Should sovereign citizenship be given as an option to involuntary Americans(black americans) en leu of reparations.
Sovereign citizenship vs reparations
American - A native of America; originally applied to the aboriginals, or copper-colored races, found here by the Europeans; but now applied to the descendants of Europeans born in America.
Webster's Dictionary 1828.
No, their options are either follow the law or go back to fucking africa.
Never been to Africa faggot.
See this
Stupid ass Euro bastard
>sovereign citizenship
That is not a thing.
thats a cute mulatta youve got there. would make a good house slave.
what gives webster's dictionary the authority to decide who is American, and who is not?
The people who deserve these "reparation" are long dead. move on.
It could be.
Black Americans are uniquely American in that they are the only people in the US, the only US citizens, that as a people had no choice in the matter. They have essentially been indigenized. This is a case that could be brought up to the UN.
>This is a case that could be brought up to the UN.
Funniest post of the day. Why would we give a fuck about the UN?
give them sovereignty over California :^)
Black Americans are also part European, they are a uniquely American ethnic group. Somewhat of a displaced people, albeit internationally unrecognized as such.
Don't look to me like you need more of those sovereign citizens. Seem like assholes.
The US's humanitarian reputation on the international scale is very important to it. If the nations of the world could come together to rob the Palestinians and give to the Jews, surely they could do something for black Americans.
>rob the Palestinians
They never owned the place. The Turks did, then we did, then the Jews did.
A free trip back to the country of their ancestors. Or Liberia. Their choice. No refunds, no returns.
They should be given a check for 10 thousand dollars, a letter of apology, and a plane ticket back to Apefrica.
>A free trip back to the country of their ancestors.
So somewhere in Britain, the Caribbean, the west coast of Africa, somewhere in the slave owning states of the US, or France, or an Indian reservation?
They are part European though also, and have zero cultural connections to Africa at this point. That invalidates the back to Africa argument.
Love it, or leave it.
P.S. I would love it if they left.
Why does this idea trigger Europeans so much?
>Should sovereign citizenship be given as an option to involuntary Americans(black americans) en leu of reparations.
They should be offered immediate deportation to Sweden.
And Sweden would love to have every last one of them.
How about neither.
Why not? It is a valid argument.
>Love it, or leave it.
In a democracy people have a right to complain. There is no obligation to love anything. This phrase is what the junta used to say to people in Brazil. The Iranians have something similar now. It is a phrase only used by at best the naive.
If you agree with the sentiment, tool up and go give people a push. See how many people up sticks and emigrate. Obviously you won't do this since you value your life.
This is how the war starts.
I hope they realize that many whites came here as "indentured servants" or worse...
Especially when as a people who had no choice in the matter.
Between who? Retards and police?
Let me tell you about Dallas, or DC, or mr. Dormer, or Philadelphia in '85. There could very well be a guerilla war against US government tyranny an oppression, within our lifetimes.
Because idiots are trying to get out of speeding tickets? You sure know how to pick your battles.
I had no choice over where I was born, either. I don't think anyone does. True story.
>en leu
What? Is this a meme or are you a phoneposter?
It's more than that. My own father is trying to move to Canada, and I myself am pretty much doomed. I don't know exactly when they're coming, but I know they're coming. It's a literal fight for freedom.
It means in place of.
What would they even do with reparations ?
Spend it like retards and then ask for more ?
she's probably a quadroon, more European than African anyway
As a people your people had a choice about whether or not they wanted to be Americans.
Yes, "lieu" literally means place in French. That's not how the expression is spelt and I found it difficult to belive someone would misspell an expression that is mostly used in writing.
I'm sure we shipped thousands of Irish/British people over there for crimes ... regardless, not one person alive in the USA today is owed reparations, and if you call yourself African-American despite being born in America with no African in recent history, you are a traitor and should be deported to Africa.
I do not call myself an African-American I despise the term.
*in lieu*, and no, no. We bought Liberia for you, leave at your soonest convenience.
Everyone has the choice to stay where they were born, or move to a different country. There is nothing keeping the niggers as a people in a land they do not like living in. So get out.Your "as a people" thing is also absurd. There are numerous niggers who have VOLUNTARILY moved to the US. You can easily look it up.
>Sovereign citizenship
People that think that shit is real are some of the dumbest people on the spherical earth.
We are too poor, and too deeply rooted in America to just up and leave. We are a literal product of American history. I was not talking about African immigrants.
It!'s just a matter of if you're willing to fight and die for your freedom.
>Sovereign citizenship
a.k.a. I interpret the law as I see fit and generally cause trouble for other people
That's because you're a black dude, not a nigger.
Im curious to know if you've ever actually traced back your ancestry to know who you descended from? It was legal for free black men to own slaves, how can you be sure you're not descended from slave owners? There are blacks who moved here last year of their own free will, surely you aren't suggesting they are owed something too? Like do you want to pay people out based on skin color? Because if not then please at least prove your ancestors were slaves before you ask us to pay money for crimes we didn't commit.
You guys seriously need to do something like that again, except with x100 times more effort. Cant imagine how American would improve if it got rid of most of its niggers.
>never been to africa
first time for everything, nigger. you have to go back
Niggers have already gotten their reparations and wasted them.
It's called WELFARE.
Not based on skin color, but based on ancestry. Again I am not talking about African immigrants. Even if I had black slave owners in my family, it would be so far back that I would have probably a thousand grand parents, many of whom would have been slaves. DNA tests can be used to determine who qualifies and who doesn't.
