Who are the smartest / most based Africans? And is it truth that Africans hate American blacks?
Who are the smartest / most based Africans? And is it truth that Africans hate American blacks?
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>Who are the smartest / most based Africans?
The white ones.
Smartest North Africans but SSA would be Nigerians.
I think there is some limited hope for Nigeria. I don't know about the rest, since lots of african countries are shitholes.
Many west african immigrants who immigrate to the US are wealthy, speak english well, and have children that have high IQs. There definently seems to be some high IQ west africans. Bantus however are the niggest of the nigs and have never done anything of value.
Pic related: Bantus.
Nigeria probably but even then half of it is an islamist shit hole and far below even the most backwards of eastern europe and americas
>West Africa
American niggers came from West Africans.
Egyptians have no connection to east west or South Africans their language and people are Eurasian.
White South Africans (Boers, Afrikaans)
i say it is systemic oppression and racism for thier color.
As someone who has worked with both Africans and American niggers I can say for certain that Americans bought their slaves from garage sale tier merchants.
Anyway, my votes on Ethiopians.
I know you guys have troubles speaking English, but the question implied is which Africans are the smartest among Africans.
Including yourself?
> WE
>Is it truth that Africans hate American blacks?
I've read on Quora that the ones that end up in the US unis are closer to upper class and they don't feel connection with grievances of poorfag nignogs.
Quora is an interesting place. Actual Africans would explain everything to you.
t. Quora shill
>Nigeria probably
Nigerian detected, fuck off you albino raping animal.
doesnt mean much since almost every SSA county is a multicultural shithole. guessiong youre referring to the igbo?
Egypt isn't connectedd to any African population bro
Anyone have an image of the awesome paratrooper mission to take over a city in the Congo war?
You only get the top of their society, while us has opputunity for all classes of niggas
Most Africans seem tame and non-violent compared to what happens in LA and most black areas in USA. Then there's MENA.
Smartest ones are probably South Africa or Equatorial Guinea.
and kabyles are he smartest algerians
>Who are the smartest / most based Africans?
This is like asking who are the smartest most based Apples. I say Pink Lady
Nigga where you've been the last 5 years? Literally anybody can come over here.
Not really, immigration should not exist any enrichment they are said by kikes to do to your cunt they should enrich their own cunts.
Must feel bad when your own intellectuals don't even use your language.
White south Africans
yes. not kabyle myself but i have to agree.
they work hard and smart, they own monopoles of many trades.they own the army thus the state. i love my kabyle brothers. thier girls are white and beautifull most the time.
we all have kabyle in our blood.
which language.
Wtf is Kabyle
The ones currently interbreeding with the Chinese
There's a Nigerian tribe, the Igbo - they're traders, and supposed to be a, whatsitcalled, market-dominant minority (like Jews). I don't know /how/ smart they are, but when you hear of blacks winning academic prizes in England it's usually them.
Also, I heard once of a tribe living on an island in Botswana (I think) - I forget what was special about them, but I think they were smart or monogamous or, something Western-ish, of their own accord.
north africans that have existed since ancient egyptians times. the egyptians even refered to them as the 'white' race.
Some nigger from Nigeria was telling me the other day that the Igbo are as smart as kikes
TFW self-hating kabyle parents abandoned homeland for "work" in cuckistan
mostly white berber ethnic group that lives in the mountains of north east Algeria
Anglos in South Africa are by far smarter than any other African.
.. genetically. Was in a recent article.
The whites in South Africa.
Obviously referring to negros not North Africans.
>There's a Nigerian tribe, the Igbo
They're famous because of the genocide against them or what was that. It's just as with the Bosniaks . Everyone loves Bosniaks. Everyone loves Albanians. Everyone loves Armenians. Because they are victims of violence.
French. The language of the people who cucked you into submission for decades and built up your country until you decided to turn it back into a third world hellhole.
a kind of berbers. without kabyles the word berber wouldnt have a meaning.
haha, 'white'. they're fucking inbred berber trash. off to the ovens.
