Admitmit, you guys only come here tomget confirmation about your own delusional political views and circlejerk each other.
You don't care about what's right or wrong, you care about what suits you best.
Admitmit, you guys only come here tomget confirmation about your own delusional political views and circlejerk each other.
You don't care about what's right or wrong, you care about what suits you best.
Other urls found in this thread:
pretty much. I see your point.
Of course it is you fucking moron faggot.
Where the fuck are these idiots coming from lately
Thank you Hauptmann Obvious.
Dissenting opinions generate more (You)s
nah i come here for happening threads, pictures of hot Israeli soldiers, and roll threads.
i also enjoy the self hating nipon.
So just like every other political Internet group
This would be true if I didn't look at other sources and points of view.
And given that while the vast majority of Sup Forums are indeed on the same side of the spectrum, there are people who disagree.
Given that most of us have normiebook and shit like that, we see plenty of opposing views.
We see it in news papers, their websites, their broadcasts, on the radio, we get one view in the real world, and one here.
If anyone uses only Sup Forums and no other sources, he's a fucking idiot.
nah t_d is worse
at least here I can post "Trump is a fucking cuck and so are his supporters" without being buried
It's all relative. This site is the best place for exchanging ideas. If you wanna see an echo chamber, go to reddit. Posting certain opinions gets you banned.
If Sup Forums can have a spainard make commie threads every now and then while this other guy can make a NatSoc thread, while both recieve shit.
It isn't an eco chamber
I only come here for my daily affirmation.
It's an echo chamber that has become less of an echo chamber in the past few weeks. Trump's flipflopping has improved the board.
While it may be an echo chamber, it's the greatest place of free speech on the internet. 8/pol/ and /leftypol/ are far more intelligent but they have strict rules and 8/pol/ is an echo chamber.
except no matter what you say, everyone fucking disagrees with you. this is a fighting place.
this is the OPPOSITE of an echo chamber. you don't even get support for supporting trump anymore here.
t. Shariablue
Why would shareblue still post here? Weren't they pro-Hillary? Trump is doing everything Hillary promised and more. The dems are satisfied.
Oh shit, I'm now officially #MENTALLYHILL. But seriously we cannot let Drumpf get his hands on the nuclear codes.
>be Kraut and Tea
>get BTFO all the time
>call Sup Forums a circlejerk, because your arguments suck
>be you
>can't stop sucking cock and fucking sheboons
>p-providing air support to ISIS is 15.7D chess!!
So that's why he spent the next few days asking congress to help him increase funding to the rebels and passed a new arms deal with Saudi Arabia that even Obama blocked
Fake news. The air support killed 19 "rebels", none of Assad's troops were harmed. Keep crying shill.
>The air support killed 19 "rebels"
What were they doing in Assad's airfield?
>he disagrees with me, better call him a shill
Maybe it is, to a certain degree, but it's the one of the least echo chambery places left on the internet. Anonymity allows freer discussion than usernames ever will.
Interesting isn't it? Almost as if Trump and Assad played them like a fiddle. Probably told Assad to evacuate the base in advance, rebels came to take it thinking nice, we got our hands on all this aircraft then got BTFO. Dumb fuck shill.
Once again the anglo is supreme.
Sup Forums is equivalent to faggots on college campuses.
>demand pol be a safe space "you have to go back"
>anyone who dissents is a shill or a jew
>take one true thing and run with it until its insanity
>anything they dont like is a meaningless buzzword
>moral busybodies and authoritarian faggots
>overwhelmingly NEETS
I come here for wacky news and to watch the world burn. I think the white nationalist and jew stuff is fucking retarded. There's a lot I agree on but everyone's just trying to one up each other with edgy beliefs.
provide one source
Yes Sup Forums is an echo chamber, and there's nothing wrong with it if we are right
literally half my posts are "fuck drumpf and fuck white people :^)" so I really don't see where you're coming from :^)
just checkin
Sup Forums is basically the Hillary Clinton fan site. DRUMPFYS are just upset he lost the popular vote and they try kicking us off their board.
