Why don't amerifats celebrate easter?
It's been awhile, Esti poster.
there is a bunch of christcucks marching through the streets in front of my house singing
where are the trucks of peace when you need them?
My family always does
How the fuck did you get in my country Ahmed?
>implying amerifats are going to miss out on a day of eating unlimited chocolate like every other day
Missed you Eesti
thanx doc
they cannot stop eating meat
I was born here :^)
im a gypsy not a sand nigger btw
We do celebrate Ostara. Even Christcucks celebrate the Goddess of fertility by painting eggs and shit. They think it has something to do with Jesus or some shit. lol
>it's THAT guy
>eating chocolate
It's only your women who do that
My family is full of atheists but we celebrate Easter. Not for religious reasons, it's just that we as a family don't spend a lot of time together anymore. We usually only all see each other at Easter, 4th of July, thanks giving and christmas.
It's really just a reason to spend time with the people that matter in your life.
You need to go back.
I'm a gypsy too. love you. give me a kiss.
I want to touch those boobies
>He was born there
Go where pooland? Back inside his mother?
id rather eat your butthole
>My family is full of atheists but we celebrate Easter. Not for religious reasons
Makes sense. Easter predates Christianity. It's a celebration that winter is over.
Pillow = Lumikaru
"Estonia is a shit country"
*hugs tighter*
"silly billy*
No you dumb fuck, go back to the country where his ancestors lived.
If everybody lived where they belong the world be much better.
C-can you eat mine too? :^)
*world would be
I'm legit going to kill myself just because of this thread.
>He was born there
M8 i even wrote it. Hes native, as much as we don't like it as are several generations of poo in loo's here.
my father is polish
so is my grand father
so is my great grand father
i dunno about my the others
As we've all gotten older having our family gatherings have gotten more and more important. my brothers are getting married and having kids, my parents are aging and I'm in the middle of a near autistic existential crisis. I probably only have 3-4 more Easters with may parents so I really don't give a damn what the holiday is about.
Every Estonian I have eve met was a total Black loving trans advocating cuck that hated anything to do with white people. God, I really wanted to fuck this one that I knew but she was just just so anti white that she even started ranting about how white men are the lest interesting and boring etc.. so I just cut her off.
Psych major I knew in college. I loved their accent in english. She had a few friends and they sounded just really nice. They all were hotties too. But her friends were even worse. They straight up didn't want to even talk to me because I was white. Really wrecked my impression of your whole country. You all need to beat your women more and stop them from coming over to my country to advocate for niggers.
Poos in loos should be sent back to their shitting streets like the filthy animals they are
Too late, the (((they))) ruined that. People are fucking everywhere and it's fucked. they either need re-education or extermination. I don't know about Poland, but this country has alot of white native trash this applies to as well, thanks to (((modern culture))).
See my
how do I get an eesti gf?
I need this
More like poolish
Fuck off to Mumbai
>Go where
Hopefully to one of those Polish Death Camps I've heard so much about.
no one in any way claims that eggs have anything to do with Christianity
not a single one
i understand your anger at Christians though... living our happy meaningful lives while you drown in misery and meaninglessness
sucks to suck
the proper term is "holocaust center"
Funnyjunk color scheme? Topkek.
Welcome back faggot
I wonder if they could be used for migrant resettlement?
Lord almighty,
So many people celebrate easter in this country, don't be ridiculous.
I have met very few of those here. All I've encountered are women who see foreign (though usually not non-white) men as exotic because compared to the average Estonian man they are more exciting (it doesn't take much: just don't be an introvert). But some sort of trans-advocating black lovers? Nope, never.
You mad that pagans got cucked by the one true God?
Because religion is a waste of time.
It's a pagan holiday that was strapped to Christianity by a Roman God-Emperor.
Stop being a Catholic idolater.