How Will the US Survive?
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Thank goodness, now we'll have a solution for when the guns walk around on their own shooting at whatever they please.
Stopping people is a thing of the past, stop the guns today.
What will happen when he gains a conscience though?
Computer, edit engagement algorithm. Set target acquisition threshold color to B29772. Disengage safety protocols.
He said it's NOT a Terminator. No one would lie about a thing like that.
US have been preparing for necron warriors.
How can a meatboy even compete?
Idols will speak and move about.
That sounds like a rather specific denial.
>WW3 will be Johns in big power armour suits with reactive machineguns as their main weapon fighting undying robot hordes, Uran-9s and Kremlin-looking monoliths
Hello shill.
Let's make it comb social media data and locate Jewish words, phrases and mannerisms. That way when it finds a Jew, it can be sure to salute it on the spot.
looks and moves like shit compared to Boston dynamics newer stuff.
Of course. We're very behind on this, but it's already something. Maybe in time we'll cross the gap between your robots and ours. Doubt it.
Clone Wars when ?
I am pretty sure that you PROGRAM robots.. not "TRAIN" them... Sup Forums is as smart as the average slav
You know we've only got the biggest cyber weapon group in the world...
>Doubt it.
it will. Once these things are battle ready you guys will allocate way more resources and come up with one that's equally as good.
The russikis are also gonna teach it to fly spaceships. .. America and the Ukraine are up shit creek
The problem with humanoid robots is that they're in their current form are highly immobile, unsteady and such. It's like trying to build a reactive bomber while the world's struggling to make a plane fly for an hour straight at all.
Uran-9 is looking far better in terms of perspectives, at least immediate. We could already use them if needed, especially if just operated by a human some distance away as they currently are meant to be, though enough effort and they'll be good enough independent.
It's all a matter of need, and right now just Ivans trained professionally are more viable. Once a Uran-9 will cost less and be as or more useful than a human, we'll focus on robotics far more, but until then... All we get is F.E.D.O.R.
It is Russian Terminator.
forgot pic
new garen skin when?
We EMP and bomb the shit out of them.
why? I'm tired of this bullshit war mongering against Russia. We don't have to be best friends but a healthy competitive relationship is fine. We should be conducting more joint operations with the Russians to take out the filth in the ME.
When are they gonna mooooo?
Except they're with the people in ME.
If they want to drop ties with the muzzies and work with us, great. But they're already threatening us over bombing Syria. Plus they are allied with China, our next 2nd biggest enemy.
is that the prototype that kept breaking out of its research lab?
poor guy
>Russian robot soldier
it's missing the only thing that Russian soldiers are good at though, raping.
Don't we already have this, but on wheels?
He kills the Jews.
hate to burst your bubble we're the ones with the people in the middle east
(it's da joos).
we play world police so Israel can constantly aquire land
threath of nuclear war and fucking terminators.
I love this timeline so much
>Except they're with the people in ME
While Israel is your "greatest ally" with the Saudis a close second.
>But they're already threatening us over bombing Syria
You're bombing their arabs, they're bombing your arabs.
Same shit, you should get along great.
Emp grenades
if it's a slav conscience, we'll just thrown some vodka bottles his way, and it'll soon turn into a gopnikking monkey
They're with Iran and Syria, you're with Israel, Saudi Arabia and in general your prefered non-state militaries in the region are signficantly more Islamic than theirs.