Say something nice about country above you. 2.0
Riga is nice. Should be German though
falg looks like a oreo
Very white.
Best potatoes in the world
Best country in the world
I want your nigress asses so bad hhhnnnggg
Some traps are actually cute.
Great empire
Based code 377
We're basically brothers but they decided to call themselves Argentina
nice food
Beautiful streets.
Hot woman.
Best country
Best military in the world, I want to join
Good pro-life laws
you are not completely African
your women are good in bed and constantly want to be fucked in the ass.
god tier meat, funny accent and nice nature
cheap holidays
Father figure
Based Franco
Amazon rainforest
Latvia is a frozen shithole, can't say anything too nice about it.
I love starting in spain in crusader kings.
Biggest empire in History
gave us the best language
Language is beautiful, easy and sexy.
Nice terrorism
No one expects it
Helped with modernizing my country
Cheap oil
Drift fails
maple syrup is fucking scrumptious
Spanish girls accent's hot too.
Our south is flooded with you
>Latvia is a frozen shithole, can't say anything too nice about it.
Implaying that Canada isn't the same
Not in shambles.
nice culture and forefathers
you could do something about the corruption/cheating/scamming gene tho
when you got invaded they were the comfiest threads I have ever been in on pol
Hot bitches
good food hot women (not the negro women)
Pretty women
Incredible history and culture.
Favorite national anthem
Home to good musician Junius Meyvant
Nice culture I guess?
you guys have those crazy drivers that do amazing tricks with their cars (2 wheels etc.)
As someone from a country where everyone drives like in mad max that is interesting to me.
Also modest women.
Best breakfast
Top kek. Allahu Akbar?
At least it seems you are smart by not taking in refugees and totally cucking Europe. Hopefully Trump changes this soon. Although you really should take refugees. You are all hardcore muslims.
reliable ally if we start ww3
Was once one Empire
Reunification when?
big bro
Have Trump
i like paella
Spanish inquisition.
Gave us the best oil
It was german before 1930.s when Hitler called Baltic-german back to new reich.
pic related
Incredible driving skills.
Skilled welders
good footballers
in Tom McRae Rally the best courses were Costa Rica
Was a great empire with austria
Military Parades
Prussian style
Orginal Germany
Based Orban
Good "Radio Gold" in Budapest
Builds Audi A3s
Best concertine fences buyers.
Love you.
Only good food in the German speaking world, best looking country in the world by a mile, best skiing out there, top culture, can smoke anywhere you like and nice architecture
Also give me a Vorarlberger gf RIGHT NOW THIS INSTANT
Franco did nothing wrong
One of the few Euro countries that I would have no problem going to on a vacation
>leaf telling us to take refugees in
Freedom of speech
Thanks for using USD to sell oil.
Trump is getting cucked tho. Just today his CIA head called WikiLeaks a Russian threat. What happened to the based Trump that said "I love Wikileaks"?
You guys killed the soviet union
Beautiful country, 10/10
Spread civilization (with varying amounts of success, but still) to almost an entire continent, that's a major achievement.
Great porn / women.
aw shit
Best colony
Big Butt Wiminz
Best horses in ww2
Beautiful women, cheap beer.
First to break from fucked Yugoslavia
Why not? You are all mudslime ragheads. We don't want your backwards kind in enlightened Europe. Take care of your people, it isn't Europe's responsibility.
And soon there will be safe zones in Saudia Arabia, just wait Mahmood.
Some of the most redpilled people in Europe
My favorite nation on earth. I want to move there someday and marry a qt 3.14 and live under based PiS rule.
nice joke bro
nice science and spacex
still best country to live (in places like new york) despite all cons. not because life is better there but because it interesting
Best empire
Well seeing how things are like in Europe right now, no thanks.
Sometimes your roads are clean
Based Rokossovsky
Jack daniels (I am drinking it right now) fucking awsome man.
Sometimes your roads lead to other countries
Great istria
Fucking brainwashed fagglt
Believing they are special or anything