>I just took my grandparents out for Pho
What does this image and this caption say about the current generation of elderly people, their psyche, and the people who should be respecting them?
Is this a problem in society?
>I just took my grandparents out for Pho
What does this image and this caption say about the current generation of elderly people, their psyche, and the people who should be respecting them?
Is this a problem in society?
nobody likes mushy noodles in brine
pho is overated
I work in customer service and old women are easily my least favorite people to deal with. They just want someone to complain to about everything while their husband drinks himself silly on the couch.
Fuck old people.
old people eat food
because most of them are not people worthy of respect.
What are the 90s millennials going to look like when they get old? The 80s kids? The 70s kids when they reach their 80s?
we're raised to protect the young and respect the elder. I noticed old people were treated like shit in non mediterranean europe
Boomers are cancer, there is no exception.
Because our elders are boomer pieces of shit who destroyed the West. Their parents (the greatest generation) took care of them and left them a peaculf, rich, strong society and they threw it away.
Now, they want US to take care of THEM? After they dilapidated the greatest treasure ever amassed by mankind?
Its natural
>You want all they have
>They are usseles
>make them sad and the may die faster or suicide
not respecting your elders is being worse than a nigger. even the savages in Africa respect them. the boomers fucked everything up, nobody can deny that, but to act like a degenerate isn't the answer.
all white families are dysfunctional for some reason. they're all egotistic
Respect is earned. Let boomers die quickly in the most attrocious ways.
Let's the pretend they never existed at all and let's go back to the traditional intergenerational assistance system they they tried to destroy.
My Grandpa is a part of the Silent/Greatest generation and he is the greatest man I know, He worked hard all of his life from nothing and became the owner of a very well respected buisness in his time. No one will ever match the people born from 1916-1936.
>Is this a problem in society?
Only in western society where family is replaced by state. Nobody knows eldery people these days because they can't work with them.
Boomers kicked out their own parents from the family life and into retirement houses/storage room for the soon-to-be deceased.
They made their own bed. Let them lie in it. Instead, focus on rebuilding the traditional family life that the West enjoyed not long ago.
>a fucking leaf
>Instead, focus on rebuilding the traditional family life that the West enjoyed not long ago.
Not possible on a grand scale unless there is economic benefit to having a traditional (large?) family.
Good thread. In the east, they aren't degenerate about this and actually bestow honor and status upon their elders. We here in the west need to learn some respect.
Do you think that people in America see the state the way North koreans do?
Because they ran this country into the ground and deserve no respect
Why do white people eat pho? My family makes the stuff because it's cheap and easy to make. I mean, if you are going out, eat ramen instead.
It's not about size. It's about family bonds.
In the northern states you got pretty much a North Korean situation.
small families are dying families
the biggest mistake white people made is they let (((them))) convince us nepotism is always a bad thing
I'm talking about people.
You cannot be an urban "Varg Vikernes" with a large traditional family unless it's economically beneficial. Others won't follow suit and that lifestyle won't hold up.
Cities will continue to grow, single mothers will continue to procreate. We're in for it lads.
>What does this image and this caption say about the current generation of elderly people
>the gooks won
Your grandpa's hair is fucking rad dude.
Old men CAN be based, but old women are all bitter cunts.
Then cut social security, but you should still want to take care of them when they get old.
He ordered the one with vegetables and dumplings or whatever, not the noodles bowl.
The woman doesn't have dumplings.
They're the faggots responsible for the faggotry.
All old ladies used to be young whores.
>your grandad rawdogged that shit on the reg
my old ass landlord is a cunt
wtf spain is not mediterranean now
hahaha look how disappointed your gramps looks. All he wanted was a decent cheeseburger or maybe a steak and look what you made him eat.
His face says it all.
the reason they continue to procreate is because they're incentivized to by the state
get rid of welfare and people are forced to start relying on their families again, leading to a large family being economically beneficial
it's the hardest part, but the most important
I live in a trendy city and I took my parents to a Japanese restaurant and my dad kept pronouncing the names of the duchess wrong and in a super high pitched japanse voice and made an angry gook face. It was hilarious. Also he kept talking about how all of our waiters were black fruits. Top kek. I love my blue collar parents.
