This really makes you think desu...
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This really makes you think desu...
facebook com/258658177655272/videos/699102270277525/
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delet now
>3 American mutts love black guys
Statistically, only black women prefer black men.
Hello JIDF.
Who gives a shit you insecure little pussy. Find a girlfriend of your own. You aren't owed anything in life, including a white qt girlfriend. If a black men can score white women, why can't you?
You're kind of wrong, Brit.
Truth hurts, doesn't it La'Quayviouness?
Go suck my cock.
>canadian poster
Oh, ok.
Nuclear Armageddon now.
It's literally not my fault that white women LOVE black cock.
White men are more likely to race-mix than white women.
Srsly though, why sand negresses and island abos?
It's the little idiot white women who grew up idolizing the nignogs put on MTV by the jew-goblins who like black guys.
Their idiot white male counterparts who also were misraised to idolize the JewTV nignogs didn't grow up the same affinity for black women because 98% of the nignogs on MTV were men just like 98% of music stars are men.
White women who were raised listening to country music and rock music typically aren't into negro men.
The common thread between 98% of white black-lovers is the shirtless, gold-wearing rich tough guy nignog musicians they all listen to.
How is this relevant to politics?
Black men are only 6% of the US population and women outnumber men.
>whi girl on faebook b like
golly shucks what a worthwhile friend
Sad but true. No one likes black women though, not even black men. Its racist to post these types of stats now.
Your link doesnt work
Basically white women and black men fill the same sociological role within their communities, namely dependents/support, while black women and white men are the income earners/head of household. Black men and white women get along great because they're both short sighted, flighty, and love taking it up the ass. bm/wf relationships are flash in the pan sorts of things, they burn out quick as the two get bored of one another and they usually end badly, if everyone's lucky there are no kids involved. Black women and white men on the other hand have the opposite effect, their relationships are rarer but much longer lasting and stable.
Perhaps that's why the black population is projected to decrease by 2050.
link doesn't work, but ive seen this video before
they aren't being genuine, doing it because someone told them to. it's really obvious from the way they talk. they are trying to sell something or trying to get people to subscribe to something or some shit
it's like
>do you know what else white girls LOVE! BLACK MEN. so sign up to X
or something like that
Looks like spic or something to me
Correct. Only stupid whites mix with blacks, so it is actually a sort of eugenics. Dumb whites go out and breed with blacks, so the collective white IQ rises.
In 10 years, once they've left their sheltered lives, they are going to look back on this and want to kill themselves.
you can find the same videos from black girls about white guys. Its all bullshit. And those girls are ugly whores. THey can enjoy their ugly mutt black children for all I care. I am going to make white children
>being interested in women when you can became woman yourself
>black women respond to black men the least
>start listening
Talk about monkey brains.
its true that jews in california and new york have elevated black men using cultural propaganda.
the link only works for people with three digits IQ
That wanted that fat white guy's d, even if it was to piss off king nigger.
This is pretty accurate. I work in healthcare around a lot of black women. They are still niggers but they are all doing high demand, skilled work (like nursing, assistants, even a few doctors) and most of them bust their ass and work. They do nigger shit and there are exceptions, but as a whole they work and make money.
The black men on the other hand are all no skilled jobs like kitchen staff or janitorial. They slack off and bitch and moan about having to do anything other than the bare minimum. There are exceptions, but they are few and far between.
It's fucking insane how flipped the roles are with white people. The white women, while usually nurses, are typically lazy and thrive on chaos and bullshit. They whine and moan about having to do anything that takes their attention away from their cell phones and act like the male niggers.
I'll be honest, as a white man looking across this sea of coworkers, I've grown to have better working relationships with the black women than the white women. With all the white girls its drama and bullshit, with the black women it's professionalism and good humored fun when we need to take a break and kill some work stress. I'm not a race mixer, never found black women attractive but I can't deny that maybe black women aren't so bad after all...
No, even in San Diego you mostly see whites with whites. If anything it is more common to see white men here dating outside their race. Occasional cute white girls with Hispanic men and maybe one girl that was hot and white with a nig nog but he didn't speak in ebonics.
Unironically made me think.
poor asian men... People that talk about privilege really needs to look at the complete lack of privilege asian men get
The butthurt in the comments is great. Black women btfo eternally.
>american girls
Not even meming. American's aren't white in any sense.
Ooooh that's spicy
I'll be downloading that and adding it to the collab
>filename anglo
>pic of a jew
oh /nu/pol
>middle eastern women most popular
Shit nigger what are you mericunts doing
Here the most common interracial couple by far is white man/asian female. Within a generation we're going to see a massive hapa population. Throughout history it's always been white men that more readily betray their race for a bit of exotic poon, and now it's white beta males fucking Asian women because they're lower on the social ladder and easy. The reason why race mixing propaganda directed at white women is so prevelant on TV is because they're a much harder nut to crack. Women traditionally date up and the pinnacle of the social hierarchy in the west is still the rich chad white guy.