Would Sup Forums be OK with a law outlawing this type of nigger degeneracy?

Would Sup Forums be OK with a law outlawing this type of nigger degeneracy?

lowering your pants is redpilled

when have laws ever stopped niggers from doing something?

It makes niggers look like chocolate-covered megamidgets. So no.

Public indecency laws should cover that already really. They just get away with it because it's their """culture"""

Is this originally a prison thang? Like their flip flops and xxxxl white shirts? Is regular fit too racist?

>wanting to be fucked in the ass

No i want to see who to avoid.

No. Niggers should all be deported.


Why not just outlaw niggers instead.

Americana culture in it's entirety should be banned. The horrible music, the tasteless art, the empty architecture, the ridiculously dysfunctional and vapid clothing. All of it.

But that way you could arrest them for dressing like a nigger, and that's just a step away from arresting them for being a nigger.

Have you ever seen a sagging nigger run from the cops?
No I hope they keep wearing the big signs saying "I'm not one of the good ones"

It actually makes niggers easier to catch.


48 inch waist x 18 inch inseam

>outlaw niggers

Yes please

Why do this though? It makes you look so smol.

This. Being a nigger should be a capital crime.

I once saw a nigger standing unironically with his pants all the way to his ankles, and just stood there with his "homies" like nothing was wrong.


>land of free

Maga bot suck a bbc coz you not gonna have another chance to lose your virginity you cuckold off-white spick :)))))))
mrrr vrrr this is the sound electro-dick fucking your ass withe nigger FUCK TRUMPO

No. If you are banning certain ways of acting merely on the basis of being "degenerate" or in other words "incorrect" you're no better than the politically correct progressive establishment people on this board claim to fight against,

FUCK DONALD DRUMPF and his cuck-porters

Looks like he has an overfull diaper

Hell no, law outlawing Afro population yes.

Mad the niggers have better style than you, crackette?

What kind of fucking question is this, where do you think you are? I unironically would be OK with these subhumans getting exterminated.

that's a real ass nigga

Why don't you just outlaw fun too while you're at it?


>Work security at a nightclub in the Atlanta area
>Nigs gonna nig
>Security enforces dress code at the door and inside of the club
>Used to work the door and received great joy telling nigs to pull up their pants
>Even better when they roll up wearing sweat pants or some other ignant shit.
>Tell them to gtfo they ain't coming in
>Now work inside the club, which is preferred.
>Nigs pull pants up at the door but promptly yank them back down after they get in
>Find them and embarrass them especially if they are in front of a group of women and tell them they need to pull their pants up
>Boss is based af and frequently gets on the radio and bitches about "these fucking faggots with their pants below their ass"
>Usually nigs bitch about having to abide by our dresscode
>Easy way to get kicked out and embarrassed further

You want to be 'free', in the sense that you would rather have chaotic and individualistic anarchy over a prosperous and authoritative collective. You think, at least politically, from a 1-dimensional perspective. This couldn't be further from the truth.

The difference between Sup Forums and the 'politically correct progressive establishment' is the former is ultimately searching for the truth while the latter tries to punish anyone who utters it.

in a local municipality if done democratically? sure
if at a higher level decided by bureaucrats? no

how about
>niggers regardless of what they wear

Yes. More laws.

Let the niggers wear what they want. It doesn't bother me, and it shouldn't bother you how another individual is dressed. If they want to look like niggers and niggerlovers let them.

Nyc had this with stop and frisk. They would stop any nigger dressed like this and of course they pretty much always have drugs or illegal guns

You're doing God's work, user. Great job!

Nope. Its a good indication of being a true nigger and keeps even leftist cucks in check about the degeneracy of black "culture".

Leftists will applaud that and support nigger degeneracy even more as something that is being oppressed. And you can't even uphold your immigration laws for fucks sake. Nigger culture will become even more edgy and more popular if you outlaw it

Better than skinny jeans and wranglers faggot