Its not happening.
Its not happening
This doesn't change anything
They're simply saying that they don't want to be the ones to escalate things. If push comes to shove and Kim goes nuclear, then they'll have no other choice but to strike.
And then they test a nuke. It'll fucking happen.
I don't understand, how and why Kim will go nuclear?
As i understand it, US threatens Korea to retaliate if N.K will cunduct nuclear (underground?) test in celebration of smth. Why the fuck burgers are even here?
What the fuck is Trump doing? Does he wants to get impeached for war crimes? It sure looks like it.
And what is more disgusting is burgers eating up war propaganda from the same MSM they hated literally a week ago and praise new wars, toppling regimes and bringing democracy around the world.
Looks like US really is done for.
shut up ruskie, we're with the chinks now
Sums it up
US imperialist liars
They want "regime change" (aka we want to destroy the people's glorious republic)
This it's just bussiness as usual for the US military, the only difference it's that now Trump has the MSM against him.
We've put ourselves in a position that we have to act. We can't just let him load up a nuclear test and then wait us out, unless we want to keep our ships there forever. I don't see how this ends without NK get fucked up.
Funny how leaf fags don't recognize they are the spawn of imperialist chucks from the 17th century.
Alright boys, pack it up, we're done with this happening.
why does pol want nuclear war to happen so bad. It will be shit for everyone.
it's not propaganda you stupid Ivan
NK has been threatening SK and Japan with nuclear annihilation for fucking ever, it's getting to the point where they can follow through on it
It's also the same week when the Syria invasion didn't worked.
>his senses
>a guy who's treated like a living god and can do whatever he wants to whoever in NK
i can't imagine why he would get cheeky
>NK has been threatening SK and Japan with nuclear annihilation for fucking ever
This is why you are moving there your fleet, and scream around the whole world about retaliations, just to ease some tensions?
why are le_donald faggots so obnoxious and ignorant? China is main geopolitical enemy of America. They're are taking advantage of a retarded president while they can
there is no such thing as easing of tensions. there is escalation and capitulation. victory and defeat
cucked beyond belief.
No, it is to stop them from having nukes which they are not supposed to have in the first place.
Nooo! I need my happenings! I've waited my whole life for this!
If only it were that easy bro. Our teeth are back and we're tired of not just us but our allies being being NK's bitch and acccepting his rogue launches that could kill anyone of us and letting him carry on. Time to take care of the business that should have been taken care of over 10 years ago when we were too busy dicking around in the sandbox.
It wont be a nuclear war. The only way it would be nuclear is if Kim somehow hits us or our allies with one. Then it would be all bets off.
It'll be the same old Stealth bombers, cruise missiles against command and control and AA and then massive air campaign like it has been for 20+ years.
They already blackmail us or Japan. We can't let them develop long-range missiles to put their nukes on. It's actually an acceptable intervention as far as im concerned. But the Middle East stuff can fuck off.
Thinking in extremes is not helpful, user.
LOL user pretends he's Mattis on Sup Forums.
Why won't you get rid of our enemy permanently senpai :(
>Our teeth are back
It looks more like your military complex is out of control and in free roam.
For your information it's turning profits already.
Paranoia is what kept us alive user.
>Syria invasion
what the fuck are you talking about? the single airstrike?
If they get nukes I hope they hit fucking Moscow just so you can understand why the fuck NK is a problem
Alright I'll bite I'm a newfag. But what flag is your land again? Legit asking.
also Nepal
They can't. They don't have a proper delivery methods.
>pms in ID
The point was to take down the Assad regime, at least that was the talk before Al Qaeda seized territory because of that air strike.
this is why they are a problem
right now they can hit SK and probably Japan
what we want to prevent is their ability to hit Guam, Australia, Hawaii, mainland USA and who knows where else. these fucks are crazy enough to do it, no sane government threatens nuclear attacks on their neighbours simply because they're not communist.
looks like i got a case of bloody cunt today
that was the MSM fucking with your head, Trump was never interested in regime change
>believing the MSM
Don't worry, we'll continue to take out the trash whether you want to enjoy butthurt about something totally irrelevant or not. Tissue bro?
