Just in case you forgot

Just in case you forgot...

there are no non cgi/composite pictures of earth from space.

nasa lies

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No way.

But think about all they have to gain from telling us the earth is round.

Like And .

not the same leaf

Pretry much this. Lol...what's the point of hiding the earth is round?

The earth is Square Box shaped.
Prove me wrong flat faggot!

They believe NASA knows about a container around the disk earth. Above this container is god knows what.

Watch the video, you can see the Earth isn't flat.

Fish eye lense warping and curving horizon even from the take off.

its called an atmosphere stupid its magnetic and indivisible to the naked eye
oly fuxk im surrounded by retarts

>even from take off

You can clearly see 0 distortion through the entire video

that's not how a fisheye works, the tail and engines would be distorted


@ 0:34, when the horizon is actually convex.

So youre telling me that if i travel in a straight line WITHOUT TURNING across the globe and reach my starting point then....???

When everyone believed the earth was flat, it was flat.
Now that everyone believes it's an orb, it's an orb.

Once you understand reality-by-consensus and the fight to set the consensus, you have taken the final redpill.

>43,000 feet

Explain why the sun doesn't set for 2 full months every year as viewed from svalbard? Glitch in the flat earth matrix?

There's a city there called essentially longyear city for that reason.

>every flat earth thread btfo.

I've yet to see any flat earth debunk svalbard. It's like garlic to a vampire whenever someone mentions it. Because they keep larping about antarctica and how they can't go there cause of military to prove that earth is flat.. ignoring that you don't even have to go that far.

Question for flat-earthers, what's the point of hiding the fact that earth is flat? Why would they lie to us?

And ?


>there are no non cgi/composite pictures of earth from space.
>nasa lies

so what about the Russians and Chinese and Indians and every other space agency who are not affiliated with NASA?

You do realise there are people who have travelled by plane, right? You can just look out the window.


It's not an orb, even though thatd be interesting.

What's the point of lying about shape of earth fag? If earth is flat then how Japs attacked Pearl harbor at 1941? Teleporters n sheit?
Don't forget the fact that SSSR got first to space, so what they were lying too?
God, it's 21st century, even medieval peasants knew that earth was round.

midnight in the UK is midday in New Zealand, flat earth btfo. also saged

>hotspot of sunlight

lol globe shills in full force today.
what is fish eye lens

>differnet cameras
>different lenses
>different photo processing
>different distances from earth
>different seasons on earth

truly a mystery why those pictures look different

literally this
>the truth is what everyone believes it to be until a new truth is discovered and widely accepted

Raptor Earth the Ultimate Red Pill