>The military is investigating a decorated Navy SEAL for his side job as a porn star.
>Navy Chief Special Warfare Officer Joseph John Schmidt III, 42, has served in the military for 23 years, during which he received several valor awards and was even the face of the SEAL program website.
>But when he's not training, fighting overseas or recruiting, Schmidt has been making porn films under the name 'Jay Voom', the San Diego Union-Tribune has learned.
>In the past seven years, Schmidt has starred in 29 films, most of them with his wife and the mother of his kids, porn star Jewels Jade.
How do we fix the Navy SEALs guys? This is fucking embarrassing for our country.
Elijah Long
pls take this picture of me down
Jackson Ward
>Indiana Summer Patrician taste, seal-man.
Benjamin Ross
Christian Taylor
>The military is investigating
I'm sure
Cameron Thomas
>some guy is being made to sit in a dimly lit room and watch videos of his buddy fucking said buddy's wife
Elijah Wilson
What's his porn name?
Is it like Colonel, Duke or Sarge something?
Leo Cruz
>his wife >porn star Jewels Jad >Jew-els Fucking Jews
Grayson Sanders
>Navy SEAL >marries pornstar >makes porn 'Murican as fuck.
Sebastian Myers
Satan as fuck
Evan Gomez
Never mind, if I had read the 3rd fucking line I would have seen it.
Jay Voom?
Lame as fuck. Sounds like a vacuum cleaner salesman.
Jeremiah Wright
Navy SEALs are a God-damned disgrace. Fucking Hollywood gloryboy media whores.
Jonathan Watson
in ancient rome this man would have his own statue in the town square
Jaxson Long
>purityfags Emilia ruined the entire show.
Jason Morris
>It was during this time that Jade decided to start stripping to make money, spending long weeks in Las Vegas and sending the money home. Eventually, beaten down by their $1.8million in personal debt, Jade says she returned to porn.
Women are so fucking lucky. They always have a backup plan (porn, stripping) in case they fuck up in life.
Robert Peterson
>The military is investigating So they can give him a medal, I assume. This guy fucking owns.
Chase Roberts
He's not a big guy.
Brayden Cox
Aiden Carter
Bitch looks like a tranny.
David Nelson
Literally what is the problem? Does his side job of fucking his wife on camera affect his ability to remove kebab? I think not.
Hunter Stewart
who's the broad?
Aaron Brown
Someone post pictures of his dick
Easton Gomez
A disgrace to the uniform, fellow soldiers, and America. He will be in the first wave to hang on the day of the rope.
Christopher Bennett
That's because size doesn't really matter.
William Nelson
Literally in the OP
Sebastian Nguyen
Mena Lee apparently.
Can't say I'm familiar.
Lincoln Murphy
What the fuck is that thing
Joshua Davis
Evan Collins
His wife
Hunter Diaz
>carbine variant
Adrian Peterson
>ywn have a hot pornstar wife who looks kinda like a tranny that's actually loyal but gets dragged back into porn because your finances are shit, convoncing you to join her as you fuck her on camera again and again every day just to make ends meet
Gavin Mitchell
Literally a cuck...
Army of Sodom, warriors of degeneracy
Blake Brown
Going to need some vids
Caleb Hughes
Julian Martinez
I like the lady to the left
Brandon Roberts
Mk18 at best
David Murphy
>adultery is a UCMJ violation >This guy is gonna get court martialed for making porn with someone other than his wife, even with her consent
Dylan Campbell
>having kids with a pornstar >Becomes pornstar >Still mostly fucks his wife Hahahahahahahaha
Nathan Hill
That sounds soul crushing, also, I've seen jewels in plenty of vids with all kinds of different cocks. Talk about being cucked beyond repair.
Elijah Morales
He is just as bad as a traitor and deserves execution by firing squad.
Christian Powell
literally btfo pol, muh degeneracy, roman warrior god
Gavin James
Matthew Garcia
He looks like a porn star more than a Navy Seal. Are we sure that being a Seal isn't his side gig?
Andrew Collins
Kek I love it. He's one of the most elite warriors and a sporn star.....and his wife is dogshit fucking ugly......what in the world
Brody Cox
>navy seal
mofo looks like buddy hackett
Gavin Stewart
*Looks at dick* Yeah, pretty sure
Nathaniel Jackson
Xavier Barnes
>decorated Navy SEAL
Joshua Rogers
>his wife is dogshit fucking ugly She's not ugly though. 7/10 easy. Great body.
Jackson Watson
I swear to god, I'm not trying to be "that guy on the internet"....but while she is skinny, her face is a fucking 4 and her body is a 6 at best......
Joshua Hernandez
That's because women age like milk once they hit the wall (25-29 years old).
Asher Rogers
>her face is a fucking 4 Get the fuck out here.
Josiah Rogers
who is the hot milf on the right?
Isaac Phillips
Indiana Summer
Jason Campbell
Henry Harris
I've seen a lot of Seals that look like car salesman but they can kill you barehanded in seconds.
Liam Baker
His porn star name is Special Warfare Officer Joseph John Schmidt III, how no one connected the dots is amazing
Ayden Roberts
My name is Joseph John Schmidt, Navy SEAL and Chief Special Warfare Officer.
Husband to a porn star wife, father to my wife's ex-boyfriend's son, and I will have my vengeance.
In this life or the next.
Jayden Scott
Michael Martinez
The hell was he thinking?
Angel Ramirez
>Navy SEAL >Marries and has kids with a whore who takes black dicks in her ass >Stars in porn himself
Degenerate as fuck
Camden Moore
He looks like Randy with abs
Jackson Collins
his dick goes in places that no one else is willing to go