What. The. Fuck

What. The. Fuck.

Open.gov is key to government transparency. How could he do this?

Shut the fuck up you dumb Canadian shill. The will of our God Emperor will not be questioned.

Is this fucking real? Go on, defend it Drumplets.

Why waste money on a website I never visit? Counter argument that you faggot

Which is?

>implying that every governmental website you don't visit deserves to be shut down
That's really stupid! You're a fucking retard!

I defend nothing

Good because that website never existed in the first place.

Calls someone a shill but is still pro Trump.

>the government is being transparent! They told me so!

why should i believe anything from it in the first place

Never even heard of it.
Sounds like a propaganda portal.

Literally fake news

Cannot find anything about an open.gov ever existing

OP I'm creeped the fuck out by whatever your motives might be

No one cares.

>implying the government is more efficient than the free market
>implying your opinion actually matters
>implying that your not working at McDonald's

do you think anyone will fall for your gaslighting?


I am not a drumplet since i dont live in your crap country, but i think it's because of the incoming war your country wil be in.

By your rationale, all hetero porn sites should close.

i like this kind of posting! we should make it a meme!

bump what?

everyone sage and report

What's the problem?

fine with me, i don't care how much shady shit they do, it's literally okay when they do it desu

We cannot afford to take on more refugees from the_donald. Enough is enough.

That was a top kek, I'll give you that

Ok let me help you guys.
Some people are going to believe this straight up, others will go out and discover is made up. Made up as in open.gov never existed.

Such things destroy your credibility.
That's why your memes are terrible. They have no truth in them. Everyone know the taste of lies, they are bland and boring. But truths, especially forbidden ones, now those are tasty. Like icecream on pie.

cia botnet shell

All I know is that Obama was for this so clearly it's a bad thing and Trump did the right thing.


Civil war or Korean War?

Seriously we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes

I don't like this posting! I think it's obnoxious!

wow, next he will use a private server

at least he isn't going to pretend to be transparant the way obama tried to do

>Hurrr muh consolation prize

>Seriously we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes
He's had them for 10 weeks.

I have never heard of this before. Neither have any of you.

Youre bad actors js guys. Not earning the .02



Am I the only one who saw this?

desu porn sites should be closed

why not both?


100% shill, no one gives a fuck about this except (((them)))

They are one and the same senpai.

Shareblue. Thats literally the first word in your image. It's like shilling but you gave up trying to pretend you have an argument halfway. As is it's just spam. Dox yourself and never post here again.

>Drain the swamp
>fills swamp with jewish billionaires
>covers swamp up
Top kek

Maybe its the old double false flag switcheroo

We memed for a chaos god to bring us Trump, so we get chaos. Enjoy the ride you fucking leaf.


>how do we increase transparency in government
>let's make a new website and thus another layer of bureaucracy
>oops gotta pay those new employees too better raise taxes


Don't believe OPs lies

Do your own research, don't just believe things

Written by a nigger jew.

Also please remove usa from the net.

>Drumpflets think "muh source" is an argument.

Tippity top kekkles. How fucking dumb are you Papa-Clumpf worshipping morons?

Actually, I don't blame you since inbred fat redneck retards are never given the chance to learn basic debating skills unlike educated liberals. Roflmao

OP is a lying faggot, see pic related for proof