The size of family shifts according to many different factors. Large families would be counter-productive in kyu kyu places like Japan. Idem, large families are useless if there is no family life and all its members are essentially independent creatures with no relations to one another.
The most important thing is reinstating the family unit. We can worry about size later. That means stable marriage, involved parenting, the transmission of culture, a faith in God, etc. This can be achieved in urban settings as well as rural settings. Small things like reading with your kids matter immensely.
Why? They fucked this world up. They threw their own parents into the trash and didn't bother to save for their own end of life. They enjoyed the ride to the fullest by spending their parent's savings and pre-spent our own savings. They have taken already us to the bleachers. Why should we give them even a little cent more? They don't deserve anything, they have already robbed most of us of our future.
The Western family unit (monogamous heterosexual marriage) has survived wars, famines, plagues, economic crashes, the fall of Rome, etc. Our current situation is peanuts compared to that. Its viability has never depended on the economic situation, but on the will of the people to enforce it.
Hajimemashite! Watashi wa anonymous desu. Dozo yoroshiku!
Sure. But do we really want or need large families again? Most of us come from small families and we probably think it sucks. But is the grass really greener on the other side?
Not too sure myself. More relatives mean more close people that can screw you over in many ways.
Most old people I know are functionally retarded.
Their generation started baby mutilating.
They sold our history for shiny bullshit and cars.
They did nothing and do nothing to improve society, yet they think they're the most valuable and wise creatures on the planet.
They, unlike all previous generations, do not help their children, or give our society anything to look up to.
They got Lidsey Grahm in office. They got McCaine in office.
Nobody respects their elders anymore. Young kids have no respect for anyone and definitely not for people older than them.
>The Western family unit (monogamous heterosexual marriage) has survived wars, famines, plagues, economic crashes, the fall of Rome, etc.
I have to call bullshit on all of this.
What survived all of these things is two fertile humans of opposite sex fucking.
That is literary it.
>Its viability has never depended on the economic situation, but on the will of the people to enforce it.
You're such a dopey day dreamer.
If you are an income earner it is your obligation to look after members of your family less able to look after themselves (children, parents, uncles and aunts etc)
People arguing about how it's their money and much boomers either failed at life and can't afford to look after their family or are autistic edgelords who won't because Sup Forums and Redditch redpills them about boomers
You have to keep family close and together. Also what comes around goes around. When I'm old I'd rather be looked after by family than strangers.
Given Roman attitudes towards sex, this sounds closer to reality than the post it's responding to.
This mentality is only common in the West... I find that Russians, Chinese, and Indians have a hard time understanding it.
These ppl knew sacrifice. They made sacrifices for the greater good. Now, you only have bitter cunts, who take, take, take. It's all about me, me, me. Our strength was in a social fabric that held together from mutual sacrifice for the family and for the city block and for the community. There's none of that now. Now, we have the rat race to the right charter school, the rat race to the right university with the 4.0 gpa, the rat race to the right Wall Street or Law Firm job, the rat race to etc. I have news for you : It's going to take sacrifice to hit the reset button, but there are no bitter cuts willing to make sacrifices.
Your posts are all top quality.
We need to make contraceptives obtainable only through prescription with a requirment for marriage.
Outlaw abortion.
No alimony or child support.
That would get people to think about restoring the nuclear family.
my 90 grandma doesn't do anything and gives off a I'm waiting to die vibe. can't even make a sandwich on her own. she starts yelling and moaning for 5 minutes when she's hungry waiting for someone in the house to make her a snack. you tell her to shut the fuck up and wait for dinner and she forgets a minute later and starts up again.
being old looks like a shitty existence and I'd rather be euthanized than live like my grandma at her age. my grandpa is already dead from a stroke, but even he had to deal with being stuck in a hospital bed for a year in his piss because my aunt didn't want to let him die. fuck getting old.
don't know about anyone elses family but everyone in mine hits a swift decline at 80 with full on alzheimer, dementia, and strokes.
