Homo sapiens have been around for 200,000 years or more, why have they, in the last 5,000 years gone from developing the wheel to where we are now in modern day society?
Why have humans recently developed at a unprecedented rate?
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exponential growth bro
gene for white skin developed at that time
>thinks the earth is older than 6000 years
It happened when the Ice Age movies finally ended.
Sharing ideas through language which has increasingly been adapted to allow the sharing of more sophisticated ideas.
The Jews said so and I am not a paleontologist.
yakub came from space on a pyramid and gave us technology DAS RITE WHITE BOI
Humans 5000 years ago weren't all that different than us from an evolutionary standpoint. Almost all of our knowledge of civilization and modern technology is learned. I'd bet that if a pregnant woman from 2000 BC Europe (say Hellenic or cretan) would be teleported to the current year, her child would most likely grasp modern technology and civilization just as well as almost any newborn born in modern times.
They race mixed a lot with other human races of the time. If they wouldn't have race mixed the gene pools of the different people of the time, we would still be living in caves
Agriculture and slavery
God gave men souls
Fedoras get out
If we didn't race mix the Neanderthals would be colonizing distant star systems by now
>developed at a unprecedented rate
We haven't. We are just barely getting back to normal.
>all of humanity developed the wheel
Nah, just Northern hemisphere fags. Right around when white people showed up about seven thousand years ago is when we suddenly got all these great new technologies. Really makes you think, huh?
we became able to spread memes like fire or weapons or wheels
memes evolve and spread faster than genes
memes literally accelerated evolution by at least a factor of 10
>Humans 5000 years ago weren't all that different than us from an evolutionary standpoint. Almost all of our knowledge of civilization and modern technology is learned. I'd bet that if a pregnant woman from 2000 BC Europe (say Hellenic or cretan) would be teleported to the current year, her child would most likely grasp modern technology and civilization just as well as almost any newborn born in modern times.
No.>They race mixed a lot with other human races of the time.
>Homo sapiens have been around for 200,000 years or more, why have they, in the last 5,000 years gone from developing the wheel to where we are now in modern day society?
Evolution can work a lot faster then many people realise.
Planned obsolescence, humanity is preprogrammed for self-destruction
>takes caveman netropics
Because of the superior intelligence of women
When was language first used to share ideas? I mean I guess we had heiroglyphics and such for a long time.
In terms of brain function we've been at this level since about 40,000 years ago from what I understand, when artistic creation and symbolic expression first began to be used.
>where we are now
If Neanderthals wouldn't race-mix, they would've been extinct anyway. Race-mixing saved humanity. Why do you think the Jews, most racemixed in the world, are so fucking smart, while unironically inbreed people like Abos, nats and some people in isolate islands are so fucking behind
I agree. For example, there hasnt been a major war since women could vote and more people have healthcare and some sort of basic income support to solve hunger.
Africa still oppresses their women and they fight the most, need the most financial aid. Women are the torchbearers of all civilization
>In terms of brain function we've been at this level since about 40,000 years ago from what I understand, when artistic creation and symbolic expression first began to be used.
No. The idea that a man like Einstein was around 40.000 years ago is fucking laughable. Men like him are a direct result of civilization.
>WW2 isn't a major war
Previous civilizations were destroyed and we don't have much info on them. (and most of it is classified anyway)
Because technology doesn't just pop into existence. It takes time developed and perfect and has been held back by wars and various ideology throughout the generations.
>implying Neanderthal hybridization wasn't instrumental in distinguishing Eurasian humans from sub-saharan African trash
Jews are at least 30th cousins they are the most inbred of all.
>Men like him were a direct result of civilization
Yeah, not evolution. An Einstein born 40,000 years ago wouldn't have been doing complex maths and physics equations because he would never be exposed to that concept.
>Men like him are a direct result of civilization
You just validated my point, though. Civilization allows a mind like his to fluorish. He didn't do well in school, so it's very well that in another life he wouldn't have amounted to jack shit even with his raw amount of staggering brainpower.
