Are you causing developmental brain-damage to your child when you lie to them about the Easter Bunny?
Is this a jewish construed anti-christian pagan fantasy conspiracy to retard the goyim?
Are you causing developmental brain-damage to your child when you lie to them about the Easter Bunny?
Is this a jewish construed anti-christian pagan fantasy conspiracy to retard the goyim?
Lying to your kids about Santa and the Easter bunny inoculates them against trusting authority too much and teaches them critical thinking skills. Its the best way to stop your kid from becoming a little bitch who believes in Jesus when life throws him a curve-ball.
thats a weird image
Did you leave the Subject line from something else?
This, teach your kids outrageous bullshit and they'll learn to question everything. Best is stories what teach lessons.
One of my favorites is drop-wolves, wolves what live in the clouds and will drop down at night to eat naughty disobedient children.
>Allison Angel
Literally my first fap. Saved all her pics on my PSP
>drop wolves
lmfao it must be the radiation how fucking retarted
>Lying teaches critical thought, not deception and betrayal
I wonder who could be behind these posts
>implying the drop-wolves aren't real
Lost a couple friends to those bastards as a kid before I sorted myself out. Glad I made it to adulthood, rip in pieces, Bros.
>not tugging your little weiner in the bathtub after you shower at night and inventing jacking off on your own
reported for necrophilia. that dead stare of hers is more degenerate than that fursuit
It's not lying when it's blatant and not maintained as truth. It's just fucking around.
>staying in the tub with no water
Maybe if you want drain spiders to get you.
Seems a big waste of years of them in fantasy land when they should already be studying physics. My point is it retards the grow. Jews are doing their Bahmitzfa. At young age they start training for it, examined at 13. Meanwhille goy are in jerkoff land looking for gold at the end of rainbows and monsters under their beds.
>asking Sup Forums for parental advice
You faggots really should join some of the facebook Sup Forums groups just to see what your fellow anons look like. You'd be much less likely to ask questions like this here.
Funny cause it's true
My favorite is just telling a kid if they get into the van with the stranger they will be raped to death in a week and they will never be found.
Puts the world in the proper perspective. Why waste time with santa and jesus? Tell the kid like it is.
Our drains have P-drains on them so no spooky spiders can crawl up
Is it REALLY normal to see 7 year old children running around fighting off invisible dragons pretending that they are dragon-slayers?
To me they look like they are retarded.
When I see a child sitting on Santa's knee at the Shopping Mall I think, "What a retard".
Remember the time that Donald Trump launched a combined invasion of North Korea from the East, South, and North in a grand Asian alliance that culminated with a young soldier named Daniel Bravard Smith disarming a nuclear bomb in a NK invasion tunnel, saving millions of people and putting Korea under the same flag for the first time since the 1940's?
This Summer. A war unlike anything you have ever seen before. A story of good vs evil. Where groups of men so ideologically different still manage to find the courage to stand together against evil threats. A resolution of the ongoing struggle on the Korean island, where twenty one million people are enslaved in terror to a domestic dictator. Blood will be shed, carefully crafted realities will shatter, and all of the lies that the state media have told its people will come to a swift a brutal end.
Coming to a theater near you in Summer 2017.
Americans knew when they elected Donald Trump he would make America great again. They just didn't know how great.
bunnies are sybmols of fertility
this is pro-white. it is telling you to breed lots with a white cutie
And then you look at the adult population in the west, and you can see they never stopped being retards. Blow up three world-record height towers on 9/11 in a classic controlled demolition and tell everyone that it was magic fire, they all believe it - or pretend they do. Go along, to get along. Like going to those Christmas parties with your kids, and you obliged to tell them Santa is real.
Sorry but I am really pissed off. I remember two years of my life where I fully believed Santa was real.
Dude seriously
My niggah. Did she ever do hardcore?