kept on questioning him, he straightened up and said to them, “Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her.”
John 8.3-7

>John 14:12-14
You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it.
Not sure how this differs from the beliefs of Catholics tbqh. Care to explain?

Of course you can still become a protestant, no one is beyond saving, all sins can be forgiven.

What denomination are you thinking of joining?

>John 14:12-14.
You don't need to be a special "saint" to perform miracles, and it's sad that the church has drilled that idea into your head.

What idea? That people who have extraordinary faith and love of God, can be His instruments? They aren't some special "caste" - everyone is supposed to strive for sainthood, some people just take this vocation more seriously than others.

These spooks are ineffective man.

I actually have no idea what denominations are, i've been told catholic is the way to go and that i can't change of religion because i did the confirmation ceremony

>and that i can't change of religion because i did the confirmation ceremony
The Catholic church has this weird thing where anyone who was ever baptized by them, even if it was in infancy, is then considered a part of their church.

However, who they think is part of their church has no effect on you. In the eyes of God you can always switch over to Protestant at any time.

It's just a schism bro. Same theology - different hierarchies.

so could easter be the second coming of christ?

>While they were eating, he took a loaf of bread, and after blessing it he broke it, gave it to them, and said, “Take; this is my body.” Then he took a cup, and after giving thanks he gave it to them, and all of them drank from it. He said to them, “This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many.

>"This is my blood...."
>Say "amen"
>don't partake

You're literally trolling the creator of the universe with your idiocy. Stop fucking with the communion and come back into Orthodoxy like a proper person.

egoism is more of a confusing ideology than king crimson

If we end up having a full blown nuclear war, the apocalypse will be upon us. I hope he comes of course.

Every liturgy is, in a sense, the second coming.

Of The Second Coming (Eschaton, the end of time) no one knows the hour or the time.

will he come in a nuclear radiation suit?
or will he become turkish and biologically gain resistance against radiation?

don't be silly

Yeah, interesting. What is the basis for not drinking the wine anyway? Recently I have been to a number of Catholic ceremonies were they do drink the wine, so maybe it is changing in places, but you raise a good point nonetheless.

Revelation 9:15 is close at hand

let's just agree to disagree friend

Also don't forget that elsewhere in the NT, it basically says that no one should argue over different interpretations of the bible text. So if you we are really adamant about trying to follow the word to the best of our abilities (and I'm certain that we are) then we must make allowances for this and for different interpretations without getting bent out of shape.

Praise Christ!

Also, Happy 500th Anniversary this year!

I'll do her asshole for her

Muslim here
Would someone care to explain the difference between the different sects of Christianity?

>not wanting to creampie christ chan for the sole purpose of procreation

I don't deny right to interpretation. I don't mind using grape juice or even water if the need is great enough. Communion is fully legitimate if it is given in form of water and bread IF, for example, someone is allergic. When and where there is no excuse - we all ought to use wine and bread. Any kind of wine, any kind of bread - but use both.

I honestly forgot. I've heard of various interpretations: In order not to risk spilling it; to protect it from desecration (I guess people would "save" it and then use it for spells and shit.
In any case, it's like with the cup and spoon thing. It used to be everyone partaking directly from the cup, but for the reasons cited above and/or others the Orthodox now use (one, ugh) spoon.

oh well.

If you changed your entire world view for a person, as romantic as that is, it seems you weren't that spiritual to begin with, user. Good luck.

As a son of Europa I will stand with Christians to purge the scum from our lands.