No options just Africa
Black-Americans are unique in nothing except in their penchant for victimhood. There were plenty of people from all around the world that had no choice but to go to the Americas, for one reason or another.
>Black-Americans are unique in nothing except in their penchant for victimhood.
And their crime rate
Nigger shut the fuck up.
Africans sold other Africans as slaves, more white slaves were brought to North America than black slaves, and the Muslim slave trade is still alive and flourishing.
Get. The. Fuck. Over. It.
Dindus have already gotten their reparations through welfare.
Look how they used that...
They also have zero cultural connections to white America. Vast majority have failed to assimilate after all this time. I'm sure they would assimilate much easier in a country where they share much of their genetic heritage.
neither will fix the problems their community faces
yea but their genepool is overwhelmingly African.
This is how the war ENDS.
reason being, the problem that nigger communities face - is the presence of niggers
Not really. It's just morons thinking they can play a different game than the rest of us. Be a better game player and attain freedom by using your intelligence and skill. "Sovereign Citizens" are just another type of sheep...only they choose to fight battles when fighting isn't called for. They epitomize why the saying "this isn't a hill worth dying on" exists. If you want real freedom in today's world, learn how to extract cash from the world better than most people so that you have "fuck you money" and then acquire a bunch of land and become self sufficient.
Same problem for Muslims.
The greatest threat to niggers and Mohammadens is niggers and Mohammadens.
Also, just checking.
Don't worry guys, Julius Malema will become the President of South Africa.
Julius is a descendant of the legendary King Shaka Zulu.
When your African master comes to power, you're going to tremble whitey.
They speak English, and European Americans love their music and culture. We had a black president for Christ sakes. If they were sen't to Africa they would probably end up enslaving the locals, which is exactly what happened with Liberia.
*they would probably end up ENSLAVED by the locals.
Don't forget European American girls love big black cock too.
You aren't getting shit. We owe you nothing.
And the more you try to make us pay you for it the more racist you created.
there are american black ex-pats the world over. are you underage or what? use your thinky brain holmes
It's averages 70/30. That makes a pretty substantial difference, and combined with cultural factors constitutes a unique and seperate ethnic group.
they all need to be expats. what's so hard to comprehend here
>Give Africans a nice chunk of money if they expatriate to Africa.
>Help Brazil and Europe do it, too.
>Help poor blacks in other countries by offering them money in exchange for sterilization in order to prevent overpopulation.
lol shut up pink boy
You make it sound so easy.
I read it's more like 80 percent African, 18 percent European, and 2 percent Native American.
Giving the option of sovereign citizenship wouldn't cost a thing.
>>They also have zero cultural connections to white America.
Where I'm from, whites and blacks are pretty much exactly alike - though some would like to pretend that we have nothing to do with each other.
We eat the same food, talk the same, are protestant (Southern Baptist, etc)...
Something as simple cornbread represents the ties that binds us.
The sources range from 65-80
>we have cornbread in common
doesn't change the numerous biological differences, which include genetic predisposition toward certain behaviors
Don't forget white women love fucking black guys even more than white guys.
They along very well in that respect.
A lot of southern "whites" have Afro admixture.
No. If you exist in my country you follow the laws I do or fuck off.
Balkanization is more preferable.
Of course they speak English, it's the primary language we teach. Doesn't mean they've assimilated. We had a half-white president and don't you forget it.
Enjoyment of music is not the same as enjoying their culture. White flight wouldn't even be a thing if the races legitimately wanted to be around each other. We do best when we keep each other at arm's length.
wonder how long until the USA is Brazil 2.0
That's called having a winner's mindset. Don't view yourself as a slave to the system (even that it may technically be true). It's better to think like you are a game player.
With interracial mixing on the rise, I predict within the next 50 years.
We are very American. We can't possibly go "back" to a place we haven't been for 400 years.
I consider myself a native. My ancestors tilled the land here for hundreds of years, and their bodies are literally incorporated into the soil.
This is our country.
You don't own the country though. The federal government does, and they created us. We have had a very complex relationship spanning over 400yrs.
Reperations in the form of free one way trips to africa
All black Americans are mixed to varying degrees. They are by definition mixed.
We must do everything we can to speed up the process of miscegenation.
Citizens form the country. And I don't give a if they "created" you (pro-tip: they didn't), not do I give a shit about your complex relationship. You are a group of people with an entitlement complex and you refuse to assimilate to the white population in this country. You are a jigsaw puzzle piece that doesn't fit with the rest.
Do you have an argument?
You probably have very few of either blacks or whites in your community, then. You most certainly do not live in a place like Detroit, which is a prime example of what I'm talking about.
Regardless, I think we all can agree that our current system is ridiculous and harmful to all races. By not recognizing the average differences, we're not helping anyone, we're helping some average amalgamation race that doesn't exist. We shouldn't be putting the same expectations on blacks that we put on Asians and Jews. It's not fair to either.
That's not going to happen. It's the other way around. If anything, increased race mixing will lead to the distruction of the black race.
If all black people got up and married white, we would disappear long before whites did. There are simply not enough black people to make a dent in the white population.
I actually think the current trend of promoting mixed marriages that's in the media, is a conspiracy to breed out black people.
Where to put all the niggers though?
Why should we have to assimilate. We are the only people that did not have a choice about being Americans? The Feds engaged in colonial era race mixing and eugenics that sparked our ethnogenesis, then used us to cement it's absolute power than sabotaged our communities and subjected us to mass incarceration.
The south.
Southerners are the ones that brought them here, southerners should be the ones that deal with them.