Red pill me in one sentence or less

Red pill me in one sentence or less

Other urls found in this thread:,000,000-Before-The-Nuremberg-Trials-Began.php

It was the Jews

Jews never lose

Hitler did nothing wrong

Anime is cancer



The Jews are our misfortune.

The earth is flat.

Toilets are for shitting

traps are gay.

do you believe in evolution?

It's not gay if it's feminine

You were Jewed, goyim!

If you want to know who is really in control just think of who you are not allowed to criticize.

Trump is doing everything wrong.

Asians are to whites as whites are to blacks

It's the kikes.

Life after death will be the same as it was before life.


think for yourself, question authority

Fuck, I think this leaf is best post. Think on that one OP, perform your own research accordingly, then come back when you're redpilled enough to sit at the adult table.

The culture of critique



If jews are intelligent, why do they keep getting themselves kicked out of countries

explain this


It's actually because the Jews are intelligent that they get kicked out of other countries, though. The Jews aren't the same as the nigs; the Jews in power are extremely intelligent, and what makes them a problem is that they use their intelligence to manipulate the masses into serving Israel. They're basically nothing short of your average evil genius bent on world domination and the proof is everywhere people ignore because of 'anti-semitism'. user's post is the truth.

I tried so hard and got so far but in the end it doesn't even matter.

Describes the election perfectly.

Allahu akbar


wrong, they may be intelligent and smart planners. but they are shitty executioners of said plan. they cryed 6 million something like 140 times before it worked.,000,000-Before-The-Nuremberg-Trials-Began.php




Everything bad: The Jews did that.


Official slogan of Sup Forums

Jews did it

Vae victis.

Christianity is a jewish religion

Why is it illegal and punishable in most countries to question the holocaust in any way, but you can saw anything you want about any other tragic event like "Bush did 9/11"?

Trust your instincts, not your education.

We should start making memes that adhere to the golden ratio.

there was no life before life

Every Canadian thread is slide thread because Justin Trudeau hired a team of professional shitposters to ruin this board in early 2016.

Remember to sage and report ALL Canadian threads.

Deus Vult !

your ancestors were right about everything.

its the jews

There are plenty. Trumps hair, the Russian ambassadors assassination, and 9gag's dickbutt. But, I cant seem to ever find the final redpill funny.

jews niggers faggots


No matter what economic policy or system you believe in, it will fail and turn to shit if your population is composed of sub-80 IQ niggers

The day of the rake is upon us

Refer to my above link

Why don't you like, fuck off varg.


Niggers have a naturally low IQ

Canada's gay

an iq just as high as these doubles, checked.

Judaism is a state religion without a state, destined to subjugate the host nation of it's practitioners.

Everything you know it wrong. Enjoy your stay!


(((cui bono)))

he is right you know...

>Implying Protestants aren't Christian


So what were they? Pagans? Atheists? Probably protestants.

>>Implying Protestants aren't Christian
Lutherian Protestans mainly ("Evangelisch")

So, still Christians.

arent catholics memeing that catholizism is the right christianity all the time?
Evangelics seem to be more "liberal" in that matter, I few them as half atheists tbqh.
Correct me if I am wrong.

Evangelics dont listen to the (((pope))) so they are not that bad....


is that a vagine?

It's a matter for debate, but Catholics are far more corrupt and prone to degeneracy within the church, unfortunately. Though there are definitely some evangelical protestants and the like who are rooting for open borders and globalism, seeking to treat Jesus's words as if they were some kindergarten poster, many still hold to the book. And similarily, not all Catholics are happy with the pope from what I hear. Only Jews can benefit from religious infighting within the right.

We must secure the existence of our people, and a future for white children.



Inequality is neccessary.

We are not the same.

it is a vajewna

Europe being diversified

Why won't they just evacuate?



that is why you have to reject christianity alltogether

some of your problems are your own fault



Yeah, that going very well for Europe and its secular population. Keep rejecting Christianity goys, it's helping you!

Have you accepted Óðinn as your lord and savior?

rejecting christianity doesnt mean accpeting degeneracy and materialism

Individuals should be judged individually and groups of people have statistical tendencies.


Much of the social history of the Western world over the past three decades has involved replacing what worked with what sounded good.

Good posts

You are god and everything that has ever happened in your life happened because you wanted precisely that thing to happen to you on your vacation from godhood.


We are an old tree, with fresh new branches.

Fart in a Jewish girl's face and scream, "Get Gassed! kike!"
