(((Alt-right))) (((Media))) in a nutshell.
(((Alt-right))) (((Media))) in a nutshell
Fight the source, not the symptoms. The enemy of my enemy is a friend and the Jews are my greatest enemy
Yup. When will people realise the migrant crisis was orchestrated by Israel to foment anti-islamic sentiment and justify their imperialism in the Middle East?
So the Muslims are being controlled by the Jews then?
Alt-righters are a pack of gullible imbeciles.
What exactly is alt right media??
I dislike Muslims but it's clear that the Jews are trying to make them our enemy so we fight their battles for them.
Not falling for it. Without kikes there would be no mass immigration to Europe and America
No, we are.
Jew-aided migrant detected.
We all are.
Kind of like the matrix, but with jews.
That is more Alt-lite.
even if they are Nigger loving mongrelst. For now they are allies.
When are people going to realize that "alt-right" is an amorphous term and mean many different things to different people. If you're talking about someone like Cernovich or Lauren Southern (who are often called "alt-right"), they most certainly fit this bill. If you are talking about someone like Richard Spencer or Mike Enoch (who likewise are called "alt-right"), they don't fit this meme. They call (((them))) out every day.
youre a dunderhead, all that shit is true. Call it whatever you want, but those are the enemies.
Stop race baiting, and engaging in hegelian dialectic. This qualifies as a shit post. Im sorry you are misreable with your life and feel bad about yourself so you want to transfer it anonymously on a forum that is targetted at autistic people. I pray for you and your family that you should all live in peace.
America has the actual docs from Wikileaks re: US toppling Assad for (((Israel))). But even InfoWars and Cernovich ignore it.
Fuck off muslims
and orthodox Islam as practiced for 1300 years is cancer and it needs to be reformed to fit within modern society (I.E. honor killings and jihad is out, we are voting on it today, end of discussion, go notify the world that Muslims have a new din now)
Of course they do. They're all opportunists who decided to piggyback off what was initially perceived to be an anti-establishment movement. They're not ideological in the slightest.
>picrelated is the ME's only hope
>a strict theocracy coupled with ruthless extremism
God, turks shitpost more than all other muslim countries combined.
Islam was already starting to die out and was slowly getting reformed throughout the late 19th to mid 20th century, but unfortunately the kikes have take advantages of Muslims as both weak enemies and now as useful idiots. If it weren't for the Kikes most North African and arab nations would be much more secular now.
t. exmuslim
Is this perhaps why the media hates Muslim nations like Iran, Saddam's Iraq, Syria, and Gaddafi's Libya? I feel that it's important to realize that not all Muslim nations are the same. The current nations that exist today are under the control of Saudi Arabia, who's wahabbist ideology is what the Jews and Saudis want to spread to create division. Believe me, Muslims are shitty too, but the Jews are a much bigger problem that needs to be dealt with. Once the kikes are out, the rest will sort themselves out.
we need to wake the world up. G-d be with you my brother.
>whatever happens its actually the jews
are the jews like the ether of mankind? the seams in our psychosocial web? a superhuman entity? a vessel?
>Stop hegelian dialectic
even as an offensive method against enemies? No fun allowed ┌( ಥ_ಥ)┘
Muslims were doing fine in their own countries before the kikes who control our governments invdaded them. The reason there is immigration from third world countries to Europe and the US is because the Jews using the IMF and the World Bank, along with the militaries of western countries destroyed those poorer countries and locked them in eternal debt so they would never be able to break free. Africa and the middle east were not anarchic shitholes before the jewish controlled western imperialists invaded them. They were primitive yes, but they weren't starving, slaughtering each other en masse or dying to AIDs (another jewish creation). There would be no migrant crisis without the Jews, nor would there be a first and third world.
>mfw the West set back arabic nationalism decades
>all for the prospect of acquiring black blood and becoming its sole proprietor and hegemon
>and the american and european peoples let it happen
media cnn dislikes
>Saudi Arabia
Saudi Arabia is fragile. You have an entire society who only two or three generations ago were dirt poor, religious zealots who lived a nomadic lifestyle suddenly getting mega rich from a single resource that is starting to become depleted. The current dynamic in Saudi Arabia involves a highly religious, uneducated, lazy, yet relatively financially well populace who are under the influence of extreme religious leaders. The current upper and ruling class are much more educated, so to stay in power they need to appease the extreme religious leaders with money and giving some of them high positions in government. Once they're all out of money all hell will break lose.
Fuck off paki.
>taking the shlep pill, or the goy pill
PJW, Cernovich, Coulter
That's Hamas' flag stoopid. Saudis are sandkikes
wow never thought of it like that. islam is great. i love based muslim assad now
t. oldfag since 2002
Alex Jones, Rebel, Milo, Breightbart,
Thanks jewbro. Not all jews are scheming kikes. Unfortunately most kikes happen to be jews.
Nasser was based.
I couldn't agree more.
Milo's downfall due to paedophilia scandals is something i was informed of happening in advance by about a year or so.
''civic nationalism'' lol. what a joke.
That falls apart when you have liberal jews bending over backwards to claim Islam is a religion of peace and Muslims are good
silly, the jews are the literally the cause of every single problem for everyone
there are people that unironically believe this btw
Islam and Western values are antithetical and therefore incompatible with one other. The influx of migrants has already begun to stir dissent and uproar against muslims. What the jews might not have counted on was the effect it would have on the EU.
Hell no, Saudi Arabia is on Israel's side. Iran is what the Middle East needs
Shit, you're right! I'm sure The Quran and Hadith were also created by Jews. I'm even starting to think Muhammad was a (((Mossad))) agent.
Don't you have a goat to fuck?
This switched on motherfucker gets it.
They got rid of their puppet government in 1979.
>Saddam's Iraq
Aka (((their))) ex-puppet they needed to get rid of.
For Greater Israel and to pull closer to Iran. The Golden Heights are currently occupied by Israel.
Also oil. Coincidentally, terrorists are wherever oil is.
>Gaddafi's Libya
He wanted to create a gold-backed currency and refused to trade for US-Dollars.