how strong is the alliance between Sup Forums and /lgbt/?
How strong is the alliance between Sup Forums and /lgbt/?
It doesn't exist
but OP is a Massive Faggot
kys faggot
People here are generally okay with LGBT as long as it isn't brought up every second.
like this digit
i will be okay if LGTB are in gas chambers testing some new neurotoxin so, they can be cured or die in the try, worth it
Stronger than you might think.
Same as mlpol.Eternal and unbreakable.
Of course...
there's no alliance, we ok with them as long as they keep their shenanigans in the bedrooms. Gay pride is problematic... there's nothing to be proud of.
Faggots are a good propaganda tool for getting SJWs to support the development of artificial wombs. Women are born nation wreckers that will be done away with.
>eternal and unbreakable
We're dating /mlp/ now, just find another board LGBTQQ
kys faggots
neck yourself faggots
/wrists faggots
literally zero
>ywn haver a qt trap nazi gf
typical fagget head-case behavior... they think everyone wants to fuck them, but we're just grudgingly putting up with them as we fight our instincts telling us to cave their skull in with a heavy rock
I wanted to post that.
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Faggots destroy nations
They're the last stand of the white race
Well, the SA was full to the brim with fags and beat the shit out of commies in the streets.
But the SA also got murdered for being too close to socialist. So I'd say about 75%?
EVERYsingle time. That I make a Nordic superiority, posting pictures of Link as an example of what we scandinavians look like, or even of myself for that matter. Twelve posters comment on how much they like Link's trap outfit in Legend of Zelda.
One time I posted a picture of myself, some guy from monte negro baited me into posting two more, then he began talking with his degenerate tendencies! Gay is degenerate! It is especailly common amongst black males who want their white "boiz", fucking nasty niggers. The guy from monte negro is stalking every thread I make. He wants my butt, I can sense it!
We are beautiful! Not gay! Link is not gay, he likes Zelda.
But... I have to say... There must be MANY gays on this board. And they all want blonde, blue eyes, scandinavian people. UGH!
Do you not like Skam? Best TV show of last year desu.
There's nothing wrong with loving your battle brothers user.
post boipucci Linkfag
so how gay trump is from scale of 1 to OP?
does donaldo "no homo" "put it in putin" "peepee in poopoo" "taste the rainbow" trump google for male nudes? does he dream of sweet dicks in the white house? get blacked with obama?
They're disease spreading faggots, there is no alliance. Just fags that pretend there is.
It can't be Putin. Putin and George are still going together.
They're not really gay, the way I see it.
They're just young wild sexually free teenagers discovering the different aspects of themselves through each other. I bet they will grow up to be perfectly normal family men, perhaps even better, having lived out their curiousity, instead of wondering about what experiences are available, idealizing it to something more than it is.
Basicly just a fucking normal upbringing. I know you guys are all so fat and ugly you hardly even wanna hug each other. But in Noray it is very normal to have very close friendships at that age.
Whoever is /lgbtqptn+/, including (((Milo))) should be burnt at stake
They are anathema to the maintenance of a morally healthy and progressive society. Their blood be upon them.
You are that weird gay guy that rambles about how its ok to experiment with guys at a young age. You are fucked in the head, mate.
We gas you last.
>tfw no NatSoc bf pounding my boipussy right now
Oh fug! Seizing.
tends to be 0
With /k/, it tends to be bretty gud, and it has never been higher than it was with /mlp/ for some reason
How feminine are you?
traps and transgirls were made to get fucked by rightwing men
This. The inntersection of /lgbt/ and Sup Forums are th useful idiots of the later to manipulate the former
Which would be compised of mra's, mgtows, Milofags, etc
Twink status, not trap status
We are better friends with /mlp/ apparently/
It's funny because /lgbt/ actually think we like them and that they won't be the first to go on the day of the rope.
>Twink status, not trap status
Best status desu.
Come at me when you can make up something a little bit for reflective than that.
Of course it is completely normal to experiment before you have fully formed your own individual sexual tastes. It is also normal to eat a bunch of dishes before you decide on your favourite dish.
This is rocket science. You ugly stupid lard whale.
>About as strong as the length of time Sup Forums hasn't gotten laid times the number of drinks Sup Forums has imbibed.
this thb senpai
Post feet
The alliance is very strong indeed. Sup Forums stands against bigotry and other buzzwords, btw check out this gay guy with a MAGA hat
Are you some shill gathering data?
I dont understand
You wanna know why gays are so bad? I'll tell you.
Homosexuality is the result of a genetic disorder. Schizophrenia is also the result of a genetic disorder. Now, imagine for a moment, if you will, that the Government passed a law requiring you to indulge schizos in their delusions. Some homeless fuck on the street wobbles up to you one day and says he's Napoleon Bonaparte, and you have to agree despite knowing damn well that crazy bastard never once in his life conquered Egypt. But it's the law. How would you feel? What would this mean for society? How does it relate to gays? Because, despite homosexuality being a genetic disorder, everyone who is actually normal has to pretend homosexuals are good, normal people. Because it's the law. So what are gays doing about their disorder? Are they demanding Government funding for discovering a cure for their sexual abnormality? Of course not! But even the schizophrenic, who has absolutely no grasp on reality, will eventually seek treatment! How worse off are the gays, who are more deluded and confused than the mentally ill. No. The faggot rubs his abominable, unnatural sexuality in the face of society. When we otherwise wouldn't care about his sexuality, he rubs it in our faces and makes sure we know just how big of a queer he is. And lastly, what's worst than all, is the fact gays are more likely to catch sexually transmitted diseases, be raped, indulge in pedophilia, and get murdered than heterosexual people. But does this humble the gay community? Of course not! They hide their fear of AIDS by acting flamboyant, once again making sure you know they're gay, as they double-down on degeneracy.