>I have to call bullshit on all of this.
WRONG. Monogamous heterosexual marriage is at the foundation of Western society. You talk about two fertile humans fucking? How come we hadn't devolved into degenerate polygamous society until recentyl? Monogamous marriage is essential to establish a peaceful and productive society. Otherwise, you end up with Muslim or Asian shitty society where one patriarch poorly raises 20 children from his 6 wives, meaning it's impossible to groom productive offsprings. Large amounts of poorly groomed offsprings means it's impossible to train future productive members of society, which is why all their societies are shit and ours was able to conquer the world.
>You're such a dopey day dreamer.
The history of Western society disagrees. We've survived worst.
>I was told we were going to Hooters...not zipperhead's
>This mentality is only common in the West
Nigger are you fucking retarded. This heavily individualistic WASP country practically invented sending grandparents to nursing homes and boomers spending retirement in Florida never seeing their children or grandchildren. In fact nursing homes are so common in this country you're expected to go there after retirement.
Almost every other country elders are treated with respect and stay with the family. My Russian friend lives with her grandma and takes care of her. Something unheard of back here in the states.
>This mentality is only common in the West... I find that Russians, Chinese, and Indians have a hard time understanding it.
I am Russian and in my home country it was a tradition for children to never leave their parent's house... even when they were married the spouse would just move in. In return the child would care for their elderly parents until the day they died. Very unlike in America where kids just dump their elderly parents in nursing homes, which are death camps for the old.
Yeah the mentality of not taking care of older parents is common in the West, my parents kind of resign themselves to nursing homes when they feel despondent sometimes but it makes no sense to me. They sustained me when I couldn't sustain myself for 15-20 years, why can't I do the same for them. Of course they expect you to pass on the same things to your children as well which keeps intergenerational ties strong.
The most capitalist way to think about it is as "insurance." Your parents are giving you a policy with 0 deductible and virtually unlimited coverage, but it's backed by a loan you're expected to pay back.
>A-aren't you gonna come visit me and grandma tonight user? We don't get many visitors. I-i'll order pizza.
Yes that's what i meant to say, Japan's post is uncommon wisdom in the West. Nursing homes is quite a sad scenario, people lose will to live when they have nothing to occupy their time or noone to pass on knowledge to.
Reminder that old White people are our future selves.
>WRONG. Monogamous heterosexual marriage is at the foundation of Western society.
Doesn't seem to be at the moment, even though people keep trying it. Inevitably, parents go their separate ways.
>How come we hadn't devolved into degenerate polygamous society until recentyl?
Polygamy is not a devolution. It's just another strategy. If you can have lots of sexual partners, you will. This isn't recent either. Harems are not new, "whoring" isn't new either.
>Monogamous marriage is essential to establish a peaceful and productive society
I'd argue this create more conflict than it solves due to mankind not being monogamous by nature. How many married partners have not cheated because they're sick of each other, living in misery and eventually being found out and chaos ensues? Too many in my opinion.
Jealousy runs deep when you think you're supposed to share your life with just one person all your life.
>Muslim or Asian shitty society where one patriarch poorly raises 20 children from his 6 wives, meaning it's impossible to groom productive offsprings.
You should really try and look into pre-WW1 history. You'll there find that European families used to consist of at least 10-15 children, if they all survived. Disease usually kills off a lot.
>The history of Western society disagrees.
Sigh - I bet you're a teenager. Basically, all I'm saying is that you're full of idealistic shit.
Can you please stop? This made me really mad.
I have to agree. They had hardships that would crush our spirits but that made them all the better and happier. Miss you gramps 1917-1997
Sorry Hans :( It makes me sad too. This one really gets me in the feels.
>Yeah the mentality of not taking care of older parents is common in the West
I'm sorry misunderstood you. Yah you're completely right.
>real plates
>they brought their own pizza cutter
>single balloon
Happy 60th wedding anniversary! Well, me and Jamal need to split.
I honestly prefer banh pho. Rice noodles just have a great mouthfeel.