Pirate tymm
>Everyone loves Bosniaks.
>Everyone loves Albanians.
>Everyone loves Armenians.
the fuck are you on about ivan?
t. swamp nigger
french ? heh wecucked them, and they are now using our dialect to sound cool. and that makes me cring,but for the average algerian he doesnt give a fuck.
>Egypt isn't connectedd to any African population bro
American education
Albanian have infiltrated American (and British) pop culture, have your heard of Baby Rexha, Dua Lipa, Rita Ora? Isn't it too much for one little nation? They have a wast pop scene aside from that, and Europeans listen to their weird pop.
Armenians and Bosniaks' case is just plain obvious.
The only encounter I've had with Somali's have been mostly fucking god awful. Sorry man.
>Igbo """Genocide"""
>Everyone loves Bosniaks
>Everyone loves Armenians
>because VICTIMS of war
This is epic bait.
get lost subhuman. stop annoying us here.
Salisbury, Rhodesia 1979
wonder what happened
who cares? water jew. you are orange not white.
no algerian cares about his skin color.
if they had not hated them, they would not have sold them
Whites left.
Truly, misunderstood geniuses
There were no African nations enslaving blacks there were warlords taking slaves to sell for enrichment little hatred.
no fucking shit achmed
Boers/Suidlanders, and Rhodesians
Oh, you meant blacks? Madagascar and Mauritus
whites left.
fuck of morrocoon
i dont care. wtf is that meme implying.
well, considering there are actual whites in South Africa: that's the answer to the original question.
The Africans use the term "Akata" when referring to the blacks in America.
Akata is slang for cotton picker
We all agree, fuck israel. bring those orange helmets back and lets invade the holy lands.
No they don't you kike trying to seperated black diaspora from Africa.
>have your heard of Baby Rexha, Dua Lipa, Rita Ora?
At least I am asian.
Pureblooded Copts/Berbers, they're Mediterranean tier. But in SSA, probably either the Amhara or the Igbo.
How do you feel when specially in Anglo culture we say Africans (and OP did it) when we call Africans we want refer only to the Sub-Saharan instead of saying blacks or niggers?
And that's one of the reasons that American blacks think that the Moors are black associated with American black propaganda: Yakub, cherrypicking European paintings and portraits, etc.
How can we change that?
>wonder what happened
They did what Sup Forumslacks propose every day--kick out the foreigners.
>b-but their living standards dropped!
Since when do you guys care about the well-being of blacks?
Aren't Berbers pseudo-white?
Aren't Ethiopians part Jewish so a bit smarter than other blacks?
I'd suspect it's one of those two.
basically this, the Berbers are a Mediterranean people closer to Italians and Greeks than to Arabs or SSAs
we also do this. we say africans when refering to sub-saharans too
.arabs cucked them. a berber never heared of an arab until 750 AD.
there are still some pure-blooded berbers left, mostly in algeria/morocco
Smartest? Or less stupid?
Nkrumah. And (((they))) deposed and then killed him.
Least stupid.
They must be inbred.
there are no pure blooded arabs btw.
Northern Africa, where the Caucasians live.
Thanks, tea drinker
I'm actually a leaf. I don't know which one is better. Canada isn't a real country anyway.
Al North Africans are pretty pure
Mugabe is begging whitey to come back because his people cannot grow a single crop.
Elephants and Lions, I guess.
Not a lot based about the fauna there, fampai. Also, niggers come from there. That alone should tell you it's nto a place to go searching for anything too #based.
this is what Algerians do in thier free time.
smartest are the moors
most based are the moors
This question has lots of layers. People are obviously ruling out the whites in the south and the mixtures in the north, we're talking about pure homo sapiens sapiens, no Neanderthal or other admixtures.
In that case, the nigerians seem the most crafty and devious, which requires some smarts. The more you get into the jungle the more savage they seem, and east africa seems to be full of starving fighter types (some who had Christianity for nearly 2000 years but did nothing with that advantage over the surrounding pagans).
South seems full with dumb leftist parasites too.
you mean berbers