Name One Thing That Your Country Does That Canada Doesn't Do Better
killing muslims
Kill their enemies
dude everyone knows that if you kill your enemies they win.
Free speech
What was the study done last year. Canada is responsible for 7% of posts on this board but is also responsible for 99.93% of all shitposts
Leafs are the internet version of niggers.
Be white
cooking guinea pigs
Killing muslims
Be British
If you bomb the terrorists you're showing fear. If you show fear, the terrorists win.
Fucking Canadian girls.
Fucking Canadian boys.
Dancing nude in public.
Surrendering our freedom
eating ass.
Starting World Wars
Existing, you fucking leaf.
No niggers, no muslims, no cucks in the white house, no 50% taxes, no faggots everywhere.
Half of the countries out there have it better than you.
delet dis now
Possess nukes.
Failed with the first reply
Not electing a Cuck!
>Not let in swarms of sand niggers
>Freedom of space
>Electing the god king
what does Canada do better besides being the sub of the world. I doubt your country could win a war against Mexico even.
not being fucking degenerate
Power projection
giga kek
Doesn't sell gold for weed.
We did have Obama, twice. I wouldn't go into a argument about this with that statement.
Allowing its people to criticize other religions.
Being a relevant country
Without using Canadians*
Team Canada wins every time.
Population density
please man...
Whats on your mind ivan?
Money laundering
Fuck you for being right.
dont forget trump you cuck sucker
Canadians have:
>no property rights
>no free speech
>no right to bear arms
>a health care system ranked 8 spots behind columbia
This, sadly
and guns
We actually lost to the US in the most recent World's.
But yea, we usually do win.
We dominate in curling too. So much fun.
Been corrupt! Check mate bitch
Bomb brown people
importing refugees
We don't have a monarch.
Daily reminder, know you'r place burger!
Own Hans Island
Have a culture.
>implying having a monarch isnt a wonderful thing
Oh poo
Be America.
Keeping milk in a normal container
Over the line
Awww, come on, put the cutlery away and lets keep at it the way we have past 3 decades.
May the strongest liver win.
Endless soul sucking wars on behalf of grimy joos.
Not only are we the most cucked country of North America but also of South America. Fuck you Paraguay!
You allmoast lost to us, don't get you'r hopes up.
I'm waiting for a Swede to show up and reply: cuckoldry
Of course, the cultery is just to cut down your flag and lift up ours
Making cars for manchild posers :^)
Cars,Football,Planes,Tanks,Dictators,Beer,World Wars, Highways,Sound Systems.. just to name a few of the top of my head.
Being blonde
I know this is out of context but, i love germany.
Ah, I'm sorry, I totally misread you. I shall leave extra Snaps when we take your flag down and hoist Dannebrog. Yours will of course be neatly foldet and in a box next to the snaps
thats why u losing bro
Fucking our own wives.
Chosing right side of war.
fpbp, was gonna say hockey myself
Not baing a cuck.
>All Canadian teams bounced off the first round
How embarrassing...
Losing rightful clay.
Keeping sandniggers out.
get blacked
animations because ME Andromeda was done in Canada and Angry Birds movie was finnish product right
also if i give your weak baby mouth some real ass vodka you´ll probably die :^)
Have straight sex
- Free speech, rights for the people
- Guns, rights for the people
- Family rights, independence from government control
- Government, state's rights, more civil government competition
- Politics, more anti-communist, pro-liberty folks
- Business, property rights, competition
- Farming, agriculture small and large
- Food, vast range of cuisine, restaurants
- Products, more range of imports and exports
- Alcohol, drinks, microbreweries
- Coffee
- Electronics, hardware design
- Software, internet services
- Science, research, knowledge accumulation
- Military, defense
- Music, largest range of over every decade (non-mainstream indie today)
- Weather, more variation from north to south
- Spirit and strength of the people, of individual pursuit
- Intelligence, independent thoughts, not rejecting reality (see: politics)
- Snow removal
Your maple syrup is even debatable, the more I think about it. I've had exceptional maple syrups from Vermont.
Keeping migrants out.
Canada shitposts the best, everyone knows that.
You're not wrong m8
Even Latvia shitposts better than Canada
How the fuck would you even eat that?
winning stanley cups
>1 post by this id
leafs, masters of bot posting
now that i think about it, we eastern euros should make aliance of anti migrant countries, desu.
Fucking literally anything