>there hasnt been a major war since women could vote
What is WW2. Women litteraly voted Hitler into office.
"A New York Times journalist wrote in 1932 that: “Women have been among the strongest pillars of Hitlerism from its very inception … At Nazi meetings the proportion of women in attendance is surprisingly large. Hitler has a fascination for Germany’s weaker sex …”"
Also. WW1.
"In August 1914, at the start of the First World War, Admiral Charles Fitzgerald founded the Order of the White Feather with support from the prominent author Mrs Humphrey Ward. The organization aimed to shame men into enlisting in the British army by persuading women to present them with a white feather if they were not wearing a uniform.[2][3]
This was joined by some prominent feminists and suffragettes of the time, such as Emmeline Pankhurst and her daughter Christabel. They, in addition to handing out the feathers, also lobbied to institute an involuntary universal draft, which included those who lacked votes due to being too young or not owning property.
While the true effectiveness of the campaign is impossible to judge, it did spread throughout several other nations in the Empire. In Britain it started to cause problems for the government when public servants and men in essential occupations came under pressure to enlist."
"They found that the females used a carrot and stick approach when it came to fights.
The researchers found that both approaches manipulated males into fighting, which could potentially benefit the group as a whole and improve the female's chances of rearing more babies.
I'd say wars can be greatly beneficial to the development of technology. Look at World war 2 and how many new technologies it resulted in.
We started cooking food meat, unlocking complex proteins otherwise not found in nature that our brains used to create denser grey matter and produce better neural pathways. /thread
underrated post
Agriculture created food surpluses. This allowed greater population densities.
On the cultural side, this permitted division of labor and the development of skilled work. With a larger population of skilled workers able to exchange ideas and transmit them across generations, societies were able to accumulate on the experience of generations. More specifically, 5000 years ago, writing was developed, which proved a far more effective method of transmitting information and expertise across generations than oral tradition ever could.
Genetically, agriculture created opportunities to live in large and dense societies that are evolutionarily novel. This necessitated systems of impartial and retributive justice to punish the violent and aggressive and promote non-kin relationships and reciprocal altruism. This acted as a selection effect whereby we domesticated ourselves by selecting for more cooperative and tamer phenotypes, much as wolves became dogs. As with every domesticated animal, we have lost 15% of our brain volume (about a tennis ball sized piece of flesh) compared to our "wild" (read Paleolithic) ancestors. However, as with many domesticated animals, we also have longer periods of childhood and neural plasticity as well as less stereotyped and more creative behavior. As an example, the wild counterpart of the society finch normally sings stereotyped songs in sequence A, B, and C, and always in that order. After it was domesticated for plumage, it was able to generate new songs and in creative sequences. It could learn the wild type song, but the wild finch could never learn the creative songs of it's domesticated counterpart.
It's a couple of factors, each having compounding effects on themselves and the others.
First: most advancements we have made have allowed us to spend less time on survival and more on secondary activities like invention.
Second, we have become more and more populous. As humans become more common we have more potential inventors, thus inventing more as a whole.
Third: Communication. In the past innovations would often be lost as those who made them died. As we became more able to communicate by word and letter and byte we had much greater retention of discoveries as the inventor would pass his knowledge on.
>Civilization allows a mind like his to fluorish. H
The men from 40.000 years ago are like wolfs, a man like Einstein is like a border collie. You can't just look at raw brain power and then conclude we had the same mentality as those people from 40.000 years ago. I'm sorry, but I do have some authority when it comes to understanding evolution.
Homo Erectus cooked meat, and you're right that this did result in more social interaction and did improve physical shape, you're off by about 1.3 million years
>implying individuality comes into play when discussing human societal evolution
dude losers like in your picture dont even matter right NOW. You think that because people do shit that it's "where we're at now"? stupid cuck faggot kill your simple brain with bullets
Because a number of things began to emerge during the last 50000 years that would accelerate human development and human cognitive functions.