That dude probably killed the grandparents of the gooks that made that slop.
Why would you expose him to the enemy's food, OP?
I think its related to how we are losing family values as a whole, but mostly the protestants contries. Dont want to be a jerk or something but i believe the catholic people is more family attached and the falling if our family unity is related to importing saxon culture.
Even in pre school we are given talles not to abandon our parents when they become senile because we will be elders to.
The many things that have changed on the last decades of how you see family unity, mostly work and values related just makes most people treat elders like kids these days.
My grandparent did in my bedroom in a late stage of liber desease 10 years ago, now old people are dumped in a care center like 4 year old kids.
The thing is that nowadays generation is condescending to obs of the generations that went to many hardships.
Most of the old people worth any respect are dead now.
I'd go eat with them. They look so obliterated.
>Doesn't seem to be at the moment, even though people keep trying it. Inevitably, parents go their separate ways.
No one is trying. We are bombarded by propaganda to split the family unit.
>It's just another strategy.
Yes. A strategy to reproduce. Not to build societies.
>I'd argue this create more conflict than it solves due to mankind not being monogamous by nature.
Actually, by mandating that males are only allowed one partner, it prevents competition for the largest amounts of female. By preventing the scarcity of women, it allows men to focus on productive acitivities instead of competing for women. Once again you are wrong.
>How many married partners have not cheated because they're sick of each other, living in misery and eventually being found out and chaos ensues?
Nothing is perfect, especially not humans. Yet, monogamous marriage has produced a better societies than polygamous marriage.
>Jealousy runs deep when you think you're supposed to share your life with just one person all your life.
That's human nature, it will not go away regardless of the system. Still, monogamous marriage has managed this inherent flaws better than other systems. In our society, it is possible that one may seek another man's wife, yet it is still frowned upon by society at large. In other societies, that act may very well be tolerated, leading ot conflict.
>You should really try and look into pre-WW1 history. You'll there find that European families used to consist of at least 10-15 children, if they all survived. Disease usually kills off a lot.
Yet, until modern medicine, the surival rate was very low/ Just look at the population of Europe to get an idea. Only the rich and noble could afford 6+ children and keep them alive. In the Victorian era, upper classes had more children than lower classes. Large families from poor people are relatively recent in Western history.
Go back to R*ddit, kiddo.
>be me
>be boomer uncle's birthday
>uncle calls me to hang out with him and his drunk boomer friends
>they all lecture me about how easy I have it and how i'm a snowflake and my life is easy and all I ever care about is buying the latest iphone
>meanwhile I am an engineer constantly fighting Pajeets they let in to cut corners and due to high realestate rates they set I have to rent which is still about $1400 a month thanks to them and the only phone I could afford is a $40 shot generic Android phone
The problem with them is they don't listen and think they understand everything. I don't know if this is the case with every gen that gets old or what but they never entertain that I have hardships in life and think I am bullshitting all the time.
The edgiest black frog.
You're lucky you're grand parents are still alive and married
No re
>I just took my grandparents out for Pho
I don't see the problem?
The vast majority of Vietnamese who live in North America are from South Vietnam, ya dingus.
cringe hard everytime i see whites using chopsticks, it's like you're not asian so just use a fork
Fuck off retard
Because they tend to ignore social cues purposely because theyre old
randomly eighty year old in a barbershop
Is that a compliment or an insult?
>Why are our elders disrespected?
Because they are a whole generation of war heroes who got ostracized by their own children for doing what they thought was the right thing.
Funny thing is, they actually were heroes who did the right thing and now everyone is too uncomfortable around them.
wish my gramps was still around ;_;
grandma did the best Apfeltaschen
Dont be fooled by frailty. Some things are true...
Murderers always outlive their victims and only the good die young.
Theres a good chance those old folks eating that pho killed some good young people back in the day.
I never turn my back on an old person.
it is part of eating the food, you dont use a fork for soup, you dont use a tea stirring spoon to eat steak
My nan is the sweetest woman you'll ever meet. Granddad is based.
that is horrible
Asian's use every other bit of stolen western tech, but not the fork? Weird
I dunno, Australia might. They're kind of retarded.
for them its self-validation.
