Ouchi was exposed to 17 sieverts of radiation with 8 sieverts being normally considered fatal

Ouchi was exposed to 17 sieverts of radiation with 8 sieverts being normally considered fatal

Ouchi’s exposure to the radiation was so severe that his chromosomes were destroyed and his white blood cell count plummeted to near-zero

The amount of radioactive energy that he was exposed to is thought to be equivalent to that at the hypocenter of Hiroshima atomic bombing.

What was cruel was that, he was resuscitated on the 59th day when his heart stopped three times within a period of 49 minutes, despite wishing not to be let to suffer.

>losing 20 oz of fluids a day and kept alive for 83 days


y tho

oops miss one

for the greater good

just think of all the research they were able to do thanks to this



You could say
he was

well that musta sucked

Come on Baby Momma

Actually they fucked up and poured some uranium solution into a holding tank with a bucket that went critical.

Doctors wanted to see how his body reacts to all that radiation.

just use some Neosporin lmao

He looks like he's been punished by Natalia.

Soulless nips

You missed the firt replys point. Keeping him alive provided invavluable research.

>The two technicians who received the higher doses, Ouchi and Shinohara, died several months later

This will never stop being funny to me.
Pretty fucking ouchi indeed.


I don't really trust you guys when it comes to radiation.

For the lulz, nah, it was really the family insisting the doctors keep him alive in hopes he would get better. But his all his chromosomes were destroyed. There's no coming back from that.

Pic related, it was his chromosomes after the accident.

google "Tokaimura nuclear accident"

exactly fuckin Japanese people


I'm looking up images of healthy chromosomes but I don't seem to find one to compare. Do you have an image of healthy chromosomes that can help us identify how Ouchi's chromosomes were fucked up?

I dont know what intact chromosomes look like, so that doesnt help me at all

That is NOT a photo of Ouchi.

>holding him up by each finger

Jew doctors?

>she will never force you to lick her feet

>Put your hands up in the air like you just don't care.

>Tokaimura nuclear accident
>The three workers concerned were hospitalised, two in a critical condition. One died 12 weeks later, another 7 months later. The three had apparently received full-body radiation doses of 16-20,000, 6-10,000 and 1-5000 millisieverts (about 8000 mSv is normally a fatal dose), mainly from neutrons.
Looks like they died in relation to the dose they recieves if the amounts are in the same order as the time the lived after the accident. Your proofs broke your argument.



It's supposed to look like this. Each in its own pair forming an x. Not an unrecognizable shattered clump of genetic debris


Excellent! Well fuck... Thanks a lot for the image user.

Also how old are you guys? I mean everyone SHOULD know what a chromosome looks like. It's basic knowledge unless you're a child.

> she will never trick my penis with promises of pleasure and then deliver pain instead

Ouchies has a distinct lack of structural integrity and cohesiveness present in healthy chromosones.

In essence this would be like someone letting a toddler go wild on a piece of source code and comparing it to how it looked beforehand.

wtf RARe

Okay, here's a photo of ouchi

Nigga you were responding to a Mexican intellectual, what did you expect?

That looks like it hurts

Pic isnt Ouchi btw

Whole body should have been padded with raw meat, changed every day

That looks overcooked. Poor guy, better a .44 should ended his life.

This board is filled with trumpcucks. What do you expect?

If only they had applied one more bandage...

Such waste.

>all that collagen
Poor guy


Geez... why would they even keep the poor thing alive. Horrifying

h-he was unconscious, right? it's not like he was feeling any pain (please say yes)

Japs are fucking animals. Damaging their own to test the waters, so to speak. Fucking animals.

This too.

It's no better than cleetus right below him who asked the same question.
Just a little

That's traction to keep broken hand bones in position. Otherwise they'll shift around with muscle movement and cause tons of pain.

But honestly, this guy should've just gotten a huge dose of morphine so he could drift away.

He was conscious for parts of that 83 days

No, they kept him awake to study the effects of radiation poisoning. He begged to let them stop so he could die but nips are savage like that and kept him awake and did not sedate him.

