
Big league support for free movement between the white commonwealth (UK, Oz, Canada, NZ.)

Chinkies think it's kicking off in Korea

Russia, Iran, and Syria tell US to fuck off.

White house visitor log to be closed to public, so the plebs don't know who Drumpf has had over for din dins

Falklands adopts fag marriage

Frog judges want Marine Le Pen's EU diplomatic immunity revoked so they can arrest her.

DUP expects 'creeping direct rule' if Northern Ireland talks fail

Quick rundown on Irish politics:

Learn Irish:

>Brit soldiers protest prosecutions

>€12,000 "missing" from Garda station

>Call on the Dáil to condemn persecution of Christians in the Middle East

>Irish man killed in Manchester

>Day of the rake!

Other urls found in this thread:

1st for based nigel success after years of struggle

Rate my content.

>England is 70% English


>implying Wales exists
>implying Ireland have ever achieved anything of note
Pretty accurate on England though.


Maybe I should distinguish between England and London to appease Anglos and trigger Londonfags.

>tfw your cyber date is a fucking lightweight



No flower for wales.
They aren't even on the union Flag.

Fucking hell man, we need to represent the Welsh more.

0 x potatoes

79% you fucking mong. We're not quite Cuckada tier yet.

Come on, mate. You're not that desperate.

You're island is still in the British isles, and we're going in. t. Celt.

79% white
Poles aren't English fyi

Literally no one cares about your romanticism. You have your flag don't you? Now jog on you inside-out nigger.

Literally get rid of London and it goes up to near 90%. It's 93% here up in the North West.

Wales was part of England when the flag was designed. It would ruin it anyway if we were to add Wales.

S I X (6) C O U N T I E S Still under John Bull's tyranny.

Why won't you reclaim your country already Irishman? Hurry up. :^)

Traitorous bastard

Ulster plantations didn't go far enough

As an Englishman, I'll say it's a damn shame. Their leak is on the new pound coin though. And their flag does take the piss a bit. how are we supposed to incorporate that?

This one's better.

Don't care, we Welsh've don better under the Anglo's.

Oh don't worry about that, my lad. They're not going anywhere.

Making the background black for the flag of St David is better. More aesthetic tbqh.

Fuck off, burgher. Have funny with the niggerficaition of your country.

>Literally no one cares about your romanticism

It's cringeworthy listening to you autists harp on larping about muh empire. Using the past to distract from the present seems to be a common Anglo tactic.

Nah, the light Green's nice on the eyes.

>putting green on the flag

I sometimes wish we stayed with Britian, we wouldn't of had Niggers.

I have no idea, man.

If you add in another line next to NI, you take away from the Saltire.
If you add in a line for the George's Cross, you take away from that too.

Given the large amount of red and blue, I assume we can slip in some green? Possibly add in an 'etched' dragon to the centre?

I don't have answers, sadly, just a desire to see my welsh brothers and sisters represented.

>Coming from the EU Gib baby.
Have fun with EU mandated Paki cock.

I'd prefer to represent them by changing the blue to a black to represent St. David's flag because all the other saints flags are on there. And the Scots wouldn't be left out because they'd still have St. Andrew's cross-thingy.

Yep, we can praise Kek and the Welsh in one image.

Well yeah i wouldn't expect you sheep shagging bootlicking Nancy boys to be able to run a country like us.

WW1 would've never had happened, Britain would be too powerful if Burgher stayed.

Oh, we would and have. Unlike you faggots, the Brits had to appease us to get us to join. That's why we have a Prince of Wales. Unlike you litter Britonic niggers who just got conquered.

It wouldn't have been all that bad. You would be in the Commonwealth like Australia, New Zealand and the one that shall not be named. And we would have no kike NWO but an Anglo NWO.

Welsh are Brittonic; Irish are Goidelic.

Waddup cunts

I get yeah. Isn't that flag Cornish?
The Corns are pretty sound. They're effectively Wales' son.

Not us Northerners, we're Iberian.

Immigration to America would have been purely from the British Isles, but your population would have been way tinier, the Doctrine thing you lads used to conquer all the west wouldn't have happened and we may have seen countries like Argentina and Brazil unironically becoming powers.

>Implying Scotland isn't full of Crack addicts and SNP voters.

What's up, Lad? You a bong in Spain?

>Welsh flag: black background, yellow cross
>Cornish flag: black background, white cross
Two birds with one stone.

That's the picts, you aren't a pict.

Not really. We forced Slavs to migrate over to America, as well as the Irish.

Supreme Court has all four.

Northern Welsh? They're Brittonic too.

Nope, proud spaniard, checking out my old frenemies

>implying lowlanders are scottish

Time for a Commonwealth Union lads.

>tfw you ruin the date by walking in on her expelling large, chunky turds from her flexing arsehole

The Irish are from the British Isles believe it or not. The slavs were in small number.

Hi, Felipe.

I never knew this. Makes me happy.

Nigger or Sandnigger male
White female
Disabled hobbit
Hobbit can pull the "best man" narrative

>I fucking Hate this useless country.

Notice the UK is the least open to Free movement between the Commonwealth seeing how much the EU has fucked us over.

Belts don't lie.

>uk only 58%
Who are these shites

There was a study from the University of Bangor, detailing that Northern Welsh were of Iberian decent whilst Southern Welsh were of Briton descent.


>Free movement

Well, lads, what do we do about the sand nigger storm?

There's genetic data to suggest otherwise.

Between the UK, Can, NZ and Aus the only people moving around will be British OAPs to Australia.

I obviously know the Irish are from the Isles. I just differentiate British and Irish when it comes to migration.

>CANZUK free movement.

I want this. I want this a great deal.

Can we do Commonwealth Free Trade Zone too?
That'd shit in the Kaisers morning sausage.

>lets cut of movement between England Scotland Wales and NI because free movement is bad :D


greater political union?

we would all need to adopt a points based system for immigration

I prefer your language over the French, at least it doesn't sound pompous.

what the heck is this?

>implying you wouldn’t take a palsywank if offered

Fuck it, just make us 4 nations an actual country.

Jesus, mate. That shit'll fuck you up.

dont be a retard, those are the same country

Some politician in Australia wants, this. Can't remember his name.

Not the way those Heroin junkies are acting we aren't.

Okay, lads, I've got an idea.

How about we have the black background to represent Wales. Followed by St Andrew's saltire (white) to represent Scotland, over layed by St Patrick's saltier (red)to represent Northern Ireland, with the red and white of St George's cross in the forefront to represent England?

So red, white and black would be the new colours. Sound good?

>tfw you're mugging the chav cow off with a fucking Domino's

Tell us a story about Franco, if you would be so kind, Spaniard.

Weird how Cornwall got the Welsh one. I guess we're extremely similar.

But the original user said he wanted us to become the same country as the anglosphere,

Anyone /Leeds/ here?

And God knows the French and the Spanish.

Must be a lot of fucking retards in our country. Even the Cannucks want it.

How about we keep the fucking flag as it is because it's the best looking flag in the world and the welsh are too laid back to give a shit.

How do you represent Australia, New Zealand and Canada, though?

Don't you guys got a lot of Muzzies?




Didn't we do that before?

I don't understand why free movement isn't a thing already desu, they're all the Queens kingdoms, why can't her subjects move between them at will?

I have a mate who supports them.

We've had a bad experience I suppose.

Don't talk to me about sophistication, Arv been tah leeds!

You don't.

Just use the Commonwealth flag. Easy