Despite the fact that Homo Sapiens have existed for 200000 years, it wasn't until 50000 years ago that people actually started to make art. Almost every example of prehistoric art is from that time period.
This is the one actually scientific and decent response. Am I bececoming more leaf than burger or are you a weird anamoly ?
Kek confirms it.
>Genetically, agriculture created opportunities to live in large and dense societies that are evolutionarily novel. This necessitated systems of impartial and retributive justice to punish the violent and aggressive and promote non-kin relationships and reciprocal altruism. This acted as a selection effect whereby we domesticated ourselves by selecting for more cooperative and tamer phenotypes, much as wolves became dogs. As with every domesticated animal, we have lost 15% of our brain volume (about a tennis ball sized piece of flesh) compared to our "wild" (read Paleolithic) ancestors. However, as with many domesticated animals, we also have longer periods of childhood and neural plasticity as well as less stereotyped and more creative behavior. As an example, the wild counterpart of the society finch normally sings stereotyped songs in sequence A, B, and C, and always in that order. After it was domesticated for plumage, it was able to generate new songs and in creative sequences. It could learn the wild type song, but the wild finch could never learn the creative songs of it's domesticated counterpart.
Did'nt even read that before my post.
Yes, that makes sense. Good logic.
Technological progress is exponential. It all started with the Agricultural Revolution.
Actually, Homo Sapiens are Africans, lack abstract thought, have no perception of time, and Europeans are either Cro Magnons or Neanderthals, and did not originate from Africa.
There are still Neanderthals alive today, I am one of them. For the most part we are uncivilized and not compatible with a society designed to appeal to homo-sapien brains
environmental pressures accelerated in the last 6k-10k years. for more info, see:
the thunderbolts channel on jewtube
We ARE the singularity.
I'm white too, we aren't neanderthals although European Homo sapiens did breed with them which is why whites share 1.4-3% DNA with them.
We found sources of energy other than wood that had very high energy return on energy invested.
That's literally it. Nothing else has changed. Humanity has not changed at all in the last 70,000 years or so.
The issue is that what we found is very limited, and we've concluded that there is nothing else.
So we'll be going back to wood eventually. It's the only renewable energy source.
Competition in general is one of the main driving forces of human advancement, because of it we have nuclear energy, computers, and have landed on the fucking moon, not to mention all the tech that comes with that.
Cities. People living close to each other allows more exchange of ideas.
Exponential growth. The same reason we took thousands of years to invent the first room sized computer and barely 50 years latrer got modern pc's and smartphones
What better way to drive innovation than the desire to kill someone else better.
(((Gutenberg))) and printing press
Self replicating systems
>and has been held back by wars
No. War helps technology, that is not moral to say, but it is true. The jet-engine was a product of ww2. The radar was a product of ww2. The atom-bomb and thereby atom-energy was a product of ww2. The advancement in rockets and ultimately sending a man to the moon was a product of ww2. When in war, men are compelled to figure out new ways to beat their enemy and advancing technology helps that. I have plenty of more examples then ww2. You are just plain wrong, if you think war keeps technology back. It is the opposite. Although that is not a good thing, it is true.
Where do you think the jews hide in a great disaster?
>Homo sapiens have been around for 200,000 years
Bluepilled cuck.
The singularity is a mistaken narrative of history.
It assumes we invent laws of nature. We do not.
There's no such thing as exponential growth. Everything has diminishing returns.
No, not really. Desperation has always been the mother of invention.
I wonder how much stuff is hidden under the oceans from 10,000+ years ago
Makes sense that all the major cities from that time would be alone the coasts
Cooking meat.
Ability to metabolize more complete proteins.
Whites with Rhesus Monkey negative blood are essentially entirely Neanderthal, while Whites with Rhesus Monkey positive blood are related to Africans.
While it's at least partially correct and definitely a common theory dating form Childe and later thought, it's not strictly true that hunter-gatherer societies didn't congregate or that they didn't have food surpluses. Also plenty of nomadic peoples are capable of metallurgy, in fact they may have been the first metal users since they are more likely to have found meteoric metal and open cast ore deposits.
