There is litterally nothing wrong with where I am on the political compass.
Any other redpilled left-libs here? Let's find out.
There is litterally nothing wrong with where I am on the political compass.
Any other redpilled left-libs here? Let's find out.
economically your fine. Socially, you can use a little work.
very rational and skeptical
wew lad
liberal sargon of akkad watching centrist. get a real ideology
left lib is based
you are a good guy!
>check out this raised by a single mom guy
Kkek is this a bait thread? I knew we were getting raided by /islam/ but this looks like lefty pol or leddit shit.
Semi-bait. That's my actual result.
I am interested where most of pol lies on the spectrum.
Sup Forums wouldn't get raided constantly if they didn't always fall for the bait
Guys, what do i need to do?
Call Pinochet's Helicopter Tours, schedule a ride. It'll help
You'd make it in callie, user
Here's mine
judge me please
im basically bernie sanders
>but fuck free college that shit is special and not meant for the poor.
Ok. That entire section is unstable, to the point where it becomes authoritarian, centrist, or collapses. Grow a spine, learn a trade.
Am I natsoc?
Congrats, you are autistic
I won't ride any helicopters(even if it's free)
FUCK OFF bio peru
Superior test coming through
Youre a neocon or neolib. I feel bad for your kids.
Basert left lib svenskebro
>Bork Bork Bork
English or gtfo
Me over the last 6 months
Political compasses are for autists who don't know where they stand.
I like getting raped by cowgirls.
my nigga
barry soetoro detected
Your political compass matches every "I'm smarter than you" Bernie cuck. You are a bluepilled normie fag.