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Would be the shortest war in a while

I'm literally posting from my bunker.
You'll know when it happens when the electricity goes and doesn't return.
See you in Hell lads.

>it's the yearly episode of Norks talking shit and never doing anything so a bunch of nerds listen for Skykangz on ham radio

Just get on with it then.

This is like some anorexic beta and some fat kid so autistic they don't even know how to fight, but awkwardly shuffle about against each other.

looks legit

>tfw the only target they could feasibly hit is South Korea
>tfw they're retarded and would hit Seoul despite it being right beside their border
>tfw they launch the nuke and destroy both Koreas for good


>no source to back it up

What's wrong, Kim? This is what you always wanted!

I thought they were already at war with America

My state's not in their missile's range, I don't care.

I'd however love to see N.Korea irradiated.


I guess it's time for an Easter holocaust.

A british porno.

of course he's gonna ''test'' one of the nukes. Or at least that's what we're being told.

It's hard to penetrate this many layers of international bullshit, especially from my home computer.
But likely, yeah, China has to be the centre of the new world order of course XD
Got to have our big crisis right?

Lol, but being a pseudo-intellectual faggot aside, I'd say the most important thing to realize is that its CHAOS, and china's been up for this for a while. Add me on skype cmrd knightmarez if you want a friendly hangout about it, we can bounce ideas.

Whatever. The only thing that could make this 'war' gayer is if Sweden joined.

iraq lasted 20 days before resorting to gorilla tactics. Norks will last half a day, and gorillas will have a tough time trying to hide on a glass wasteland.

i think you're pretty safe in your country, leprechaun

>mfw war this weekend

The Trump administration of the U.S. began to disclose its brigandish nature timed to coincide with Key Resolve and Foal Eagle nuclear war games now under way in across south Korea, the statement said, and went on: The DPRK policy shaped by the Trump administration is first to put high-intensity sanctions and pressure together with someone, second to constantly keep tactical nuclear weapons deployed in south Korea and third to launch an independent military action aimed at beheading operation against the leadership of the DPRK and preemptive strike.

In actuality, the Trump administration, which made a surprise cruise guided missile strike at Syria on April 6, has entered the path of open threat and blackmail against the DPRK, describing it as a strong warning message to it.

The U.S. State secretary, Defense secretary and other officials concerned with security of the U.S. are openly crying more often than not for launching an independent military action against the DPRK.

Under the prevailing situation where the Trump administration's serious military hysteria has reached a dangerous phase which can no longer be overlooked, the KPA General Staff re-clarifies its stand as follows upon authorization:

1. All the brigandish provocative moves of the U.S. in the political, economic and military fields pursuant to its hostile policy toward the DPRK will thoroughly be foiled through the toughest counteraction of the army and people of the DPRK.

2. Our toughest counteraction against the U.S. and its vassal forces will be taken in such a merciless manner as not to allow the aggressors to survive.

3. Under the prevailing grave situation, the U.S. has to come to its senses and make a proper option for the solution of the problem.

The army and people of the DPRK will as ever courageously counter those who encroach upon the dignity and sovereignty of the DPRK and will always mercilessly foil all the provocative options of the U.S. with Korean-style toughest counteraction.

NK is loving all the attention. This is called "posturing"

You never know. America probably wouldn't send infantry in right away. First you bomb their base of operations and immobilise them so that they can't reinforce.

where did this based picture even come from?

With this thinking no wonder you guys werent a major factor in ww2

whats ever the proof of these threats? A headline on a mainstream media article? Anyone got any form of any proof that he has even EVER threatened the US?

How retarded are you niggers? This fat fuck threatens war every other day and never does anything



Won't affect me, I live at the arse end of the world, however need to go yo the Doctor this morning and I don't want to miss any happening's.


>Trump is applying maximum pressure

You underestimate Japanese math

need source user

>where did this based picture even come from?

Here ya go:

reads like a Voice of Korea broadcast

It's be somewhere between the two Iraq wars.

>N.Korea irradiated

Best Korea is isolated and not important. Just let them be

or you are a kike and wants to install the Rothshildbank over there

>Trump is applying maximum pressure

So is he one of us confirmed? A deep pressure autist master race?

NK is like the girlfriend in a relationship, always says she's gonna cum but really doesn't.



Even shorter.

The US have been preparing for like this since then end of the Korean War.


