The US is scared of the DPRK
The US will not attack the DPRK, even if they conduct a nuclear test
The US is scared of the DPRK
The US will not attack the DPRK, even if they conduct a nuclear test
What the fuck is that shit? A bunch of custard?
>me on the left
Eat this dick Kim
I aint scared if shit from these pussy gook faggots
DPRK is NOT ISIS, they will fuck nigger your asses
*Blocks your path*
Fucking pussies
Colored horse semen sausages
Honestly, Trump should let Russia and China take care of them. Once the Norks are in check from nuclear powers stronger than us then it's our turn to finish them off.
best korea has so many interesting things that needs to be identified,,
Kim should get a Bitcoin address so the world can donate money to his nuclear arsenal projects and destroy America.
Maybe some kind of industrial lube?
Agreed Germanbro
Americunts does not have the balls to attack NK or remove Kim
tfw you are the fattest person in your country.
what will they do, starve on me?
No they're full.
Digits confirm us has the balls
full of knock off chinese dishsoap?
nigga, I leve next to a jungle and even our supermarkets dont look as sad as that. And this is , of course, the 'showcase' supermarket so western liberal reporters can go and see how totally backwards the country is..
I kek'd
> I leve next to a jungle
>and even our supermarkets dont look as sad as that
Well it's clear you're a sub-Saharan African in origin.
never seen a post by your flag before!
There is no starvation in NK anymore. There are regions which are poor as fuck but they are not dying because of hunger
He does though!
Let's be real, North Korea would win.
North Korea would bum rush the south, and there is little the US could do about it. Once they get it, it's guerilla warfare on a mass scale. The US can barely defeat flip flop fighters in the mideast and you expect them to do shit about this? Yeah they can take out NK's airforce and navy, but that's about it. Once the NK troops get into SK it's done. They'll rush in like ants, regardless of if they defect later on or not. Even if they defect, they'll form their own militias to survive in teh storm and cause even more chaos and confusion. YOU ARE FUCKED
The second he tried to cross the DMZ rockets would be flying into that area mass killing his troops.
Dur hur hur. Retard faggot.
think of it this way, we havent had a full scale invasion or anything nearly close since ww2. of which weve had the single largest naval deployment in history. all these "wars" are just skirmishing grounds for us to test our toys.
1 hour 7 min until bomb
rooks like automorive grease
Except that half of North Korea's army would be blown to bits by the landmines surrounding their border.
The South Koreans, Japanese, and Chinese would be prepared for a US strike and act accordingly. Do you really think that a million north korean infantrymen are going to be able to cross the DMZ when they're being blasted by artillery, planes, and then small arms fire? They'd be slaughtered by the 10s of thousands. The South Koreans have a large (smaller than North Korea's, but still) technologically advanced military that would be able to hold its own.
North Korea would certainly artillery the shit out of South Korea, but they wouldn't attempt an invasion. If they did, it would be for the express purpose of suicide and going out with a bang. Their only chance is to bunker down and to try and pull at Vietnam. The difference is that North Korea is completely isolated and will eventually be starved out.
If the US attacked the DPRK seoul would be destroyed within about 3 hours and ICBMs would be on the way to US targets,the US wont do a thing.
>We haven't had a full scale invasion
What? Do you not remember 2003?
The invasion of Iraq perfectly shows what the American Military is capable of in an actual wartime scenario. Fighting insurgents in a hostile foreign land with almost no allies is much different than fighting an actual country.
The Iraq military was more advanced than the North Korean military and they folded the instant shock and awe started. The North Koreans only advantage on paper is their nuclear weapons, but I am pretty sure those would be pretty ineffectual after our opening salvos.
carpet bombing is a pretty reliable way of clearing minefields.
you could shell for a few days in the areas you want to go to minimize casualties from the mines also
I highly doubt the North Koreans would have the means to begin carpet bombing their border with South Korea, and if they did, they're literally using the only bombs they're gonna get to drop on just letting troops attempt to get into south korea.
And even if they did spend literally days bombarding it, then it's not at all a zerg rush and they'd just be slaughtered after they took days to get here.
I, of course, am working on the scenario where America acts first. If North Korea acts first, things are different.
Has anyone seen Kim and the log of shit boy in the same room?
That worker looks so happy that Kim is there.
>ywn own a giant barrel of caramel to eat while shitposting on Sup Forums
They do their test, Trump stays true to his word and the US will hit the atomic facilities.... and NK will do nothing except blow hot air as always.
And NK will shut up for the next decade.
Because everything else would be the end of the regime.
China would face millions of refugees and would probably invade NK themselves to mitigate that.
They will use every influence they have to persuade the people in charge to not do anything.
They would only end it, as in all out war, if US would threaten to kill the regime. Make a strike against Kim himself or against the top ranking people.
And if they against all logic would decide to attack... it would be a very one sided bloodbath.
So I'm Swedish? Nope, I actually have balls.
Never forget that America has lost 3 times in the last ten years to sandniggers goatherders with forty year old ak47s
Can someone please photoshop Andy Sixx into this pic?
It's basically attacking a porcupine. Sure, you'll kill it. But you'll then have to go get a couple dozen quills removed and be scared for life. Was it really worth it?
This is what why no one is going to do a damn thing unless they're left with no choice.
>Light meal
really now, you faggots have never followed that approach in the past! and then drag the rest of the wrold through you faggot BS.