If this is an echo chamber please tell me, why are there libertarians and socialists, Christians and atheists, NEETs and successful men, even women of all ideologies, all of them on the same board, in the same threads, at the same time?
The only things that echoes here is the truth.
Truth distilled through years of nonstop shitposting, digging through shitposts and legitimate arguing with each other.
A truth that's never going to stop being refined, expanded, and spread to the masses.
Echo chamber huh? Feels more like an amplifier.
yeah, so? What's your point?
I come in hopes of joining a flash mob like the Shia gang.
it ties for 1st place with Tumblr
Don't you fucking tell me I'm not better than tumblr at something.
>has absolute freedom of speech
>echo chamber
It's the furthest thing from it but whatever
>every major site on the internet is a cucked leftist circlejerk where anything beyond center right is villified
>people have to come to a fucking anime board to express their beliefs
>it still gets bombed to hell by libshits
>durr echo chamber
This. Other places you get banned or shadowbanned for dissenting opinions. Here, you are free to be an idiot, well just call you a faggot.
>has a dissenting opinion
>doesn't get banned
Echo chamber almost as believable as gas chambers
pretty much this. The amount of white trash on the board is entertaining.
I guess you could say that people like me help make it no so much of one.
I dont have a problem with race mixing
I dont give two shits about fags
I dont give two shits about jews
I dont have pride or shame over my white heritage >im not a fuckin neet
>Admitmit, you guys only come here tomget confirmation about your own delusional political views and circlejerk each other.
Nobody agrees on anything here you fucking 'tard. Frig off.
Yes, we echo truth though, and a bit of nazi stuff that was satire in the beginning, now we have actual nazis
Exactly. I don't care who people fuck, I also don't care what colour your skin is. I do hate Islam though and "black culture" but that has nothing to do with actual skin colour, I've met plenty of wiggers. Being proud of being white is the exact same thing as a tumblrite saying they're proud to be a queer-souled demiviral 1-cholo-3-methylhexane rabbit folk negro-kin.
This is a free speech board
If your ideas have merit, they stay here
If they don't, they die
Pretty simple
Kraut and gay am I r-right guys
Nobody caught this samefagging?
The fact that it has been more than 3 hours and you aren't shadow banned and your post is still on the front page proves that this isn't an echo chamber.
In fact, dumb bullshit bait posts tend to get huge exposure in Sup Forums.
It's not an echo chamber, It's like a shit amplifier.
Clapistan. Many such cases. Sad! :^(
>Anonymous forum
>Echo chamber
Chicken or the egg faggot?
I'm not sure what you're arguing because the argument is retarded.
I'm saying I don't know what is coming first in your criticism of a thing.
> im supposed to be studying for my organic final and you just triggered me you absolute faggot.
Nigger cutlure is the cause of niggers. Look at the black community in the 60's when they had something like 70%+ children born in wedlock. Totally fine. Crack cocaine from the CIA later and look what happened.
I'm studying for the same thing and it would be
You made 2-chloroheptane. Study harder! It isn't hard.
I agree though. I honestly do believe slavery and all that was the start of their problems, what with there being no "old money" trickling down. They could have easily fixed it by now if it wasn't for the thug/nigger culture, whatever you want to call it. Glorifying violence, apathy, drug use, and lethargy. Half of them actually mock education and financial responsibility, they say those practicing them are "trying to be white".
Fucking christ, fine
God damn
good bait, but better luck next time
>two posts by ID
>2nd one is a samefag
The dissenting opinion isn't banned on site or made hard to view like the reddit system does
Furthermore, the dissenting opinion is what gets the most views
The biggest echo-chamber of the internet is reddit
Naw that was formatting issue. I checked after i attempted and got it right, just fucked up typing it into the box.
Its easier than I make it. Ive somehow manged to fail pretty hard so far, only to get the exam back like "dufaq was I thinking"?
>im learning it pretty well
>just not well at all on paper somehow
Slavery was the start. The great society from LBJ was the restart. Telling black mothers that they didnt need a man in the house, that they could marry the state pretty much. Boys grew up without fathers. We all know how that story ends.
