Name another current TV show that DOESN'T have a homo storyline.
Bonus Points: someone else has heard of it.
Name another current TV show that DOESN'T have a homo storyline.
Bonus Points: someone else has heard of it.
alaska state troopers
Gilmore Girls
Until the reboot, right? And then, gay storyling squeezed in, on cue.
Bazinga XD
True detective
Both seasons
the expanse
Last man on earth.
What? Second season central storyline: Taylor Kitsch's character was gay.
Nope. Season 3: Lewis is gay. Central theme.
That faggot doctor that just died
Has gay character.
My bad, I meant last man standing.
Shit my bad forgot about gay cop
My 600 pound life. They are too fat to be faggots.
Iron Fist. 13 Reasons Why. Daredevil. There you go. All on netflix.
Homeland is fairly fag free, I think. But then most recent season they imply Dar Adal fingered Quinn.
The Americans
please tell me this is safe
The Expanse?
Bad news friend.
TV is for normies.
Brokeback mountain
Good call on Daredevil. Haven't watched the other two.
>the show literally plays on every stereotype in the book, mocking them for profit
>millennials don't even give a shit
Black Jesus.
Black people shows and movies usually don't push any agenda. I mean the shows made by black people for black people. Not the ones made by jews for whites using black people
Black mirror
Andrew Larrick was closeted gay. Was used against him. But otherwise, I think you're right about it being refreshingly hetero.
Golden Girls
Come to think of it, Big Bang is also nigger free. No wonder it's the world's top ranking TV show.
Do they even masterbate?
You're probably memeing since it had an interracial crippled geriatric lesbian love story
dragonball super
Food is their only pleasure.
Gay stories exist to appeal to horny girls and lesbian stories exist to appeal to horny boys. There's no conspiracy.
>nigger free.
What about penny's bf?
He was mulatto
black movies made by black people usually have a message such as
>stop fucking killing eachother
>take care of your fucking kids
black people are sick of them too, its just that they dont know who (((they))) are
I prefer the Boondocks. And the only gay shit I remember is making fun of prisoners raping each other constantly.
>we can either do this the easy way or the hard way Chris Handsome
>Warp portals behind you
>"Nothing personnel chad"
>watching television
how big of a fucking normie are you?
That's why Atlanta, Georgia is a pretty based city.
Michael Medved is a Neocon slimeball and an apologist for psychiatry, but he is totally solid on the gay mafia's propaganda model. He wrote a book on the different stages and patterns they use and it's almost as documented/checkable as an academic work. To get a tldr of sorts you could find the two major Simpsons episodes introducing a gay character -- the early one where Homer uses Domoxonil and the later one featuring John Waters. In both cases
>one gay character is introduced and given the floor to either exemplify a positive image or go baldly didactic about homophobia being wrong
>one clown goofball character is initially homophobic but is proven wrong in the course of the story
>the other characters are neutral, then pro-gay, to point up the strangeness of the homophobic goofball
It's worth noticing as well that there are two examples: an earlier, gentler one, and a much more strident one layer on.
In the books there are gay characters. None of them are part of the main crew however. In the TV show so far the only confirmed gay couple you see are the UN's ambassador to Mars and his husband when Averserala uses him to find out if the stealth tech was Martian. The first openly gay character that you follow in the books is the lesbian pastor who is part of the scientific convoy in the third book. The series is still on the second book.
Fargo, I can't think of a gay character in either season that's aired
There isn't a gay character on BBT
1/10: Try harder.
1/10 for comprehension. Please resubmit.
It is fine to watch TV to make fun of the subliminal messaging and the shitty hollywood propagandas.
If you truly watch that show for any other reason than to laugh at how autistic he is then rope yourself my man.
>autistic poster
Name a society that wasn't destroyed by females. Fucking idiots
Hello, we have a live one here.
Actually sadly and disgustingly they did do a lesbo story.
No gay on Outcast
Mr Robot
Man in the High Castle
IIRC the Nordic businessman knocks the other guy out after that, he just wanted his ID or something, or to make his wife angry. So not gay then.
Sure about that?
They had a gay character in the original series. They just never mentioned it because it would narrow the demographics.
Officially he was straight but it was jarring the couple times they mentioned him dating women as it just didn't seem to fit. I guess they thought it was plausible since he was a a prissy Frenchman.
Taylor is also probably supposed to be an oldschool homo who just lives life as an abstinent bachelor, putting all his energies into community events.
No not really, I'll go look it up
but TV is from New York
how can they be in two places simultanously
"Tyrell hacks his phone, gaining admin access with SuperSU and monitoring all activity with FlexiSPY."
He literally only fucks that guy to get a promotion. He is so alpha that he is willing to fuck a guy to please his qt wife by earning more money. Literally anti-gay if you ask me.
tfw you're a newfag