Richest Rothschild BDAY party.
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this fucking thread again, you jew?
Why do they look like pig people?
German x Jew blood
>accuses their enemies of being inbred
So many recessive traits
nobody cared before, nobody cares now, gtfo
A Google search of Baron Benjamin de Rothschild produces little in the way of information. One can learn that he is a seventh-generation descendant of dynasty founder Mayer Amschel, and that as the great-grandson of "the Benefactor" he controls the Caesarea Edmond Benjamin de Rothschild Foundation. The foundation, through the management of the Caesarea community, provides financial support for education in Israel and has land and cash holdings worth more than NIS 700 million. Googling also reveals that the baron controls private banks in France and Switzerland, owns a number of the world's most famous palaces and wineries and is very fond of sports, particularly sailing. He rarely gives interviews; there are a handful of articles about him in the French press but none in the English-language media and certainly not in the Israeli media.
We were on the way to interview Baron Benjamin de Rothschild, the last scion of the dynasty's French branch, who is considered the world's richest Rothschild today.
>the girls are all frontside
>men are either nowhere or at the back
holy fuck. Seems even the rich and powerful are cucked and reigned in by their women.
Men really are the weakest sex.
(((They're))) celebrating the new north korean central bank they will soon own.
Thanks Blumpf!
which of the four countries without a rothschild bank will Trumpenberg attack next?
>Noth Korea
Luckily Obongo sorted out libya and Bush got Iraq and Afghanistan which where all coincidentally lacking a jewish owned central bank.
When did you realise Blumpf is taking his orders from the same (((people))) as Obama and Bush?
I'm days into most recent nofap. These reptilians do nothing. NOTHING.
Jews and blacks are very matriarchal
Imagining them all burning alive and screaming makes me feel comfy.
She has all the traits of a caucasian but the face, those chubby cheeks are a giveaway
Fuck that's a hot French Jew CAN I GET HIS CUM PLZ?
stay cuckd
Rothschilds bow to the Bogdanoffs
thx for HD, adding to /fap folder
Most Jews are fooking Caucasian, I'm sick of your antisemitic BS pol.
The main street in Tel Aviv is literally Rothschild Blvd.
dat Masonic floor in this room
>Most Jews are fooking Caucasian, I'm sick of your antisemitic BS pol.
They don't identify as Caucasians though. Ask a white jew what his race is. 95% chance of him saying he's jewish, not white.
they look high
>Most Jews are fooking Caucasian,
Top kek, gas yourself.
Then leave. pol hates jews
dat blackamoor in the background?
You are in denial Hans.
Literal bullshit
the are still crackers white boi.
Praise the day when these jew Retardschilds are extinct.
The Jew thinks we like him, lel
Except nobody wants to live there.
better not forget it boy
I don't care.
I doubt you are a real Jew. Israelis show more European looking Jews to persuade white evangelical morons to give more money to Israel. If you have ever been to Israel, then you realize "whiteness" is not really a thing in Israel.
Looks like zuckerberg.
stfu seriously, it's the biggest literal bullshit pol invented. You have lily white Jews everywhere and you make up some bullshit about how their nose is 1/3 cm larger then yours so they aren't white.
Jews are about as white as the shits I take. Fuck off Shlomo.
He's not white, but these dudes definitely are. You people are fucked in the head.
Why hasnt someone killed them all by now?
You are not a Jew. Shut up. This is not a pol thing. Different identities.
Every one of them looks soulless. What the fuck
nice tricks shlomo.
More like 3 cm
it's only 1/3 cm larger after (((they))) get a (((nose))) job
I had a photo of a human trussed up and roast like a pig, supposedly at one of their 70s parties, saved in my phone... and now it's gone! :o a-am I going to be k-kubrik'd anons?
I'm a Jew and I mark "White" as my race in applications. Does that trigger you pol?
How many of you are actually white, or just shitskin mudslimes LARPing as Nazis?
Nouveau riche slobs. Kikes need to be exterminated
You are larping as a jew. i am more jew than you.
>identifying yourself as "white" as a jew
fucking degenerate schmuck
Kikes are Near East Asiatics
Look what happened last time someone tried.
You're the reason the whole shit-world hates Whitey. That's what triggers /pol
>commits Jewry
>pisses off the world
>passes the blame to anglos
>"Im white too!"
why are jews and white people so fucking ugly holy shit
Because they are.
Look at all the famine dodgers trying to ward off the DTs by coming on pol and pretending they're smart enough to understand the major power shifts in European history. Hang in there lads, the early house will be open soon
Same. I am ridding myself of the pornjew for good
mudslime here. I love based muslim Assad and hate drumpf
t. based oldfag since 2002
Seems to be an awful lot of us non-dodgers on /pol lately though. Positive sign.
Jews both aren't and are white depending on if it suits them, it's a schrodinger's cat thing
you slander us
the moment normies awaken to the 1% being jewish is the moment you're nepotistic circlejerk is finished
>Literal bullshit
No it's not. Most jews are caucasian. But they outwardly identify as jewish. I always thought that was weird, because I used to think being jewish meant you were religious - like, this is the reason you go around calling yourself a jew. Except most jews I meet aren't practicing. And 'jewish' isn't a nationality. Closest thing is Israel, but most jews don't identify as israeli.
So if you're a white, non-practicing jew, and you aren't israeli, and I ask you your ethnicity and you say you're "jewish", what does that even mean? You're not claiming to be white, you're not claiming it on religious grounds, and you're not claiming it on nationality. So what does it mean?
Christ her twitter is fucking cancer
do they notch the glasses?
otherwise mathematically it won't fill evenly
I'm 100% Jew and I always put "Black". You get more hand outs that way.
>started about the rothschilds
>devolved into an argument about jews not being white in less than 20 posts
I really do hate every single one of you faggots.
Eat shit pig, make me, protip: you can't do shit.
I'm anglo, and no, you can't join my country club.
The plural of Rothschild is Rothschildren.
This picture contains literally more money than anybody reading this will ever own invested in these womens' faces.
Always in porn business or other dirty sectors. You can't help yourself.
>be ultra rich omnipotent rothschild
>have to marry into extensions of the family
>all the women are fucked looking from 500 years of inbreeding
If jews are European, why does jewish DNA show up on even broad DNA tests that separate into Eastern European, Western European, etc. ?
The Rothschilds are nothing.
Poor girls they look exactly like inbred rape babies.
So much for being rich. But then again you can remodel yourface by summoning a demon to perform the surgeries or something.
can you? lel
>The plural of Rothschild is Rothschildren.
No it's not you may may faggot. If you want to go there technically it's Roth Schilde, with the "e" at the end. Otherwise in the context of their family name Rothschild's is fine. I really do hate every single one of you faggots. I'm not joking.
No apostrophe
we love you too normie
This so much
Maybe that's why JEWS are into cuckporn
How often are all of them in one place together?
Jews aren't white, dumbass. Not even genetically. They are sandniggers
Literally the worst people in the world :)
> I'm a Jew
That's grim. Are those folk burning alive? Where did this happen?
damn she has some big boobs
Same here, they are unattractive
Even if I didn't know they were fucking Rothschilds
That's how we know they're the enemy
Pretty sure it's from a film mate.
Too bad that booze isn't poisoned. It would cut a huge chunk out of the Kike Parasite