We rule the world
We rule the world
We need to meme harder for Le Pen.
>I am smrt! I am gret! I have enormus powr!!!"
Trump killed the movement by selling out.
Honestly the efforts made by Sup Forums to meme her into office has been pathetic so far. Meme magic is dying. Kek is not pleased.
>Implying Melenchon wont win
Le Pen is finished after her statement about Jews.Typical bitch who can't keep her mouth shut until the election.
Le Pen won't change anything. You need to accept the fact that major western countries don't live in a democracy any more.
>voting for a woman
This place has gone to shit I see.
what are frogs mulder
>0.02 USD had been added to your account
Eat your heart out Illuminati.
The Russians seriously have made a huge gain in power. I'm proud of you guys. Your shilling is impressive.
funny how half of polposts are trying to bash trump after syria.
Ivan shills everywhere.
>By 1789, the French debt acquired to fight in that war (American Revolutionary War) came to a staggering 1.3 billion livres. It "set off France's own fiscal crisis, a political brawl over taxation that soon became one of the reasons for French Revolution." France did obtain its revenge against Britain, but materially it gained little and its huge debts seriously weakened the government and helped facilitate the French Revolution in 1789.
Reminder that we owe our meme magic to saving France
marine le pen for prime minister
They're trying to make her lose by saying she could win.
They learned from Trump and Brexit I guess.
It just goes to show that BBC rots the brain, probably from the hiv/aids.
Let's hope so
>people discussing ideas freely and openly through a form of modern art could change the outcome of democratic elections
Fucking media.
he kiked himself, but the dream is alive.
The great meme war is a fall guy to blame their own gigantic orwellian incompetence on and it always has been.
you have to win first. A lot of Macron's voters arent sure they will vote.. it can happen
Think of that, they have lost control to such a degree they literally blame Sup Forums in MSM publications. Nukes and WMD can't stop the cyclical revolution of empires.
I'd be okay with that desu.
He'd be unambiguously bad whereas Macron would be like Obama and get a free pass
>.02 countersheckels have been added to your account.
bit of column a and b
Le who?
never heard of weaponized autism?
She won't even reach 2nd round.
Le Pen has already won!
We rule the children
Thats supposed to be a Hillarypepe, Shes holding Trump on a leash
The name is The Don.
Don Fillon.
>t. Muhammad Bubar
it's habbening
La penna
fuck off catholicucks