If you have hardships in your life they're either your fault or not a hardship.
They old and dying and grasp constantly to a glory they never had. Or think they had by just existing.
Think about all the idiots you see today.
By tomorrow they will be the old generation and will have changed not one bit.
You should pity them really as an erstwhile meaning they may have gathered in life crumbles away like their shitty material possessions and the grave comes to claim them.
The only thing you can be mad at them for is their ability to do jack shit all their lives and consume resources while also preventing you from having the same opportunities. Anything else is just relative.
First and foremost, it's not natural to live too beyond the point you can pull your own weight.
I live near my grandparents and often spend time with them. My grandmother was a terrible mother, raising a batch of 4 women in pettiness and anger. Each dealt with it by having huge personality vices. She is going demented slowly but steadily. Now she is bitter than none of them play along, talks too much of lives she doesn't recognize and wallows in pity for herself. She visibly wants to die, and it pains me that she is forced not to.
My grandfather had a fuller life, and is way more peaceful with himself and others. Still, he repeats the same stories over and over and gives advice for a world that for better or worse is totally different. He spends a lot of time wondering about death and the mayhem in the world.
They were not bad people in their lives, and even though my memories of them are overwhelmingly painful.
My parents always kept an awfully tense atmosphere in the house, and my youth was very painful. Honestly, if they hadn't any property, I would easily drop them off, and I don't feel bad about it
This, especially the stuff in Vietnam
>Why are our elders disrespected?
I try. I legit seriously try, but some of these people are massive assholes and live their lives to serve as warnings to others. They bicker about issues that aren't their business. They call the cops on people actually doing nothing wrong. They act surprised when their bad behavior comes back to bite them.
>You have to keep family close and together. Also what comes around goes around.
Who are you bullshitting? I take care of my family, but I know they will hang me out to dry the second I have trouble. My friends provide better support than any blood relative I have.
Im a boomer and dont think I fucked anything up. Im a poorfag like everyone else, working a job I hate. Its pretty much the same shit it has been for every generation, the rich get richer, the middle class and poor get poorer. I pretty much blame it all on the Jews and Feminism.
Thats one thing. But to steal the youths money to spend all of it keeping useless people alive is an entirely seperate thing and the worst thing about america. Social security and medicaid will crash this country eventually
Kike detected, You kys
>No one is trying. We are bombarded by propaganda to split the family unit.
It's not propaganda. It's a description of how the world works at the moment. Propaganda would be to actively try and influence a change in something. No propaganda is needed, people adapt to economic circumstances on their own. As we have today.
>Actually, by mandating that males are only allowed one partner
Sounds like communism or even Islam to me. Everyone is entitled to a job or a partner (your cousin for example) in this case that you cannot get to choose. Basically, again, this is idealistic shit.
Men need to compete for women or we stagnate like the Soviet or Islamic countries.
>Nothing is perfect, especially not humans. Yet, monogamous marriage has produced a better societies than polygamous marriage.
No, it hasn't. You're even complaining that the west is shit right now.
>Still, monogamous marriage has managed this inherent flaws better than other systems. In our society, it is possible that one may seek another man's wife, yet it is still frowned upon by society at large. In other societies, that act may very well be tolerated, leading ot conflict.
Doesn't make sense, not even grammatically. You should read back what you write before you post.
>Only the rich and noble could afford 6+ children and keep them alive.
Not true, everyone was subject to disease and these 6+ children would have had a large family of uncles and aunts to help the child rearing in these families as well, even during the Victorian era. It's not what you can afford, couples will fuck and procreate no matter their economic situation.
>Go back to R*ddit, kiddo.
You've been sold some pretty bad ideas. Just you wait until you gotten and lost your first gf.
Sounds familiar, like all the people that insist the world owes them something when others are working for it.
You believe you are owed it, they never stopped for a second to think they did. Urbanite bullshit.
>not knowing the knifey spoony game
Forks predate chopsticks, user.