>taking criminal justice class
>see this
Taking criminal justice class
1 Concrete measure: Incarcerate all Negroes.
How have you suffered from the crimes of inequality Sup Forums?
>legalise everything, punish no one
Exterminate all niggers.
>legalize everything, except guns, ban those
>also, the patriarchy causes crime
>if we have no laws to break, then we won't have any criminals
>except when it comes to guns
I don't understand how delusional a person has to be to come up with this nonsense.
Aren't 4 and 10 contradictory?
Isn't GB proof that gun control does fuck all for overall crime rates?
these leftists don't even take into account how radically our gun laws have changed since 1990 and yet our crime and murder rates have plummeted
The only point I agree with is the recreational gambling. Everything else is pure garbage.
Fuck yeah that map just inspired the shit out of me.
>legalise everything, punish no one
Criminalizing such benign things such as cannabis and gambling only leads to contempt and disrespect for the law, not to mention the money and time wasted on such trivial matters. Every criminal not in prison is less money you have to pay for the government to babysit said criminals.
Lol. I had to go through that shit when I made the mistake and took some criminology as part of my law degree.
Never again. The most retarded shit I've ever read.
>all consensual sexual activities
Based NRA
Hey OP, is anyone in your class allowed to disagree (and argue out their disagreements) with this sort of thing?
Or at least, point out perceived deficiencies in "Left Realism"?
It's tricky in college. A lot of students are dumb socialist fucks who yell out programmed buzzwords at any sign of dissent, so it's difficult to go against the narrative without looking like a fedora autist.
most of the time its better to just keep your mouth shut if your tests are based on essay questions and subjective grading by the professor, but if its a class where the tests are multiple choice then I argue
I see. That's kind of troubling. Almost cult-like. I don't think I would survive in any non science/engineering course in the West. Especially when I disagree strongly with the politics of the professor and class.
Especially if independent thinking is not encouraged.
>stop building prisons
A surefire way to stop crime
>make loads of illegal things legal
>crime goes down
Well they're not wrong.
Key to success in the West:
1.Keep your mouth shut when you have not-so-popular opinions.
2. Leave university as quickly as possible and enter the business world.
3. Once that happens, you won't need to deal with that bullshit anymore, ever.
How is the abolishment of capital punishment going to reduce crimes?
>if nobody is a criminal then there is no crime
>people can't commit crimes if everything is legal.
If you arrest criminals, they win.
Saudi Arabia manages to have strict as fuck laws governing every aspect of people's lives, with next to no crime whatsoever. The state is more than powerful enough to reduce crime to negligible levels.
>decriminalize all consensual sexual practices
How's about black on black crime becomes legal? That'll keep a lot of people out of jail.
>feminism causes crime
Some of these are okay.
I guess if there are no laws there would be no crime, so okay sure
>If nothing is a crime, you cant have criminals
This is some sweden tier logic
Are these all sub-bullet points? That's disgusting formatting.
I guess that explains why single moms are the single largest factor in crime
>off enders
This is basically suggesting the girls do not have the autonomy needed to choose differently from what they have been accustomed to.
Besides, what's wrong with learning how to maintain a home? It's probably the most valuable skill in human society (creating the necessary conditions for the continued existence of the species)
Another reading of this is, men are denied the opportunity to do this activity because they are, by virtue of their sex, restricted to performing activities that do not necessarily ensure the survival of the species.
>make crime legal
>I'm of greatest genious
>feminist criminology
Can this world just, like, end already?
damn, Lake Pontchartrain is bigger than I thought
>decriminalize most crimes
>we have reduced crime
They really want to destroy society.
I essentially had the same argument with a former friend who was an exchange student from Sweden, she was telling me how men are socialized differently and she was lamenting how she might have turned up differently if she had not been "taught to be a girl" from her parents. I told her she was arguing she lacked the autonomy to make her choices of what she liked. She got her jimmies pretty rustled over that, but she didn't deny that she enjoyed wearing flowery dresses and doing her hair perfectly every day. Oddly enough that argument isn't the reason she stopped being my friend
If you are going to incarnate someone indefinitely why not just kill them
>Gun control
Oh so we are going to work on that "criminals following laws" thing, huh?
>Indefinite incarceration for heinous crime
>No mandatory minimum
Lol who the fuck came up with this?
>Make everything legal
Look, we stopped all crime guys!
time to Sort Myself Outâ„¢
A communist.
That is true except that it's not getting to the heart of the issue, in those cases it's often about addiction to drugs or gambling and society trying to deal with that, I don't think it's the government's job to do that but many people do and simply legalizing everything isn't a solution to the problem they see.
