discuss this shit bois
circumcision master race
Discuss this shit bois
who has sex with diamonds?
cut master race
>Jeweled Butt Plug Diamond Fetish BDSM Sex Gear
uncut: aryan_ubermensch.jpg
cut: happy_merchant.png
Part of your penis was cut off at birth against your will. You were literally cucked.
There's a really simple test to see what's preferable, consider:
1) A guy who has been circumcised without consent
2) A guy who has not been circumcised
Anyone in class 1 has no option to change, other than hopeful plastic surgery.
Anyone falling into class 2 can freely choose to have circumcision at any point in their lives. They do not do so unless there is a medical requirement.
The fact that other guys aren't overwhelmingly choosing to go the cut route, even when it is freely available, clearly shows that uncut is preferable.
>caring this much if other boys are cut or not
I hate living in the same country as people like you who defend the fact that our parents literally marked us as Jews
in most cases, it is the uncut men that turn out to be sucks in later life.
>natural penis with no mutilation
>doesn't suffer from erectile dysfunction and other sexual disorders
>doesn't have a dried up penis with loss of sensitivity
>somehow uncut is worse
riiiight. Keep believing that, kikestein.
>Gets cucked and mutitaled by jewish tricks.
>Tries to be smug.
>You tell men what circumcison is good and healthy
>You tell women what uncut dick is gross
t. shlomo
Sorry to break it to you, goy, but being circumcised doesn't make you Jewish, about a billion Muslims are also circumcised as well as most Americans.
You're about as Jewish as I am Muslim which is not at all, probably.
>his dick isnt big enough that it looks cut when you're hard anyway
Keep fighting, dicklets.
>circumcision master race