>mfw someone points out i posted the same thing as someone else


Who is in the pic?

Omg end it holy hell. Id beg for a bullet after that..

Yeah that's the real one. The OP pic is just a meme(theres no way he could losee a foot and survive as it would not heal). Poor fellow. Fuck the japs and everyone who kept him alive.

don't they have animals for that?

What nuke was this looks like a electrical burn

>Criticality was reached upon the technicians adding a seventh bucket of an aqueous uranyl nitrate solution to the tank. The nuclear fission chain reaction became self-sustaining and began to emit intense gamma and neutron radiation. At the time of the criticality event, Ouchi had his body draped over the tank while Shinohara stood on a platform to pour the solution into it;


Nah, I think he languished in excruciating pain for the entire time, hence him literally begging the hospital staff to end his life.

>Healing in video games

>it was really the family insisting the doctors keep him alive in hopes he would get better.

As a doctor, this shit happens all the time and I'm legally obligated to crush nana's chest in with CPR on the off chance that death might fuck off. They could have died peacefully in their sleep, but instead they die with a chink straddling them and mashing their chest in.

Yeah why they didn't use blacks is still a mystery. But seeing how it affects humans is not interesting

>Harold McCluskey has a glove box explode in his face
>500 times lifetime recommended rad dose
>lives another 11 years, dies at 75 of heart disease that predated incident

Why are nips so weak?

You're right
He was in a medically induced coma part of the time
Don't state the same thing as someone else bruh

Read the book, fagets.
It's really interesting.

If i had read his post i wouldn't have. Bro.

holy shit... humanity is fucked up

>anime posters contributing nothing

>As his condition worsened, he was transferred to University of Tokyo Hospital and, reportedly, underwent the world’s first transfusion of peripheral stem cells. He was also given many blood transfusions, fluids, and medicine that wasn’t even available in Japan yet. He also had to undergo several skin transplants which couldn’t help the loss of fluids through pores. After being treated for a week, Ouchi managed to say, “I can’t take it any more… I am not a guinea pig”. However, the doctors kept treating him and taking measures to keep him alive, which only ensured a very slow and very painful death.

What the fuck?

>she will never use you as her toilet paper after she took a good shit, on your face

Literally Deadpool

Excuse me, but I'm a nataliaposter.

Nips are savages. Their whole history is killing other nips in painful ways then killing themselves quickly to avoid being tortured themselves. They're effectively niggers. Nippers if you will.

Jesus christ , thats a lot of chromosomes

It checks out.

88 confirms. Japs are nippers.


Doubt you're a doctor
The recommended dose is super low, even 500 times doesn't reach the level that ouchi had, racist.
Pretty much this desu

>using racist as an insult
I thought infychan's leftypol was up again

No. He was never sedated and sleep was impossible with the constant surgery and prodding. All he wanted was a quiet end but he was kept alive and used like a test subject. Remember this: Japanese folk have no remorse, even for their own kind.

>replying to oneself

More like ouchie.

china go home

Found that on a blog article talking about that.
I kek'd.

Goiânia is still the comfiest and spookiest civilian nuclear disaster.

I know it's a trigger word for you all, So I only use it to call out the dumb ones here.


>'Murica needlessly bombs Japs with nuclear weapons
>They become so terrified of radiation that they resort to shit like this

Yeah, 'humanity' is fucked up.

it only works on people like you


Holy fuck they're in pieces.

His entire genome is completely destroyed.

China does the same shit. All rook same, all kirr same, all chinks are soulless savages. China just had a bigger population so no one cares when a sperg goes on a stabbing spree at a preschool in china, but people like to think japan is more civilized when they have just as many maniacs going around stabbing children, then call it suicide.

It was his own stupid fault so they thought they'd make him suffer

They put him in a medically induced coma. Of course he wasn't unconscious all the time.

We should nuke japan again to so them we're not sorry. Right at the same time we nuke pyonyang and shanghai.