Without firing a single (1) (one) bullet.
Islam will rule the west
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You lack leadership skills, even if you were a majority you'd still not be leaders, you'd be cattle. Just like in the Roman Empire.
without doing any conflict we will outbreed you in 20 years and appoint our governments anyway. no need for violence my cumsk*n "friend"
Islam without the good weather wouldn't be the same. Islam requires palm trees, a nice oceanview and a pina colada.
You live in a warm country man, why are you not outside in the sun, playing sports, talking to girls, enjoying life?
fuck off normiescum
>You lack leadership skills
>last empire existed 600 yrs
Turks will pay for their crimes against the Greeks and Armenians and shall be routed from their roach holes in Asia Minor.
When you cross the red line you will face mass deportation in a barbarous manner. You are being tolerated while you are useful. Western Europeans (especially Germans, English, French) are much more dangerous than any Muslim nation because they are smarter and even more bloodthirsty when it is needed.
Only people who recognize the sacred superior importance of science can rule the west. dipshit.
Islam can't even rule the Middle East without firing a single shot
and got btfo'd by wypipo who were fighting two other powerful countries at the same time
why the fuck you are doing this kind of posts regularly?
take a break, and vote for absolute power to your sultan erdogan on Sunday.
well said brother mashALLAH
i´ll take fries with my döner kebab ahmed, then you can go back to fake delusional power fantasies
> why the fuck you are doing this kind of posts regularly?
Didn't you know? Roaches are the worst kind of shitposters, even compared to aussie
Looking forward to my harem.
>two countries at same time
>not battling half of the world in 35 different fronts at their weakest stage
>even after war, still got entire anatolia
You've already fired quite a few bullets...
im glad that we are not consider the west.
and lost Hijaz, Iraq and the Levant. L
Friendly reminder that If you would not be an ass in 1854 Anatolia would be Christian again and roaches would never had access to the internet.
Is that why the shithole of Dearborn and Hambannedit have stayed fucking stagnant since they were seeded with refugees in the 60s? The only way their populations grow is through their own reproduction and more rapefugees. The niggers and whites of Detroit are united in their hatred of the muslim.
Oh no no no, not in my country, we already got too many problems without you fags.Go bother Argentina or something.
Fuck this gay thread
Come to my not so gay thread
>Friendly reminder that If you would not be an ass in WW2 Moscow would be German and slavshits wouldn't even exist.
blame the anglo not me.
To bad it's cold as fuck here, i don't whant to leave my comfy home.
pic related
You can't fire bullets when you drive trucks instead.
I get balance of power concept and shit but damn that was historically best chance to drive roaches back to Middle Asia.
>tf2 ww3 will kill everybody and only white people will have the intelligence and technology to survive and repopulate
meh i am ok with islam as long as it is only whites who live here.If there are any outsiders then FUCK OFF, but if my country sudently would convert into muslim with no imigrants and ousiders i would be ok with it.It's just onother religion, christianity was like islam to back in 14th of century when they burned live humans becouse they tought they where satans wrath n shit, but it whent trough reforms and it changed, i am sure the same can be done for islam.
WTF rare fucking flag desu, exsoviet bro?
Is that you?
I don't think there's any snow in Latvia at the moment. I live quite north and we barely have any.
Then i will convert to Islam and become the new muslims emperor, you w0t mate?
Your master Dr doom don't allow any god besides him
Kys OP your country is a mess Islam destroyed Turkey
the sage that saved Sup Forums
>you dont need to
Was snowing yesterday, but it melted in 3 hours, but it's still cold desu.
God i fucking hate living in north, but i gues at least we aren't lazy cunts like greeks and spanish, who don't eaven need to think about heating there homes.......
Fuck islam you fucking k*rd.
Latveria is located in balkans and borders serbia, you fucked up buddy.Latvia is located in north east europe.
What's wrong with this pepe's one eye mehmet is he the mahdi?
Based turk
Whites were a mistake of the ice age.
Cumskins deserve extermination.
Only semibrown French, Shitalian, Maltese and Poortugeese may survive.
I will kill you with my foot.
totally rare
Yep, Sprotten, that is your ex-soviet comrade
turks are the worst. one common thing about all this trash of the world is that they act tough when they they are in a large group vs single or few others. when they are caught alone they start snivelling like little babies, they almost grovel. they have appropriate phrases to brand themselves in such situations, they will call themselves poor. it's so pathetic. worst kind of animal, courage only in numbers. check out history, turks never attacked anyone if they didn't have the odds at least 5 to 1
Just because you can drive a truck and blow yourself up doesn't mean you aren't also firing guns.
Islam can't even rule goat fuckers and illiterate consanguine inbred retards, OP.
What about the Turkish guy in middle holding the fasist hollande sign? Are you gonna kill him as well?
/thread. Enough of theses violent pedophiles on the board.