>Dónald Trúmp has plans to play golf in a war ship
what the fuck
>Dónald Trúmp has plans to play golf in a war ship
what the fuck
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>using misplaced apostrophe characters to get around filters
Nice try shill
>i found this image and thought it was neat so i made up a reason to post it: the thread
>doesn't know what accents are called
I blame American Éducation
they're tone marks you nigger
that looks dope af desu my shill brethren
>Meanwhile, at the Sup Forums mansion
Well played.
Thats true. Kek
That would be pretty cool. Better use of a decommissioned carrier than sending it to the scrapyard or letting it rot. I'm sure some rich fucks would pay a bunch of money to be a member of your club.
>if I keep saying their catchphrases they won't realize I'm a shill
who the fuck would filter donald?
>word filters
Donald Trump
>In this issue of Portugal plays catchup
dude this is my dream
a steel nuclear powered ship
self sustainable
i would add greenhouses
So much reddit on this board....do shills just copy and paste this garbage over to /pol now?
clean your monitor there is one on trump too
Donald Trump
Its so sickening isn't it? A man so unpopular and universally hated by the educated city people was somehow elected, because the racist backward parts of our society get more say than the cities according to the electoral college.
Its time to stop pretending there are two equal sides.
I've come to realize that much of American history is made up of periods where liberals drag conservatives kicking and screaming into the future, then we try to compromise for a while, then we go back to dragging.
"No, conservatives, we're not going back to England."
"No, conservatives, we're not making George Washington a King."
"No, conservatives, you can't form your own country with blackjack and slaves."
"No, conservatives, you can't keep denying women the right to votes."
"No, conservatives, we're not going back to the way things were before the depression."
"No, conservatives, literacy tests aren't constitutional."
"No, conservatives, you can't deny homosexuals the right to marry."
The names of the parties change from era to era, but it's always been liberals dragging conservatives against their will into a better future. I'm 32, I grew up in one of the in-between eras, where we all thought that compromise was a possibility, but I'm more and more realizing how mistaken I was about that. It's time once again for liberals and progressives to stop being nice and drag our country into the 21st century.
The simple fact of the matter is that conservatives just aren't offering any good ideas any more. What's the compromise between "We need to stop climate change" and "Lol, climate change isn't a real?" Or "Homosexuals should have the right to marry" and "Homosexuals cause hurricanes?" It's like being in a group project with someone who didn't read the book and expecting them to do their share of the work.
>lumping all forms of American conservatives across history into a single group
Yeah, keep learning US History, Allende. You'll get there someday.
mfw trump is going to make Girls und Panzer real, Massive Aircraft carriers with a city on board
the only thing pinochet did wrong was failing to exterminate your parents
That picture looks comfy as fuck. Imagine having a small farm on a ship like that.
I saw Waterworld too