Snopes "Fact Checks" Sweden Crime

This is unbelievably Orwellian.

Recently-arrived asylum seekers are perpetrating the majority of crime in Sweden.


most violence in Sweden can’t be linked to asylum seekers. Instead, economic stagnation in immigrant communities that formed decades ago has resulted in intergenerational poverty, which has in turn fueled the proliferation of street gangs. Data provided by Statistics Sweden show, for example, that unemployment is higher and education levels lower in Herrgården, which is thought of as the most dangerous part of Rosengård, a neighborhood in Malmö.

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>Its not the migrants! Its the migrants kids! Checkmate Drumpelkeklingtions

No, that makes sense.
Same goes here in Germany.
Most criminals have a "migration background" which means they are third or second generation sandniggers, born here.
Those are the ones involved in organized and gang crime.
The newly arriving niggers are only involved in petty crime, violence and rape, but are still outnumbered by the third or second generation sandniggers.
Remind you that it takes time to build up criminal networks and gang turfs.

Yeah, I heard that the majority of the rapes in the NYE fiasco were perpetrated by second or third generation non-whites.

That's not to say that migrants aren't also raping and committing disproportionate amounts of crime though.

I'm so glad we have Snopes around to tell the truth to all the racists that the mass amounts of brown people Sweden imported bc of white guilt is working out just fine.

Can anyone paraphrase this shit? I'm not reading that wall of text just to hear the leftist rationalization for muslims.

>reports every day of more Cultural Enrichment in Swedistan
>journalist goes to Sweden to live report for month
>it's just as bad as everyone says
>truck of piece rips a little girl in half
>but the government and their data say otherwise so that's wrong :^)


>most violence in Sweden can’t be linked to asylum seekers. Instead, economic stagnation in immigrant communities that formed decades ago has resulted in intergenerational poverty, which has in turn fueled the proliferation of street gangs.
Check out that weaselly language.

>it has nothing to do with asylum seekers
>it has to do with immigrants who have been coming in over the last few decades who tend to live in poverty and form gangs
>why are you trying to make it a racial thing goyim

What are you on about? is right.
It only proves the point, that sandniggers and niggers simply cannot be civilized, even after a generation or two.

Moral of the story: ban all non white immigration.

I think this is true here as well. Can't confirm though, since I'm not really that interested in nigger crime culture.

Because it's true. Most migrants that seek a better life in Sweden, or Europe, nonetheless are there for a better life. They escaped their war torn home to seek a life out of conflict. Many of these migrants do not commit serious crimes, and the funny thing is that you guys won't acknowledge the native Europeans commit more crime than migrants.

Does snopes realize that they are saying long term migration has caused a spike in crime?

>since I'm not really that interested in nigger crime culture.

Most Germans and Swedes are. they love hip hop and shit.

We get day to day reports of new shit happening in Sweden and Snopes still tries to keep the narrative together...
That's really sad man.

It's actually true.

Most crime is committed by shitskins who didn't come as refugees in the last few years.

Overall, non-whites (arabs and niggers) commit about 80-85% of all crime in Sweden, and about 90% of all violent and drug related crime.

>Be David Mikkelson
>Try for a while to be objective and develop some credibility so you can use it later on to do the kike indoctrination you were designed to do in the first place
>Become snopes
from 2012

absolutely abhorrent post fellow leaf. Thanks for keeping us on the map

That's strange.
>Statistics Sweden
Never heard of it. I'd bet a leg they pulled their data from SCB, but they already include adjusted figures taking into account population density, income, educational level and any other variable you can think of contributing to some vague bullshit like "socio-economic status". Even then the foreign horde, and their spawn, were highly over-represented.

>it's not the newly arrived shitskins
>it's the children of the ones who arrived decades ago
Is that supposed to be better?

The only thing this does is expose the long term effects on african/middle-eastern immigration.
The second generation commiting more crime isn't exactly news to anyone.

Anyone else (that bothers to use it) see the new 'fake news' popup on FB?

The narrative is being pushed pretty hard. Good think Mr. Zuckerberg is around to tell me that if a source is airing a dirty laundry story but the MSM ISNT - that means its fake news goy! Remember, only our verified controlled sources can report the news to you, ignore any evidence the others might have, it's all like doctored and shit

It's being pedantic. When people say immigrants they're, at this point, referring to the non-whites that have flooded Europe over the last 20-30 years. The article is basically stating that peoples' assertions that muds and nogs bring with them their backwards cultural values and ape culture and live lives of destitute poverty causing a steady increase in crime and violence is correct. But it asserts that people are only talking about "asylum seekers" from the last two or three years so obviously there's nothing going on at all so quite being such a racist and accept the multiculti cock.

see it's not 100% you fucking racists

Plus, those shitskins are gonna have children, right? Sooooo?