>North Korea arms and launches a nuke
>we immediately shoot it down
>explodes in North Korea

Perhaps even shorter.

The US have been preparing for decades.
This is the kind of war all of your assets were made for.

See something you like, doubles boy?

real talk isn't that what's going to happen lol? We'll obviously see it in our airspace and get shot down.


This has a pretty high probability to happen.

Except the nuke won't detonate. All the radioactive shit will just fall on some town and some gooks will be poisoned.

>Captcha : Assad

nothing is gonna happen to Ireland, ya dope

It's between USA and gooklands

Yeah but it's also the kind of defensive war the entire country of North Korea is built for.

Fun fact: The only war North Korea won was when China was working WITH it. Who's China working with now?
North Korea BTFO

Oh so its a normal friday then?

There will be another nuclear test and Trump won't do shit. Media is milking the shit of this non-story.


Most begin at the dentist office

Is that Anthony cumia

Is he going to nuke civilians too?

>American humour

They have subs that can't be detected by American ships.

The main concern is they attach a nuclear delivery system to one of their subs and pull up close to the US somewhere.


God I hope something happens someday.

Every fucking year.



Fucking hell.

I just want it to end. This is like a book where the author has no idea how to wrap up the story.

NK better do something. All of their equipment is from the 1960's. They're still technically a threat, because even a shitty diesel sub can be a threat if employed properly. But how long can they keep their shit operational?

They're in a waiting game where the longer they wait the more they lose. At some point they will have absolutely zero capability to mount any sort of credible offense because all of their ships are rusted through, all their subs are broken, etc.

So NK has two options.

Either go down swinging, or go down with a whimper.

Either they can set off a nuke, get invaded, and put up some semblance of a fight, or they can just keep waiting until China and South Korea slowly take them over politically and economically bit by bit by bit until North Korea is a thing of the past.

Those are the two options.

Which will NK choose?

>People actually believes that North korea can transport a nuclear warhead on its missiles

I wish they'd just wipe out humanity and get it over with. It's the waiting I can't stand.

>English spelling

Guys...didn't that one user say everything will be revealed on April 15...?

Happy Easter to our North Korean friends !

Took America 500 years to grow to this power. It took Trump only 60 days to destroy the nation in nuclear fire. MAGAPOCALYPSE

what? they did it lots of times

True, the south koreans are so used to it, they don't even care anymore.

I talked to a south korean who lives here, she didn't even know about the news.

Just fucking do it already, fuck.

No longer than Desert Storm.


They do this every week you morons.

difference is we have a fat orange fuck in the white house now swinging his dick everywhere and will gladly start a war with north korea

This is great though. We'd be better off without most of the big cities near water, or at least without most of the people that live there.

No, that's just them testing their missiles.
The only nuclear tests that has been done is tests underground. It's just believed by some that they can attach nuclear warheads.

it's literally nothing, the USA and China both how X-ray lasers that can shoot down ballistic missiles. North korea's little dinky toys are 0 threat.
North Korea straw poll predictions. Spread this around Sup Forums for me so we can get the general opinion around here.

Lmao skykangz

sorry to burst your bubble, I wish someone was getting nuked too :<

Nowt will 'appen! Get that through your thick skulls you knob'eds

>tfw debating joining the military to go kill gooks

Would now be a good time to join? Or do you guys think there's a Jew war brewing?

It seemed to me like Syria was (((their))) attempt to get a war for Israel going, but Trump didn't take the b8.



>mfw i live near the gulf of mexico and its on the other side of the country


Fucking nothing will happen.


A man like Trump should not have an ass like that. I need a cold shower.

...and thinking it would stay like this forever is naive, everything ends one day

>Live on East Coast
>Outrange everything

Feels nice

>is gonna be Huge!

you say that like NK doesn't deserve a nuking

China already mobilized 25k troops to their border with NK, right? That seems like a defensive force given how small it is. Does China intend to help the US after BOTG or would they be like Russia in Syria, serving as a hindrance?

huh, i guess kek agrees

They'll likely twiddle their thumbs while America rolls Korea back to the border. 25k is more like a screening force to prevent the Norks from fleeing into China--and to give the Chinese government time to respond if the US starts pushing in.

Damn right he does.

East coast best coast
south or north?

why doesnt colin powell have a maga hat too?

>Colin Powell