Study political sciences in yurop

>study political sciences in yurop
>work for the spanish army
>work for the UN peacekeepers
>become officer
>get reputation as scholar, political critic and officer
>try to become high ranking CO in the peacekeepers
>fuck off back to mexico, become officer in mexican army
>get engaged in national politics
>aggressively push for presidency
>become prezi
>unfuck this shithole
>get reputation as competent statesman and national leader
>reveal my powerlevel
>publish several books on human unification, globalisation and common sense politics
>hype the living shit out my ideas using futurism
>mfw everyone wants to mine asteroids and become filthy fucking rich
>go for UN chairman
>do my job while pushing for my ideas
>"do my job" means telling china, us and russia to fuck off with their national interests that conflict with global interests
>do sekrit meeting with sympathetic national leaders
>form NATO on steroids to take over the world
>probably will contain most of europe as they'd like the idea
>command from the front for reputation and keks
>hopefully don't destroy the world in the process
>crown myself emperor
>become napoleon on steroids
>government's still pretty democratic, need the people's will
>go for the stars

rate my life's plan in quality and delusion

>mexican intellectuals

Good luck OP!

>slips and dies before you can accomplish anything
Stop seeking control
don't make strict plans since they can always go awry

as long as this is the eventual outcome

>"do my job" means telling china, us and russia to fuck off with their national interests that conflict with global interests
>china, us and russia
>telling them to fuck off
>telling all of them to fuck off
>mexico in any reasonable condition
Do you know what triple penetration is? Ask Poland.

I consider myself a masochist.

Imagine ten mexican women.
Now shoot nine of them mentally since those are the ugly ones.
Remaining one will be raped by bored on his leave John, L I B E R A T E D by Vadim who's too on his leave but instead is having fun, and a small Chinese squad of fifty people.
Don't worry though, dick length wise they'll be altogether about equal to one Murrican or one Russian.

>small Chinese squad of fifty people.

top kek

And about a few hundred Chinese.

I'm in a pretty similar plan. The unit im in has already produced some pretty good MPs, no PMs though.

Expect to encounter many difficulties OP.

so a rifle team?

as in, they all share the people's rifle?

What actually happens
>study political sciences in yurop
>spend all monies and flunk out
>spend all day masturbating to megumeme

Five Chinese carry another, who is painted black and makes 'pew-pew, capitalllist pigs' noises. They're watched by a commissar with a pistol.

>he thinks anyone would listen to a spic
sorry to tell you Jorge, but this is the chinese century now


woah woah woah no special operations here buddy

Sorry Nigel, unless you went the Eton>Exford/cambridge route you won't ever become anyone who matters in UK politics

Pistol is actually a chinese child, to be thrown at the soldiers if they act out.
It is capable of biting through whatever, as long as it has legs and is not a piece of furniture.

On the picture you can see the Chinese training to substitute deficit AK rifles.

Try to make it a netflix show. You will have more success


Trump is president.

Work hard, work on yourself, exercise, eat eight, meditate, read a lot.

And you might just pull it off.


Now that I think about it, making it a never-ending soap opera sorta saves you from having to actually somehow make Mexico great again, even in fiction.