Brown people dindu nuffin it's all white people fault

Also, this is just fucking funny how they twist and turn.

>Recently-arrived asylum seekers are perpetrating the majority of crime in Sweden.
>Many of the persons committing crimes in areas such as Malmö or the Stockholm suburb of Rinkeby are young people who were either born in Sweden to immigrant parents or were born outside the country but arrived in Sweden at a young age.

Kreuk is 11/10

>most violence in Sweden can’t be linked to asylum seekers. Instead, economic stagnation in immigrant communities that formed decades ago has resulted in intergenerational poverty, which has in turn fueled the proliferation of street gangs. Data provided by Statistics Sweden show, for example, that unemployment is higher and education levels lower in Herrgården, which is thought of as the most dangerous part of Rosengård, a neighborhood in Malmö.
So whats the solution to this?
Import more niggers
t.Swedish politicians

Google's new fact-checking service relies on (among other organizations).

>The newly arriving niggers are only involved in petty crime, violence and rape, but are still outnumbered by the third or second generation sandniggers.
This is why you stop them from coming in the first place Fritz.

LEO here. This is exactly what happens in the Urban US too. You get a boat load of first generation workers and leechers, usually keep to themselves. The second generation grows up in the left's echo chamber + their own culture + teen angst in a materialist western nihilist society. The end result is you get extremely strong tribal gang bonds usually with an impenetrable lingual barrier to outsiders using local dialect and idiom. It's a total nightmare for police resources that are already spread thin due to dindus.

Quite frankly I have no idea how Sweden and the like can even keep a slight lid on it now. There are cities in the US today that are just a few years from going Detroit levels of lawless which aren't even on people's radar yet, but they will be.

IMHO the first quarter of the 21st century is going to break prohibition era violence records across the west. There are just so damned many fermenting problems that are ready to pop off and the ability of existing law and order system to take care of them are decreasing at the same time.

And to the people who think some strong-arming from the Trump admin will do the trick, don't get your hopes up. Stop and Frisk works on negros who are too stupid to keep drugs out of their pockets. It doesn't work at all on the well organized mestizo and other immigrant gangs who are higher IQ and better organized.

RIP Europe.

>Check out that weaselly language

Soooo fucking disingenuous
They even start by wording it "Claims that newly-arrived" No you slimey fucks, it's all of them and their mudslime offspring

Are you retarded? This is Not much Text youre on a forum geez

I like being held ransom in my home by invaders it's my human right as a white person


why does her ass look so weird?

>literally get free housing, all bills paid, food and extra cash for playthings like the latest iPhone

Foreigners, immigrants, pests. All means the same thing; they don't belong here.

>It's not the immigrants
>It's just the immigrant communities

>Recently-arrived asylum seekers are perpetrating the majority of crime in Sweden.
No one is saying this.

I like how they describe pre-nigger Sweden as having a "power-vacuum" in organized crime.

Gee, wonder why.


No one is claiming that. People are saying that immigrants are extremely over represented in rimes especially violent crimes and rapes. Not that a minority do the majority of the crime.

The rest is a lie too. It is not poverty, it is about their culture.

Snopes need to die.

I like how they're offering an explanation when one wasn't required. It's like the kind of bullshit excuses you hear from darkies when they get caught committing one of their many crimes about how they need money for their kids or some other nonsense they think absolves them of the guilt of actually committing the crime.

>it is about their culture
You can't civilize them any more than you can teach a fish to climb a tree.

My favorite one was when a news story came out about Obama and it was "discredited" by snopes in like an hour

It just uses circular logic

>most criminals are actually in jail and not in black communities
>therefore the claim black communities have the highest violence problems is FALSE

Fact checkers can basically make the data say whatever they want. Any statement can be proven false if you have loose logical rules.

"More dogs are killed each day then jews, so the hollocaust was not a big deal, mostly false"

That's what's so funny about this line from libs.
It's probably true to an extent that the freshest mud hordes aren't the most criminal, although even this is based on government statistics that I wouldn't trust as far as I could piss.
It's sands and muds who are already here that commit the most crime and the most violent, explosive acts of terrorism. It has nothing to do with poverty, either. The highest at-risk group are the children, especially the third generation, of wealthy, "successful" immigrants. This has been known to the security services for decades, but for obvious reasons there's no political will to act on it.
But that fact is not -- or at least should not be -- comforting to libs at all, in fact it's absolutely damning, extremely damning even. It basically blows wide open the whole blank slate, colour is meaningless ideology and exposes the reality that blood is thicker than water. They're shooting themselves in the foot and they don't even see it.

>Recently-arrived asylum seekers are perpetrating the majority of crime in Sweden.


The point is that these shitskins are not swedish. They are evading the issue with semantics.