Ya I got you, same thing obviously happened to me. What year are you in and what are you studying? I actually really love Org Chem, it's like a puzzle. Nomenclature is especially fun. Helps that it's making me think I have some sort of chemistry specific autism.
Exactly, so many of the black community's current problems are based on their zeitgeist. Now it's shifting toward fear mongering based on perceived race-based violence. As soon as they stop seeing themselves as black people and start seeing themselves as people who are black their lives will improve. All their racial identity does is cause them to self limit themselves with artificial barriers.
No, it's the opposite of an echo chamber. Like the dark web, it's a space where real opinions come out of hiding. Where paid for down votes and upvote bullshit doesn't work. The shills want it to be an echo chamber, they put real money and people on sliding threads, but it doesn't work. If the shills ever took down this hydra, it would just pop up in the dark web.
Anyway, it's not an echo chamber, you might hear people agreeing, but that's only when they come to the same conclusion, not because they were told what to think. In echo chambers dissenting voices are silenced. This is not an echo chamber.
Fuck you.
Technically a Jr, but im not getting a degree. Im skipping straight to pharmacy school after meeting this last semester of prerequisites. going straight from undergrad to doctorate kek.
>thatll hurt
>ive already been accepted and I cant turn them down now
Bad cultures resort to violence to sustain themselves. Islam, communism ect.
Good cultures are able to do it on ideas alone until they have to fight off stupid shit like Islam and communism.
>Is Sup Forums an echo chamber?! YOU GUYS ARE DELUSIONAL!
>300 replies incoming.
Huh. Almonds activating neurons and such.
I didn't know what Sup Forums was 18 years ago. Infact, we didn't even have internet or computers much back then.
>u dont agree with me go bak 2 plebbit
>"Sup Forums isn't an echo chamber"
>post something in a thread contra to Sup Forums's narrative
people are constantly fighting amoung themselves in here
I'm only here for the maymays, honestly.
No seriously, I'm quarter-Jewish, bisexual, not single, in good physical shape, Trump-supporting, and female. Pol hates me, and I'm not exactly swayed by what I still find funny or, at least, mind-expanding/novel.
ironic post of the day
second and third paragraphs are most relevent to why I posted this
Very smart. I've been thinking maybe I should switch and do something very similar. Congratulations, work hard and it will make up for the difficulty.
Yes but the odd thing is that black culture is violence, they aren't resorting to it, it's a fundamental part of that identity. Pretty much the same eventual effect though. It would be so easy to fix the issues. Change the media's voice on racial issues, change the music, stop insisting everyone is racist and giving people special treatment based on race. Basically just treat each other as human beings. With a strong enough push you could honestly fix it in one or two generations.
I know this guy, he's Somali. He's a scumbag. Stole his the health cards of everyone in his immediate family to get drugs so he could get high with his friends, he's likely going to jail soon. Thing is, I went to school with him briefly. He's actually very intelligent, at least he learns quickly. The issue is that he's so deep into the thug culture that he measures himself based on that instead of his academic success. He had gotten into a good University and not 2 months later he did the health card thing, and that's only the first crime he had actually been caught doing. It isn't that he isn't capable, god no, he's just shooting himself in the foot at every turn. I think he's a perfect microcosm of the black community's problems.
Sup Forumsfags are so retarded they don't realize most people here are simply pretending or directly trolling them.
>ive got a lot of friends just like you
>except they hate trump and believe all the msm propaganda
>i have to explain why i come to pol to them
I feel like Sup Forums has actually become very divided. Trump supporters are fractured and demoralized, other groups are energized and it all makes for some p. interesting conversations.
True samefag, true. How great it is to post, the confirm my own post, the goyim will never know. Heh. Heh. Heh.
>Ahmed, please turn to page 10 in the PDF manual we sent you. There you will find a series entitled: "what to avoid when posting on Chans." Under subsection D, see entry 3, "samefagging." This is your second strike, next one an we won't be needing you to shill for shekels.
Come on read the manual
every time Sup Forums gets some mainstream publicity the normies swarm here to attack, like the good corporate puppets that they are.
