Accept her you fucking Shitlords

>I was terrified that exploring my queerness would mean that I would have to exist in a linear identity and that I couldn't be fluid even within something so open.

>I am a queer woman. I have tattoos. There have been years where I presented more masculine, when I felt butch. Times when I didn't shave, anywhere.


Some muslims are homos, get over it.

Reminder that any actual muslim would behead that whore

Its 2017... a queer muslim girl with tattoos is no longer special enough to even notice, bitch is a normie by todays SJW standards

Jesus fucking Christ

Also checked

>tells others what they are supposed to do
I sense a pattern

burger shareblue always pretending to be somewhere else.

Move along boys, it's just shills here

lol blown the fuck out

she only has one gender.

These gifs still get me, I'll give the Mossad that.


the sage that saved Sup Forums

Why did this happen to him?


God damn that is fucking brutal.

Dumb the rest of your ISIS .webms, based Baltic Mongol.

just mudslimes killing each other because some Arab goat herder in the 7th century equivalent to Joseph Smith claimed he saw visions of the archangel Gabriel in a cave outside of Mecca

Sorry I don't have more, just this one webm that is not particularly gore.

peterson is canada's only hope. and he's not enough.


The googly eyes get me.

No more games for you Jigsaw




I am baffled at trying to figure out what her point even is.

Is she upset that people tell her she doesn't look like a Muslim? That's understandable considering her head isn't covered in black cloth.

Is she upset that society won't let her exist as an individual rather than a stereotype? Well, that's completely false and no one gives a shit if you fit in a 'box' or not.

What is her point.


W-why are they so cute

I wonder what Trudeau thinks when he reads this shit. Surely he's got to be subscribed to Buzzfeed, Salon, Huffpost, or other shit like that. I imagine he doesn't see this as self-victimization when there's no reason to be victimized and more like Canadians are racist as shit and he needs to force them to be more tolerant.

>What is her point.

She's a woman, who the fuck knows.

Probably attention and drama is what she wanted. This is the highpoint of her life.

Isn't queer and tattooed against Islam? Or have I read the wrong book?