That's why gays are bad and God will one day destroy them (by providing man with a cure for homosexuality).
Okay, like this.
This is not gay. I don't see an exclusively gay couple in this picture.
Who here sees an exclusively gay couple making out in this pic? I see two sexaully confused angsty teenagers, who kind of accidentally fall in love, because they both have somewhat feminine features.
This can happen at an age where you look like that. I would say 16-18. Absolutely nothing gay about it, it could happen to the best. It is just an unintended side-effect of being attracted to featurs like smooth skin, round faces etc. Stuff that over time will dissapear, and then you will start dating women.
THIS IS THE TRUTH. You may not like it, but you can't deny it. I prefer the truth over the "muh gay is not a choice, give me more money!"
im straight but i love tomboys and traps. what does this mean?
redpill me on the 71? star flag
equivalent of a flashbang for chan-to-tumblr warfare
>but i love tomboys and traps
That you love the thrill and the "taboo" aspect of it.
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The redpill is realising gay/straight is a Jewish lie.
even when i was in elementary school i would always crush on the boyish girls though. never really liked the princess types.
We're adding a couple new states. Want to volunteer?
How would Sup Forums react in this situation?
Didn't the gauls love some homo action? Or are these historical researches all fake/kike founded?
>that top right
wtf I love traps now!
>muh scandis
I probably look more Aryan than you
Post face
You know Plato is calling you trap loving faggots unwise and dishonourable right?
Dumb yank
Two things:
A) You're actually bi.
B) Sex is about power, the bottom gives up power to the top. It's not strange for a masculine man to want to dominate the feminine, be it male or female.
Cute and convincing traps should be left alone, it's the ugly ones that should be shot.
what if he was your son?
Would you say that his sexuality was set in stone, or that he is sexually confused.
I'd say he should grow it off and get a gf!
I'm way more based than all of Sup Forums on this issue. You guys lose your brain over this shit.
>british literacy
I get that, but WHY THE FUUUUCK would another guy let you stick your junk in his junk?
>Implying you can be more than one class
Good golly dude, almost all of that wall of text is tangential as heck. The first part isn't an issue with homosexuality but an issue with the government overstepping and trampling freedoms because of feels. This is due to the second tangential issue you brought up, attention whoring sjw types promoting gay pride and other garbage instead of just assimilating into the background, not homosexuality itself. Aids, pedophilia and murder are all pretty decent points though. Also, just sayin, schizophrenics almost never seek treatment and actually have a serious trend of thinking they don't need meds and having a psychotic break until they get forced to take meds and the cycle repeats (revolving door phenomena)
Anal is disgusting,bjs and frotting is where it's at desu.
sex without penetration is not really sex though
You sound like a closet homo. Do you tell yourself this bullshit while you jerk off to boys?
you can penetrate a mouth or fist
>attention whoring sjw types promoting gay pride and other garbage instead of just assimilating into the background
This is literally because of women btw,it's pretty much feminism vol.2.Women,not even once.
What user said,anal is overrated and glorified through all this porn.
You're the closet homo expert I guess.
I am only saying that if your son tells you he likes boys, you can either go "Guess its settled then, you're gonna be gay for the rest of your life" OR "Nah, you like girls, you're not gonna like your friend when he grows a beard and lots of musky bodyhair. You're gonna grow up to like girls, that is what you like".
Your kind of thinking is what gets 5 year olds on HRT. Go fuck yourself you perverted old freak!
You can be red pilled on anything but if the hghlight of your life revolves around putting a feces coated dick in your mouth then find new friends. Hopefully you'll bond over mouthwash.
I think it's just anyone who has a victim complex and refuses to accept their own failings and instead blame everyone else and force them to change. Women/blacks/gays are just constantly told from birth that any failing is due to oppression and never have to do any personal growth.
meme tier alliance - Sup Forums & /lgbt/
Shit tier alliance - /mlpol/
Bro tier alliance - Sup Forums & /out/
OK tier alliance - Sup Forums & /his/
Unstoppable God tier alliance of glory - Sup Forums & /k/
Common Filth is right about all of you
Do you feel in charge of your board..?
I agree completely.What i find funny though is that gay men are starting to get ostracized from the rest of their alphabet soup for being "more privileged than the rest",hence my focus on women.
2/10 because of Milo and that weird alt-right tranny
Still Navy are you surprised?
You're definitely right on that, it's basically entirely radical feminist lesbians who ruin LGBT for everyone. They hate gays for right, they hate bisexuals for liking men, they hate FtM for being traitors selling out for "privilege", they hate MtF for "stealing" their gender. It's a shit show and I refuse to be part of the community because of them. LGBT in general needs to learn to be actual people and not just defined entirely by their gender or orientation.