There are no females on the internet
Not always, there's plenty of opposing viewpoints presented on Sup Forums and with no downvote button it's hard to drown them out completely although some anons do try.
Cucks should have their children shot and brutalized.
In my area, pharmacy is in huge demand because of the drug problem. Medicine in general is always solid.
If you can do organic that well, a chemistry degree is also an absolutely solid choice. I knew a chemical engineer with 40 years of experience. He got called out of retirement to work for like, DOW or some shit. 123$ an hour. Before overtime. kek.
This exactly. But the issue with the identity politics is that only someone from that identity has any credibility too them. And, hilariously enough, people like Larry Elder who call them on this bullshit just get called a race traitor. Fuckin white liberals only make it 3000x worse.
The black community needs a thought leader. It will HAVE to be a democrat too, the other parties are too tainted in the minds of brainwashed minorities.
Such a clusterfuck.
Not to mention, no one can historyFag you by searching through you posts for the last 5 years to find the one time you said something nice about a Robert Mugabe, take it out of context and follow you around the place declaring you "anti-white" under everything you post.
Jesus, Reddit is literally the worst place in the world. It like school election season everyday, just cheap and meaningless jokes rehashed for good goy points and gelt. It's the shittiest dopamine pump factory on earth.
>Admitmit, you guys only come here tomget confirmation about your own delusional political views and circlejerk each other.
8pol is worse
I've thought about it. A few professors keep insisting I change my major. I'm in nutrition right now which is a surprisingly competitive field. I need a 3.5 GPA to get into the masters, which is my goal with it. If that falls through I'm definitely going in for chem. Problem is, although I excel at tests I'm hilariously bad at labs. I'm not sure how successful I'd be in a related career.
Like you said, identity politics are very hard to penetrate. You either need to be extremely subtle and patient, or far reaching and patient. I don't think a single thought leader would work because of this. The best way to counter this sort of thing is via bandwagoning. That's what got them into this, and it's what will get them out. If their idols, like the musicians, started to give better messages like "Go to fucking school and stop doing every drug available", if their friends and family stopped passing on messages like "Every white person is against you, that's why you need to commit crimes and not go to school, it's the only way to get ahead", things would improve. We have the internet now, which could do the job of shifting that zeitgeist very quickly. It could literally be memed into reality.
oh christ i dont even go to 8pol. Ive yet to see anything of value from there other than aforementioned circle jerk. Sup Forums has all kinds of interesting people at least.
What would you end up doing with that degree? Advising doctors/patients? Working for companies?
The internet is a powerful tool. And it works. I think theres a reason that people like Sargon are taking off and places like twitter have to harass him (he probably deserves it though lol) and others like him. Everyone is sick of identity politics.
>pretty much. I see your point.
My end goal is to work for the board of education and change how health and food is taught in schools. Health in highschool is completely focused on safe sex, and while that's important it doesn't need to be the only focus. Elementary and highschool should both teach you how calories work, about macros and micros, about what's actually bad and what just requires moderation, what isn't bad even though people tell you it is, etc. I also believe that a cooking class should be mandatory for highschool students. To me knowing how to at least prepare a basic meal is as important as math or English. They don't need to be chefs by the end, but they need to be able to feed themselves. In my perfect world the exam would be making a half-decent and semi-nutritious meal out of a randomized assortment of ingredients in a fridge, with no guidance.
That's a lofty goal though and I'll likely end up doing hospital work mixed with some advisement work. Possibly some product development as well. I admit I'm sacrificing pay for passion, but that's why Chem is my back up.
It's distinctly possible they've swung the pendulum too far and the backswing will actually fix a lot of these problems naturally. Like you said, people are sick of it. The future is a real gamble but there's definitely hope.
>is Sup Forums the biggest echo chamber of them all?
No. We can't discuss the holocaust and how it was faked, without at least a few dudes defending it gallantly.
Every single thread has opposing arguments. That is the opposite of an echochamber.
Reddit is what you're talking about. Dissenting views are censored by "downvotes" or straight up deleted and banned by mallcop mods.