This map was made just 20 minutes ago.
So you guys get to be my guinea pigs.
If I fucked up badly I'll hot-patch the game. Bear with me plox.
New World RISK
Other urls found in this thread:
Name is Alaskan Vikangz
Edgy Blue
German Colony
quebec my friend
Edgy red
Central America
Communist Republic of El Salvador
I might switch to my computer soon, I'll let you now when that happens
I want to get atleast 5 faggots before I start.
Shill this game in the other bread.
I'm on my computer now
Im going to start right now with 4 niggers since no one wants to join.
Any color
Fill Uruk-hai,spill south brazil
Can you count this as a roll to expand?
Fill Central America, spill islands
Fill Alaska, spill West Coast
Only since I said I was starting with 5 niggers.
Im counting as your roll to expand for this turn.
Thanks baby
Waiting on you familia.
Also if I skip someone for more than 2 turns Im just going to delete them.
Sta Nika
New Byzantium
pink or grey
fill quebec retgion
Finish off Uruguay,spill Argentina
Fill Venezuela
Fill CA, spill islands
Fill West Coast
Invade Uruguay
Any color
Any place
head south towards Mexico-Arizona border
22 spill + 2 nukes.
Spill Mexico and maybe south eastern US
any color
fixed name
Start in country north of brazil as Fourth Reich, grey
Roll to fill it, spill brazil
also if i can roll fill acuador
fill quebec region
Adding Palis into play. Worth the same amount as d u b s so call me if you catch one
Mupdate III
Antarctica Empire
southern chile
Annex U r gay
Fill brazil
well nevermind its all filled
Attack Argentina
Fill Mejico
alaska is 12 t's and uruguay is 12 t's but alaska is +2 and uruguay is +1 lmfao
fill quebec region spill canuck land
Fill West Coast, spills to Canada
Holy crap nibba, palis
Fill Venezuela and spill into Guyana.
A-alliance boss?
That was sorta done intentionally.
Again, you guys are all just my testers.
Sure thing. Although im a bit busy here.
I was just going to ask you that. As long as you seize the means of production
continue to mexico border, then expand east
Any space or too late?
Means of production? I say I go south and you go north.
...we LARP as commies...
Sure. And this time I won't be a martyr in Bolivia. La Revolucion will triumph!
Stay around. I think purple dropped.
so did maybe Orange.
el boliviANO
hmmm maybe I made the bigger gets too strong.
Also if Orange or Purple dont roll someone is free to claim them.
I might give a buff to new players. Im not sure yet.
All right, if so then Purple/Orange
Communist People's Republic of Florida
Annex Uruguay ree
Fill Guyana and spill into Colombia.
Vive la revoluciĆ³n!
Fill south east USA, kill purple. Spill Columbia
Fill brazil
Fuck. Well, I accidentally spilled South East usa so fuck it I guess. Start on orange then?
Keep attacking Argentina
continue filling the southern border of my region
Claim orange instead!
Fuck my Columbia spill. Spill into East USA instead
Fill West US, then invade Pink
OP Come to the superior risk discord
NAP for now will suffice
No finns?
Mupdate V
that not ecuador but its ok
fill peru
fill peru
Kill pink
Annex Uruguay nao!
Fill south east usa
Fill Columbia
Attack Argentina
Forgot bonus
Fill brazil
send the alaskans back to their cucksheds
Claim Purple
United Narcos Free State
Brazil is filled, go to Afganistan to learn Geo
No Quebec eh?
I figured out my new player buff. Simply the (number of mupdates * 2) + 5 start.
Mup VI
Florida instead ffs
Shit don't worry
Fill brazil
keep filling peru
spill to bolivia
Attack Uruguay
Invade German Colony
(Spill more Brazil or some shit.)