Also there's been some BLM leaders pushing for the same mentality on how to reduce crime in black neighborhoods, decriminalize loitering, disturbing the peace and so on, so as a rule of thumb the answer to decrease crime isn't legalize everything, deregulation is the answer you should hear about how to reduce government size.
>commit crime
>get rewarded with vacation retreat, job training, ect.
Can't see how this could backfire
>facts don't exist
>society is a crime
>knowledge is artificial
>being friends with women
They're fuck holes, get your social needs from your bros
>Me me me me me me me
Fucking hell I missed
>How to reduce crime?
>Make everything legal!
The person who made this has to be a fucking retard. This graphic is literally saying
Should be legal.
they teach this because niggers and other shitskins statistically suck at everything compared to whites
If you can brainwash people of this then those facts magically don't matter
Ignorance is strength
pls put a spoiler on next time
>gun control
yes this works so well in chicago or other libshit hellholes
Unless we're trying to police quarks and electrons, Heisenberg's principal doesn't apply here.
It's like saying Transgenderism is consistent with wave-particle duality. It's nonsense preying on people who might have heard about this on Star Trek or something, but have no idea what it means other than being used in a technobabble context.
>Heisenberg's uncertainty principle
You're making this up. Nobody is that fucking retarded
>establish community policing and community development
how did that police strike in brazil end up?
>abolishing capital punishment
>lowering crime rate
Pick one.
>indefinitely incarcerate heinous violent offenders
>declare a moratorium on all mandatory sentencing
And then (((decriminalize))) everything else. Was this written by a mentally retarded person?
I mean, it TECHNICALLY does reduce crime.
who needs guns wheN YOUVE GOT INCEST
Postmodernism is retarded. "There's no such thing as truth, you literally can never be wrong no matter what you say," but "traditional society is always wrong, always lies, and must be destroyed."
This obnoxious kind of capricious dualism is also fundamental to Islam. Kill your enemies in retribution for the wretched things in yourself. It's no wonder they get along so well.
>truth is gendered
I assure you I am not making this up, I will be taking a test on this garbage soon
I'm so sorry
>decriminalize all consensual sexual activities
at last an image that is stays in line with Sup Forums's sharia law
>Indefinitely incarcerate heinous violent offenders
>Abolish the death penalty
kek it's the same thing. One is just much slower.
This is actually true.
If I'm right about Jordan Peterson thinking postmodernists are wrong, then I'll disagree with him (and most people) on that.
It's true. It's just dangerously true.
half of those are idologialil
This shit pisses me off so much and knowing I'm going to sit through in a couple of months is kinda upsetting
where dis
>How do we reduce the crime rate?
>Well we just stop recording crimes!
Retarded and pathetic.
I think it's meant as a metaphor, in which case it kind of misses the mark, because there ARE things you can learn from observing subatomic particles, especially with repetition. You can see that, despite outliers, things tend to unfold a certain way-- QM is probabilistic, not lolsorandumxd. To extend the metaphor even further, it's possible to ascertain what moral principles tend to lead to bad outcomes for society, and which ones can be relied upon to at least make life tolerable for most. There's no guarantee you're not going to have a run of bad or good luck, but despite what they say you CAN hedge your bets.
The worst thing about postmodernism is that, unless you're considering the marxist baggage that's almost always comes with it, it's right. There really IS no objective reality, at least when determining things like how you should live, or whether city or country life is better, or whether human life has value. All postmodernism can tell you is it's up to YOU to decide what you value.
But most modern postmodernists take it in an absolute fuck-headed direction, using the fact that there's no objective value system to browbeat others into following THEIR value system. "If there's no right or wrong, it doesn't matter if I do wrong as long as I tell myself I'm right."
It's totally fucked up, it puts value on propagating the meme above all else-- it doesn't matter if people kill each other under its influence, all that matters is that the idea stays pure...ish. In that, it's almost inherently a conquest-oriented ideology.... Just like islam. It's a SELFISH MEME.
>Indefinitely incarcerate heinous violent off enders
>stop building prisons
well it's a good thing America invested in those magic "hold any amount of people" prisons in the 90's
why aren't the poor white communities acting out in violence and anger?
it just works
Is there any degree anymore that isn't infested with this shit?
>legalize everything to reduce crime.
god bless the USA
I could see this one desu...
>falling for the college meme
Yeah that shit might work in liberal dreamland.
postmodernism is such a nothing term
>in a criminal justice class
What the fuck???!!!
>Guns force people to commit crime
>how to reduce crime
>make nothing a crime
Smart planning, I like it.
Is this at a Marxist Indoctrinationization Center AKA college campus, or a real criminal justice school? Because if the latter I would actually be surprised.
Bomb all colleges.
>gun control
>reduce crime
>what is a statistics