/ww3g/ World War Three General

Air China has suspended all flights to Pyongyang

China has deployed 150,000 troops to the NK Border

Vice President Pence heads to Seoul as North Korea tensions flare

CarrierStrikeGroup 1 en route to Korea

North Korea preparing for 6th Nuclear Test

US is ready to strike North Korea if nuclear test happens

China warned North Korea 3 times during past days about "war breaking out any moment"

Japanese fleet joins US strike force heading to North Korea

Radio Pyongyang broadcasting strange numbers

China is ready to cut it's oil supply to North Korea

Kim Jong-Un ‘orders IMMEDIATE EVACUATION of Pyongyang’ as tensions with US escalate

Other urls found in this thread:


1st 4 nukes

first for fuck canada

could i get a rundown?


Because no one wants to fly to nk currently, they will restart once there is a market for it again

nth for big habbening

I want it to happen, but real Happenings don't take this much wait. They Happen all of the sudden




those fucking parades last over 2hrs.
nukes in 4 hrs


>WW3 on Good Friday/Easter weekend

R-rapture won't happen right guys?

>Look guys Hitler has said he's not gonna invade Poland, he even signed an agreement, WW2 is not gonna happen, no one wants it.





I'll make it quick.

impressive parade and show of military power. You definitely don't want to fuck with NK.

i hope it does

>people orgasming about MOAB

Russia just confirmed it's FOAB exists and it's x4 more powerful than the MOAB.

>Implying warfare, world politics etc. is in anyway comparable to Hitlers time

I wish.Though it is kind-of-a spooky coincidence, right?

Digits confirm half Northern Korea submerged under water by Tuesday

pic could never be more related

>implying Kim isn't literally Hitler wanting a war




You're charming.

How can it be WW3 if the major powers are against the Norks?

You mean South Korea to break off and float away from all the artillery fire right?

Really gets the prayer beads a-swayin'

>mfw I just saw The Mist this morning

These coincidences must mean something user

It's good that someone took over my threads. I (OP) had to stop at Part two cause of outside life. I thank you.

>Implying Hitler could be a filthy lesser raced gook in anyway.
>Implying Hitler wasn't smart at the start of the war.
>Implying in today's state of the world it's possible to start a war like ww2.
>Implying you have a single brain cell.

Lads you guys got the source of Russia moving forces to the border?

China takes the chance to annex North Korea and that pisses USA off? Plus Russia might do something. Australia might attack USA for bantz.


Allah wills it

america's gonna do a heel turn

because kim jong un is gonna nuke israel so abunch of jews are gonna die just like in ww2

Communication happening (series of numbers) on 8992 get tuned guys

[muffled call for Islamic prayer in the distance]

oh man im ready

Get for Best Korea victory

ww3 starts on april 25th.quads confirm and serbia survives

This roll is for Pyongyang getting leveled to the ground by Sunday morning

Mere coincidence.

Holy shit OP is a massive fucking faggot. He posted all the gayest fucking libcuck shit fake news sites he could think of in one post



>Implying you have a single brain cell.


Does NK actually have functional nuclear weapons?

Can't we just have like, the top five armed countries each drop a nuke on them? This has to end.


pic semi related

Does he.

I prefer pop-dance.


which god is trump then?

loud bang of drone strike near muhammads goat shed

We have any NORK anons who could give us a quick rundown on the vibe there ?

wtf i love north korea now

They do (at least the fission bomb, they pretend to have the fission one but no proof). What is unclear is whether they have been able to miniaturize them (which would make them able to launch them via missiles).

Nothing is going to happen.

Sup Forums is so desperate for happenings.


And this roll is for South Korea getting glassed ETA 10 hours

"Ocы" нa плaтфopмaх oкoлo Bлaдивocтoкa ceгoдня днём. Ha пapaд eдyт?

>"Wasps" on platforms near Vladivostok this afternoon. Are they going to the parade?

Vladivostok is right above Korea.

Looks like Serbia doesn't survive

>/ww3g/ World War Three General

god yes i am so ready

if they test a nuke it probably means they do

Yessssssssssssssssss we needed this general

Is it.

You're the only faggot here, user. I recommend you get out of cali as soon as possible.

is this the 5th dimensional English?

It has both functional nukes and functional ICBMs. Whether or not it has miniaturized nukes to put on said missiles rather than Hiroshima-era bombs? No clue.

How many coincidences will add up to correlation user?

I'm spooked.

>hold me

You retarded faggots realize OP posted all libcuck shill websites right? Christ you fucking faggots are retarded

>our glorious and great leader will crush the american agressors
>glimps at the army officer presiding the interview

Everyone here (including) me) badly wants WW3 to happen.

I wonder why the same people were saying "we want to avoid WW3" during the campaign. We just don't want liberal democracies to win this war.


Where is the claim that Russia has moved AA to the NK border? I CAN'T FIND IT.

Well , sometimes you just gotta suck a dick.

>the accuracy of statements does not depend on their source
Out cuck

get out of Sup Forums shill, we know you're a faggot liberal

Trump is obviously Loki

>south koreans hate the japs more than north korea
>the south would suffer far more in a war than their american masters
>the us talks big on war and the warmongering parties are full in but the people will think differently when the thousands of dead start piling up
>images and video of south koreans being fucked would be spread on social media
and more

nothing is going to happen

fuckoff we're larping like its defcon 1

wow i guess north korea is a fake green screen false flag now wow thanks

You should be scared.

Do we press the nuke button? Digits say yes

How much are you getting paid?


>implying this isn't all sudden over the past week

What are the odds Mexico gets affected in collateral damage?
Northwest mexico to be exact.

Already bought MREs, fiber and a gasmask, i should get a suit too.

Hello there.

Love you too.

Trust me , he's not.

Thanks ma niggah.

Obviously it's either not happening or hasnt started happening yet.. I could've told you that much.

Am i.

>If dubz or more the world will end and the British empire will rise from the ashes.,

But I thought (((((nothing is going on)))) ?

Calm down. You'll be fine.

Has Justin Trudeau chimed in on the MOAB strike? I need to know what he thinks at a time like this.

>peddler of jewish tricks who starts ww3
Fits the bill desu kek

Will he.

Is it happening? Who is Prescott?

Kek wills it.

A tuxedo.