This is fucking disgusting

>there are lots of paid off left wing fact checkers so lets slap this majority fallacy on you so you don't go looking for all that fake news!


Why does the second generation engage in Jihad at far higher rates than (prior to recent invaders) the first generation of Muslims to immigrate?

The answer is that the first generation did their Jihad by migrating which is called Hijra. This act of invasion serves as their ticket to Jihad paradise. But their children are SOL for paradise as they are born into Dar-al-Harb and now have to resort to "fighting in the way of Allah" to secure their paradise.

Just wanted pol to understand the "why"

Yeah, nobody says "newly arrived." We claim that shitskins are subhuman, not only "newly arrived."

Its non european immigrants and 2nd generation immigrants mostly. Non whites to make it easy.

No shit, Sherlock.

The most overpaid, overmilitarized, overcoddled, armored, largest police force in the history of the US is "spread too thin". Yeah fucking right. Next you'll be whining about how scary it is to be a cop, when there are literally dozens of normal jobs with a higher injury and death rate than being a LEO.

Your job is insanely safe and you're a massive drain on the economy and your local community hates you. FUCK OFF.

You need to stop using the term "immigrants" because then they just say "oh yeah well these second and third and fourth generation who were born here are criminals too, checkmate racists."

I doubt that polite society in Sweden would accept the term "shitskin" though, user.

I'm going to just assume that nobody ever claimed that the majority of crime is committed by RECENT asylum seekers, and Snopes just strawmanned the hell out of this shit.

Based on your knowledge of the subject I'm guessing you're familiar with Stephen Coughlin's work.


Why do people think Snopes is a team of Pulitzer Prize winning journalists or something?

When in reality they are a fat married liberal couple and their cat.

We still consider them immigrants. It's not like united states. Doesnt matter if your born here.


Argentina had a sizable arab immigration and all integrated to argie society, and changed their ways accordingly.
your problem is that you are too ((tolerant and understanding)) of their ways, you should be more racist and xenophobic assholes like us, and call them out on their bullshit all day, every day.

Remember when snopes was a fun website about urban legends and not muh super serious politcal factchecking authority?

>exhales weed

No, immigrant doesn't really carry that connotation. Foreigner is a little closer, but not quite. Just call them vermin.

>Overall, non-whites (arabs and niggers) commit about 80-85% of all crime in Sweden, and about 90% of all violent and drug related crime.

Source? I thought they didn't do statistics by ethnicity over there

What does the 8 ball mean?

That won't make them any less stupid or shortsighted. You shouldn't be proud of them blending in with you.

Oh my god i would suck and lick her feet

Seriously, sort yourself out, bucko!

Also, Kathleen Wynne called and wants her daily ventral scrub

>they are just in search of a better life! :'(

That doesn't make them good people. The guy who robbed your house is just in search of a better TV. Still makes him a piece of shit

I don't think you understand dude. USA would be Brazil-tier if not for that huge police and world's biggest prison system.

Is there a word in swedish to differentiate between ethnic swedes and non-swedish citizens?

Swedes. Foreigner. Neger.

To be fair, Argentina was already a non-white shit hole to begin with.

They are still niggers who ruin everything

>sweden hasnt given enough charity and thats why they rape

Remember when snopes was about things like creepy obstacles or if you could dig to China?

Ttying to be fact checkers for political sites is sad

It's still because they're fucking brown

Yeah, this argument has never made sense to me either. It's a blatant attempt at emotional manipulation, nothing more.

You are a cunt.

That is all.

Has anyone got any links/graphs/charts on increase of crime and rapes in sweden over the last couple of years? I can't seem to find any which I think is due to me searching for english results, but all the english ones stop at 2014

So you call a 3'd generation Swedish nigger a foreigner as opposed to a non-ethnic Swede?


>guys current muslim immigration is fine
>btw previous muslim immigration has been a disaster

it must hurt being that stupid/liberal

>No comment section
A statement with no ability to be debunked is just an opinion.

they are considered negative words

right wing btfo again used to be about urban legends. now they seem to have a dyke SJW staff to talk about this kind of things.

It's the long-term effects of immigration that has a destructive result on society, not recent arrivals. So... welcome refugees!

>Argentina had a sizable arab immigration and all integrated to argie society
Upper-middle class arab christians are not the same than the boat people Sweden is taking in.

the West likes to be emotionally black mailed

>think of the children!

but not your own children btw

go away dummy

Yeah so what still immigrants in immigrant neighorhoods. Recent migrants will cause the same thing + jihadism.

Suck ass snopes. Yall gonna fall, and the fall will break ya neck.

>Your job is insanely safe and you're a massive drain on the economy and local community hates you.





kys bro

>intergenerational poverty
>in sweden

Yeah not being able to go abroad every year or own every game console is poverty.

no I never liked that shit site