>the pharmaceutical industry has been found to have misled doctors, politicians, regulators, and the public and creating the worst addiction crisis in history
>the oil industry has been found to have mis-incentivized scientists and misled politicians, regulators, and the public resulting in the worst environmental crisis in history
>the food industry has been found to have misled doctors, scientists, politicians, regulators, and the public resulting in one of the largest health epidemics in history
>the banking industry has been found to have misled economists, politicians, regulators, and the public resulting in one of the worst financial crises in history
Is this capitalism?
No this is jews
I want to get away
I want to fly away
Yep, that's capitalism.
Still better than any other system to date though.
No that is corperatism
*Better than any system except National Socialism.
>Food industry misled doctors
>Oil industry misled scientists
>Pharmaceutical industry misled doctors
What you're describing is cronyism. Shitty, but still better than state ownership of anything. Not true free market capitalism.
Yep, that's capitalism. No question about it.
Even if there were no Jews in any capitalist position, other people would fill these roles and nothing would be much different. It's the structure, the roles, that's the problem, not who fills the spot.
This is a collection of the market failures of a free market. Things like this are the poster children for why we need SOME regulations.
lolbertarian faggot detected
autistic kikery
Heil to the Queen.
Yeah I agree. The constant cycle of executives into government and vice versa has created this system that doesn't penalize these industries for these constant violations.
This. These problems are due to government intervention in the market, allowing certain corporations to become bigger while its competitors become smaller
>The Pharma
>The Oil
>The Food
>The Banking
Isn't this from government NOT intervening?
Pharmaceutical and banking industries are very much in the wrong, oil industry did nothing wrong, food industry is a bit iffy.
>oil industry did nothing wrong
This is a joke, right?
Anything govt touches gets fucked up. Look at tuition prices for college once govt got involved in the loan process. The same intervention into other areas yields similar disastrous routes. Ex- an oil company gets big due to a particular business model. Along comes a smaller oil company that has a better business model and will eventually outpace the first one. The established company pays govt to make certain 'regulations' that stifles the new company's growth. The new company can no longer compete as this is no longer a 'free' market but one loaded with bogus regulations that only show innovation and progress.
This is a good explanation, user. I don't wholeheartedly agree or disagree with it.
however i think in a free market big companies can still find other methods of sabotage
Thank God no. Real capitalism has never been tried.
Nice merchant
Yes, it is.
Capitalism is Jewish: socserv2.socsci.mcmaster.ca
So 'real socialism has never been tried' is now a formal argument?
wtf I love communism now thanks leftypol
*dies in gulag*
And then it is up to all parties involved to handle that type of corruption/sabotage. If the big company is trying to slow the other business model down, then once the smaller one notices that, they can bring that information public. As soon as people start to see the poor business practices of the first one, the consumer can spend the money elsewhere as the normal person would not like to be affiliated with the corrupt one. With Free market comes both good and bad news but it is inherently free.
That is in essence how the free market would function. Whether or not it will ever actually happen is a whole other argument.
That's inherent to capitalism though.
There is an option other than capitalism and communism.
Yeah, but look at us now. Most people are completely complacent and won't go the extra mile to pay a little more for something from a business that aligns with them morally. They will go to walmart.
Doesn't this aspect of the human condition (at least here in ameriburger) pose a potential problem? We have short memories
Pretty sure we'd still do it without them. Both sides are retarded assholes
But remember, Capitalism is good and if the government would just deregulate and let the free market do its thing we'd all be so much better!
>walmart drives all the local businesses into bankruptcy and is now the only game in town
>lol just shop somewhere else
t. rural america
All of this also happens in Communism, except in a communist state it is imposssible to fix without a revolution.
It is corporatism
this is a slave world, kikes are just privileged slaves and scapegoats. you have to work 6 days of the week all your life and you get shit. this is slavery, it doesn't matter how you dress it
I doubt the so called masters of this world are humans anyway
same thing.
Don't listen to the totalitarianists; capitalist systems can have varying degrees of direct government intervention too. What OP is talking about is not capitalism, it's racketeering.
everything would cost more and be lower quality if that was allowed
bump for discussion