Germany maybe gets conscription back

Guys, im scared. im to young to die for (((them))).

Other urls found in this thread:

wous wüst du vo mia wissn piefke? Mia hom de weapflicht und unsare Suidotn san komplette Hiafla, de kaunst olle einmagariern
Weapflicht is fian oasch
bringt nix

Dont know, the navy seems fun. I hope it ins't to gay

This is how Rome fell. The army conscripted so many mongrels from all over the world that the army itself were the invaders.

Time to learn Arabic my dude.

This was on the horizon from a long time now.

America fucked up.

Welcome to the club. Now grab a rifle and get to your post.

The first link isnt even about conscription and the second one is months old.

Lol, the ironing. The US military is less than 60% white and it's got tons of illegal immigrants in it.

It's okay, ((them)) here I don't want you to die, you're doing a good job of going extinct on your own.

what is the image trying to say? german humor is always difficult to understand

I don't understand what any of this says.

You got to make sure the army and other security forces are mostly white, duder. If you got any German speaking Sup Forumses you should start pushing for religious exceptions for Muslims and shifting the Muslim narrative against joining German military.

You're no good to me alive- Bobby fett

good goys germans get conscripted to protect your (((migrants)))

what did we do?

dumb abbo doesnt understand that conscription is a great thing

it turns beta pussies into men and is desperately needed in germany

I'm still in the beginning stages of learning German, translate the image for us nazi nigger

Please translate image I don't speak Arabic

You should also say that rhey want to use the army within Germany.

In 2015 when the refugee shit started i told people that we will end like Israel or Turkey with armed conscripts on every corner.

They laughed

EU has already had a conscription clause since Lisbon, sorry for you're lots Hans.

if they do i go full metal jacked

Oh geez it seems that making sure every german has a collective guilt and doesn't feel pride in his country sure worked out for the military.

>better an ending in dread than dread without ending
>better a full regular's table than a secure job
>you cant have the money and the bun (like saying you cant have the cake and eat it too)

>Encourage young ethnic Germans to get themselves killed
>Leave their women, homes and millions of male Turks and North Africans behind
Great idea cowboy

ösi bitte

I wanna guess
>Woo! Lets all go join the army!
>This is okay. Still shit though.
>God damn fucking army. God damn fucking conscription.


>mfw de Batze und's Weggli



>draft young native males to meat grinders while """refugees""" take their women, houses, jobs


no, I dont mean what is written but what the entire image is trying to convey

see for translation burger

Niemand kann beides haben.

Rome just ran out of money after egypt and anatolia left.

>Man könne aber Respekt für Vielfalt nicht anordnen. Dies sei eine Frage der Haltung. >„Und Haltung können Sie nicht befehlen, die müssen Sie vorleben und immer wieder erklären.“

God I hate our government!

The joke could be they're all saying the same thing.
Pfft. Like you would know.

of course not... what are you thinking... :^ )

Look at my flag faggot!

Unlikley, since the military nowadays in the west has for the most part bought into the modern bullshit. I doubt our goverment would do anything good with the military. It's a shitty idea. We have a women in command this alone is enought to know, that if shit really hits the fan, we are completly fucked any way. I don't believe ordinary conscripts will be of any greater worth in a 21th century western battlefield.


so they're going for more darkies in the military?

By the way, there will be a massiv terror attack in Köln next weekend!

Some right-wing guys gonna blow up the Anti AfD Demo.

Screenshot this post!

You mean the unaccompanied refugees? I think not unless they're drafting children.

exactly. A draft wouldn't be bad though. Depussifies people like nothing else. We should cut it down to 6 months or so. Any longer doesn't really help you anything in a modern army. Throwing yourself in the mud, learning to shoot and get to know the chain of command and structures is all you really need of a conscript.

>learning German
Wouldn't help you at all. I'm Bavarian and don't undestand the Swiss/Alemannic dialect in that picture at all.
Ask a medkit.

>Screenshot this post!
no :DDD

I guess they finally realised that they've imported thousands of foreign fighters and will need to be prepared for a fight in the coming years.

I think in UK more Muslims joined rebels and ISIS in syria than joined the army.

Is German language hard to learn Sup Forums ?

Probably why this happened

>Guys, im scared. im to young to die for (((them))).
Good, you deserve it for letting such a shitty president as Merkel invite so many muslins into europe.

Go ahead and die a good goyin death like a good goy.

>make Kids hate their Country from Birth
>wonder why nobody wants to die for it

The reason they're doing this is to remove young white males from public spaces so as to facilitate the dominance of them by migrants. Furthermore they might very well be doing this in order to establish a force with which they can pressure Eastern Europe to accept their share of the refugees.


Or this

Point proven.

Whatever she is on your shitty islamic nation, she is clearly responsible.

Fucking hell. I've been telling people that they'd be bringing back conscription ever since the migrant crisis started and people kept berating me for it. Sometimes I fucking hate being right.