>I'm white too
Check flag, check percentage of whites - sorry, this doesn't check out.
I also pointed this out to him, with less detail albeit. War and struggle have always spurred human ingenuity.
the climate became warmer around 11k years ago
The consensus seems to be that humans were behaviorally modern 40-50,000 years ago.
Yes it's wikipedia but the claims are cited.
Solar Power?
That is totally unfounded bullshit, and you can't claim humans bred with neanderthals until full genomes are sequenced for ancestor species, of which we only have shaky candidates for humans and neanderthals like heidelbergensis. Red hair for instance, almost certainly originated before neanderthals.
Because they stayed in Africa for hundreds of thousands of years, and in Africa you don't need high society. This is also an argument why niggers are inferior.
Whites have on average 1.4-3% Neanderthal blood, we are certainly not mostly Neanderthal, there are no full Neanderthal left, and if there were they'd be completely inhuman looking to us. They had vastly different bone, muscular and social structures than us.
Because the "humans" of 200,000 years ago that lived in Africa looked and acted about like the "humans" who still live there today.
It works but it's a net energy loss. The panels take more energy to make than they output in their lives.
It's an option only as long as we have oil to fund the energy sinks. Same with nuclear. We've no way of getting rid of nuclear waste, so people want to increase our nuclear waste by 90%? I doubt we could afford to keep up with growth, much less replace oil, in the century or two we have left.
Race mixing made humanity great again
That's a lie propagated by certain people, who want us to believe we're all the same.
Pic related is an accurate reconstruction of a Neanderthal, something I bear a great resemblance to.
Some became aware of the natural selection process and manipulated it by creating social games and artificial social pressures etc. in order to culture a people with the intended favourable traits over multiple generations.
Today we breed slaves and prostitutes
Read this book OP:
Yeah she looks like the scullery maid's daughter who grew up looking at cisterns in a back house her whole life.
We moved through from the primitive brain structuring to the Bicameral brain structuring through to continually improving ways of contemplating and imagining the world and our place in it.
All of this was shaped by culture and learning and probably left small amounts of biological evolution as brains that were best adapted for these increasingly abstract ways of thinking succeeded more.
Thats why nigger brains are still pretty shit and abos are worst of all as they are still practically animals, smart animals, but animals non the less.
Here's the answer. Water reseviors with hydro electric stations, solar powered pumps return loss water to the resevior.
I'm betting you have some Sub-Saharan blood in you, almost all Americans do thanks to a slave ancestor
There's just so much nope here its kind of hard to fathom
we 'could' have ways to deal with nuclear waste though, Thorium reactors for instance. It's just that it is considered too expensive and energy isn't worth anything since coal and oil is cheap as fuck.
The question is;; why did Europeans develop so quickly, while other species of humans stagnated 2000 years ago. We are literally the only ones moving forward, the rest are just clutching our coat tails.
That does look like an interesting book
>Water reseviors with hydro electric station
We've already tapped the vast majority of exploitable falling water. Do you have a cost projection per megawatt?
Eh, I try to have real discussion on Sup Forums all the time but I usually get a bunch of leafphobic (you)'s. Even complimentary posts such as yours are often leafphobic. END LEAFPHOBIA!
I'm not discounting that at all. I think Gobekli Tepe demonstrates that pre-agricultural societies were able to maintain food surpluses sufficient to accumulate generations of skilled work. There must have been a transitory period between a nomadic hunter gatherer lifestyle and a sedentary agricultural one, likely in areas naturally fertile with cereals where sedentary societies could exist even without purposeful cultivation of crops. Still, it's pretty clear that domestication of cereals caused a revolution in human social development.
My ancestors came to the states from Poland and Ireland in the 1890s, so no I am not a nigger and neither are most white Americans. Don't use you're hatred of America to blind you to facts.
>this triggers the American