Chyna is not going to not let Trump respond to the test in any meaningful way tho, hope Kim chickens out
Make an estimate, how many american invasions do you think I watched?
Iraq and Afghanistan
>Begins drinking at 2 in the afternoon
Fuck these fake happenings all week, it's the biggest habbening blue ball I've had in years. All we got was one big fucking bomb and a pointless strike on a Syrian airfield.
In all honesty, though, I don't think Kim Jong will ever comply with what the US/west wants, which is denuclearization. It's the same as Iran - they think they have a right to develop nuclear weapons just like everybody else, and they aren't going to fucking listen to anybody trying to tell them otherwise.
There is still hope for happening, but I'm done holding my fucking breath. Wake me when the fucking bombs are falling.
Shit is like watching two kids at school that said they were gonna fight just walk around each other for ten minutes while all their friends yell, then never fighting. Fuck off with your faggot posturing and do it.
Just like we didn't want to destroy X dictator but in the end we do. We wreck em.
user thinks we care that he's got a fucking television. LOL
Can they at least blow his knees off?
Wrong! Keep counting...
Damn hol up I thought this was a not happening thread, not a faggot liberal piece of trash get together thread.
NK and Kim are fucking psycho, so just like Iran, the rest of the world needs to control their access to nuclear weapons because they have shown massive instability and threatened peaceful neighbors CONSTANTLY.
You stupid fucking niggers don't understand that because you're retarded, but stop shitting up our not happening thread so we can bitch and moan in peace.
Faggots GTFO.
This.. I could have just waited and read the news today instead of F5'n all week.
The world will continue turning with or without me. Might as well focus on my sphere of influence.
at least Iran only threatens Israel
North Korea is a much larger threat, and it threatens people of value.
It's easy to say that when you don't have a country led by a dictator and a personality cult surrounding that dictator that openly demonizes your nation and considers you to literally be "The Great Satan". North Korea is at the point where within two years they will obtain nuclear weapons that can target the western coast of the United States, i.e. the most important economical center of our country considering California is the wealthiest state in the nation.
Why should we sit here allowing them to build a stronger and stronger nuclear arsenal and allow them to gain more and more capability of reaching us with that arsenal? All we're doing is giving them time to be able to attack our country.
>it threatens people of value.
Correct, we have a hell of a lot more friends and based gooks to worry about over there with Kim flinging fake nukes into the sea every month.
Just so you know, Saddam fucking thumbed his nose at UN sanctions over the decades-long Iran/Iraq war and laughed it off, then he got rightfully BTFO. Say what you want about oil and neocon imperialism wahh wahh fucking bullshit, sure some asshole capitalists took advantage of the situation like they always do, but that fucker had it coming for a long time. America is just the only one with the fucking balls to do it, hence why we lead all you other cuckstains in defending the free world.
How about Beijing accommodates everyone by letting Kim flight test his missiles on whichever airspace Beijing tests theirs? Same with nukes.
I think this was what the meeting with Mongolia was about. The Gobi as a proving ground.
Look at the east asian map, Best Korea doesn't have enough landmass to fly their missile tests withing solid terran borders. So they test it out to sea. But sea borders are more fluid, figuratively. Russia doesn't give a shit if a payload-less missile ends its trajectory in their waters, but Nips raise up a huge stink, partially because they are butthurt the US doesn't allow them their own irb missile brigades, and partially to play the moral high card that the US can also use on the world perception stage.
Avoid all that by using testing sites where everyone is okay with it under the tight control of more responsible, nuclear big brother China.
It's really a problem of public relations. Which memers should be able to parse.
Hillary would have started WW3, all I got with dromph was a car chase with a nice overlay
good job faggots
pretty much
although to be fair Iran with nukes would be fucking hilarious
This is psyops. Let's not write history before it happens.
>All these de-escalation rhetoric suddenly getting a signal boost this late in the schedule
AHAHAHAAHAHA o fuck now what do we do