Who are the main perpetrators of European and Caucasian suffering. THE KIKE




>Austrian flag
Checks out

this is great, men who have went through conscription are not pussified

Yes. But the most frustrating thing probably is that most german speaking plebs speak different than they write. So you can learn proper German all you want, without knowning the dialects, you're still pretty much screwed.
Not too sure about this, but I don't think other languages are this extreme with their dialects.

Stop fucking crying. The Wehrpflicht was a awesome time. Had a lot of fun there. And you can always write a disclaimer afterwards to not be drafted into a war.

English link

chanclor, if you dont even know the most basic things why do you think you are qualified enough to give your opinion here?

>hans goes to sirya to fight and die for angela and to fight racism
>"""syrians""" go to germany to fuck some german pussy

i dont even know what the fucking things about tbqh

In english

>be Germany
>abolish conscription
>invite millions of random people, mostly muslims from all over the world
>fuck over native population all the time by spending billions on migrants
>fearing rise of the right
>abolish free speech

>reinstate conscription for native Germans
>military still doing terrible funding-wise
>go to war and throw soldiers into meatgrinder
>native women have no means of reproduction other than breeding with "new Germans"
>population replaced successfully


They bring conscription back to hire unemployed refugees somewhere.

Ready to be assraped by shitskins in your militsry kraut?

>australian deutch

>after five years, reinstate conscription for native Germans*

Also don't forget the push for election rights for non-citizens.

yeah.. no. I highly doubt this. Refugees are merely a tool to destroy the social warefare state. Other than that, they aren't really usefull for anything. Not even for stupid military keks.

>social warefare state know what I've ment to write there... ye?

Conscription stops pointless oil wars because if your forced to go people will be more likely to get upset and vote against the politician who declared war. Its a good thing for the "Gas the kikes Racewar now" stormfags because if the racewar ever happens now they are trained for it

>chanclor, if you dont even know the most basic things why do you think you are qualified enough to give your opinion here?
Because im not the one living under shariah law.

Now get back to your cuckshed and wait for your inevitable mission to protect Israel!

Also, FYI, my country also has conscription and I personally think it is both necessary and a very good thing, but then again the military here only fight to protect ourselves so it is a totally different scenario from you.

Anyway, back to the cuckshed with you.

Ösi reporting in

Haha. Ask your new citizens mabye they want to help for extra gibmedats.

I want to fuck that bunny


No you dont.


Yes I do

No you do not.

you always have to add a jk to the end of every joke or sarcastic remark otherwise germans assume you're stupid and not that you are joking. . . not even kidding.
One gets used to it though
t. expat who has lived here for multiple years

You can't fuck the bunny.

Oh ok I didn't know

All conscript will be native germans.

Jetzt hör mal gut zu, du Hurenkind.
Entweder du schreibst in der deutschen Sprache oder du lasst das ganz sein und schreibst in der englischen Sprache.

>Depussifies people like nothing else
This is nonsense and you know it. A decent amount of all men older than 26 went through it and yet the majority of them is completly cucked. The military can't do shit, even if it's in good shape, which it hasn't been for at least thirty years, if the society is crap. The military is a mindless tool of politics and at best a mediocre conserver of traditons. All the dreams about the military a flawed, if the politics and the culture point in another direction.

Hrm. You know, my german friend, I doubt this is anything concerning you or other native Germans.

Now you have two million plus useless leeches just loafing around, they are perfect candidates for conscription. Since they don't know the language, they will be given their own arab speaking muslim commanders and since there is no external thread to Germany, only internal (remember, Guy Verhofstadt said that EU wants to be an empire will all of the good things and none of the bad), the foreign born military force is perfect to suppress native population, because unlike normal soldiers, they don't care about citizens of their own nations.

Source - fucking Roman empire. It proceeds word for word the same way it did in Rome.


Can confirm.
Deutsch is an awful language invented by control freaks.

oh oh

I wouldn't mind fighting for my country, even if it's more like "fighting for my refugees". I wouldn't consider it getting myself cucked, as long as I'd fight for my very own values. I wouldn't join the Bundeswehr before there's a world war though

Looks like ARYAN BLOOD is back on the menu, boys!

hahaha says the country where i get my daily gore videos from. Your military dont fight for you but for the catels. Now get back to your favela and work for your drug boss.

This is an oportunity though, you could make it mandatory to serve in action or do a few years of the dienst to anyone who wants to apply to become a citizen, refugee who is young enough. Right? And ayone who isn't willing to serve the country that's giving them handouts they want to move to can fuck right off.

My grandpa moved to America a few years before vietnam, he served and fought in the war because that granted him the possibility of becoming a citizen and also have better oportunities after he returned. He is a huge patriot and proud veteran.

Sind Sie komplett offen oder was?

>being proud for fighting for the jews

>invite migrant horde into country
>institute military training for everyone

What the hell are you doing Germany? Or do only ethnic Germans join the military? Either way, what the hell?

someone post the Sup Forums version of this pic