Even the biggest Trump supporters can't defend this...he basically nuked 100,000 people
Even the biggest Trump supporters can't defend this...he basically nuked 100,000 people
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They deserved it, fuck em
he didn't. he bombed isis in a remote area. the us would never outright massacre 100k. they "accidentally" dozens, instead.
>human beings
Fucking hell, this gives me a raging hard on
Lol he dropped it in a cave complex and just made ISIS shit their pants. Why are liberals pissed off about this?
Yeah and they're all part of ISIS you terrorist fuck. You hate America and freedom bitch
Donald J Trump is always right
You can not compete with the 5D chessmaster
>radius in every direction
sandniggers =/= human being
Don't cut yourself on that edge faggot
Yes daddy I know you wouldn't do such horrible horrible things.
You're a cuck.
I wish it was a nuke.
>7 billion people live on the planet that trump bombed
Where are people getting that the moabs blast radius is a mile?
I want this to be true so much!
Afghan people are degenerates.
Why don't we just nuke all of Middle East?
Good. No one is going to do shit about it, either.
Fuck you terrorist sympathizer. 100,000 ISIS son of bitches dead and you think it's good? Fuck you. I'm masturbating to this right now. My Freedom Boner is off the fucking charts. SO MUCH FUCKING WINNING WE'RE GONNA WIN SO MUCH AT MILITARY YOUR HEAD WILL SPIN TERRORIST FUCKS
Omg. I am cruzmissle naow.
>F A K E
>N E W S
>people live
Not any more!
>Human beings
>95000 live in some shitty cave system
You're defending terrorists. You're the cuck. Trump is still based nazi.
So was it 100k or zero??
>100,000 people
how many gorillions does that make?
>95,500 human beings survived the bombing
By God, they are more powerful than we imagined
source on this?
THe admin repeatedly stated the area is UNINHABITED, it is a tunnel system on the border. Please fuck off to Reddit you ignorant retards
>100,000 people
The bomb reportedly killed between 0 and 100,000 people, depending on source.
Is she suggesting that the remote Afghanistan target has a higher population density than NYC?
Wow he literally COULD HAVE killed MAYBE 100k people POSSIBLY
>radius in every direction
>that image
Finally, America has a good leader and Russia will have to watch it.
Putin will never be able to fight America and he knows it, so he will be a good puppy and respect the international law.
Beat me too it. What a fucking retard.
>a blast radius of a mile in every direction
And they say Drumpf supports are the retards
6 million*
>the us would never outright massacre 100k
Well... wasn't there some incident in WWII? Something in the Pacific?
His ass.
He bombed a CIA site we helped Osama build.
>american education
>he basically nuked 100,000 people
if this were true, I would defend it
He sure did, honey.
>muh edge
fuck off whiny kike
ISIS don't even need to make up propaganda, the leftists will do it themselves. Ridiculous.
>>The worlds most powerful non nuke bomb killed less people than a FUCKING truck
Came here to post this.
I live in the middle east.
There are very few Isis militants in afgahnistan, the vast majority of them are in iraq and syria, and there is also a smaller cell of isis in Libya
The estimations are that there are only about 1,000 Isis activists in afgahnistan, it's a tiny cell with very little activity
jesus dude trying this hard to fit in, head on back to TD
>Why are liberals pissed off about this?
>still not understanding that ISIS are literally the shameless proxy army for democrats because they'll never get the support of military and rather its white american lives that are lost than their brainwashed pets
how new are you faggots?
idk man that truck looked expensive.
well they are
Bullshit. Also i don't care if so.
And there were minimal civilian casualties. How does he do it?? What a hero.
That's a complete fucking lie.
>was a bomb that's one step below a nuke
>oy veyy, it was just under 6 GORILLION lbs of TNT!
>dis anuda shoah
you jews never stop jewing do you?
There aren't even 100,000 ISIS fighters in the WORLD.
All of ISIS couldn't fill a AA ballpark in Charleston, West Virginia.
Trump LIED. What a surprise!
>basically nuked
HAHAHAHAHA you wish. It's several magnitudes below the japanese nuclear blasts, and is a drop in the ocean compared to Tsar Bomba
Thats 100,000 less rapefugees into europe
they are also retard but different strokes for different blokes
Is there evidence of Osama Bin Laden planning 9/11?
bombing shitskins and destroying evidence, two birds one stone
a shame more didn't die desu
>Donald J Trump is always right
he can feel free to bomb the sites in afganistan our US tax dollars built, just stay the hell out of Syria, Assad must stay
gtfo libcucks, no one wants you fags here
>Guise! Go easy on ISIS! There aren't that many left in the world you know? Please, give them a chance!
here it is:
There is so much ???WAT??? in this one tweet I don't even know where the fuck to start, so I guess:
>Afghanistan... "people"
>100K people living in a 1 mile radius in the hinterlands of Afghanistan. Not even US metro areas besides NYC and LA have that type of population density
>WTF is a "Radius of a mile IN EVERY DIRECTION" supposed to mean?
Stupid RT cumslut was too busy taking a mile of cock in every hole back when they were trying to teach her basic geometry.
What a stupid whore. Send her to Afghanistan and see how long she cries for the few (if any) goatfuckers that were collateral damage after she gets raped... if she survives, which is unlikely.
>b-but muh nation of immigrants
The military dropped the bomb without consulting Trump, they had his approval already. Why do we put so much emphasis on the President's role in these situations
First of all, i doubt the MOAB actually killed that many civilians. i haven't seen any source confirming this information.
But let me say this: The fact you are WISHING this bomb was murdering civilians is absolutely disgusting.
You are despicable human beings, nothing less than that.
If the blast area was that densely populated, there'd literally be corpses for miles around.
No such pictures exist, and given how fast ISIS would jump on the propaganda, it's because there aren't thousands of dead bodies littering the ground (or pieces of same).
There were inly 35 people confirmed dead
In the middle of an uninhabited desert
With a mountainous range that shortened the radius
Well it was dropped by the 5D chest master, she was just making sure they understood the blast wave was oppressing minorities in the fourth and fifth dimensions as well.
>nuked 100,000 people
I just came 100 times!
>"ugh wow he didn't even bomb anyone? What an incompetent leader we could've used that money to feed africa"
>no source
I don't know who that is but this person is clearly a professional journalist.
so many lies and half-truths in so few words
WTF I love moabs now
>The fact you are WISHING this bomb was murdering civilians is absolutely disgusting.
cry me a river, schlomo
the world has no need for barbaric sandniggers
11 tons of tnt is one step below 45,000 tons of tnt
WW2 is a completely different stories
Back then you could flatten cities down to the last brick
What a load of horseshit.
It's not about going "easy on isis", its about why would you use an extremely expensive bomb which is one tier below a nuke on a tiny isis cell that does almost nothing?
Eat shit and die, faggot... The next one is getting dropped on you
>But let me say this: The fact you are WISHING this bomb was murdering civilians is absolutely disgusting.
said the jew that murdered millions of muslims to have some shit desert land for himself.
>Isis are bad because they kill civilians
>I want civilians to be killed but i'm the good guy
You have the same ideology as Isis, you just don't realize it yet.
Did you not read her twatter???
Whatever bitch, gravity bombs are next