Is America going to help Britain against EU threats? Trump was anti-Eu before coming into office...

Is America going to help Britain against EU threats? Trump was anti-Eu before coming into office, but it seems lately that he's been williing to put political reality before his personnel opinions, and the EU is far more powerful and influential than the UK.

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>eu is far more powerful and influential then the uk
It has a much larger economy but many of its members still see themselves as nation states, also the uk is much more dominant in the American psyche than all of Europe combined, especially when you include the rest of the anglosphere

Some poll had Brexit being supported by like 75% of Americans. Trump won't let EU fuck you guys over.

Trump really doesn't like globalist unions or organisations, he supported Brexit, he had Farage at his rally. He's not going to let us get fucked over, especially seeing as he wants Britains first trade deal to be with America. He loves us (unlike Obama). It's gonna be snug, especially when he visits the UK soon

I do think the future of Britain hinges on France, ironically. If Le Pen can win, then the combo of Britain, France and America can dominate.


They are showing their true colours with their current actions.

France will leave, their problems on the west coast are worse than anywhere in England. The population will demand something be done eventually and the EU will be completely unable to help them. So they will leave.

Then Greece.

Germany is fucked though.

We need to make a Pro-Trump rally to drown out the libfags.

I'd go, might be fun.


I heard they were organizing a rally for him at wembley or some other big place like that

>helps you with the EU
>Sides with irish on some issue.

will that be okay with you Nigel ?you know how potatoes stick together.

Most Americans were pro-Brexit. We got you senpai.

Bring back the entante

The EU is very relevant and are garing up to fuck us, to say otherwise is delusion, we need allies for this. We already have Trump but we need more.

This. We will always have your back. Fuck the EU.

RemindMe! 2 years "Hahaha"

>Is America going to help Britain against EU threats?

1. What EU threats?
2. No.

Enjoy that big anglo cock, hans.

The future of Britain has always hinged on France to be honest mate. Think of a time in history when it didn't.

>we going to kick you out of the space race
>what threats??? lmao

This. The EU will be dead in 20 years. The UK will still be around, assuming the Scots don't shoot themselves in the foot.

All the times we smacked the shit out of them for one.

US-UK defence and intelligence are too intertwined for them to give a fuck about europoors

There are whisper's he will do a rally at the NIA in Birmingham. I'd go for sure.

>williing to put political reality before his personnel opinions

(((political reality)))

Yeah but it still hinged on France then. The future of Britain depended on Napoleon being defeated in 1815 as it depends on Le Pen winning in 2017.


i dont get it
you fucked over the eu for years, with your bullshit "im a special snowflake, so i need a special deal" mentality, while the other members got the shitty deals, you could negotiate and always had a special position in the eu
you take, take take
and then you piss off
and now you want out of basicially a contract, where the other one has done everything the contract says, and you want out, without fulfilling your part of the deal
then you go suck trump cocks and cry arround like babies about how bad the eu is
grow up, get some balls, the real world doesnt work like that
if 2 men, or countries or whatever, make a deal, that deal stands
you cant just say ok, and then piss off because you dont like it anymore

That's a pretty silly argument m8. Bit like saying the future of britain hinged on Cetshwayo being defeated.

we are sexually attracted to you, so yes.

Trump only cares about Israel

Non sequitur. The histories of Britain and France on inextricably linked. From the Middle Ages to the Modern Age. We have been competing with France for centuries, so what they do affects us.

The Zulus were an "inconvenience". One we dealt with quickly.

Britain is special, we are the main character of earth.

>europoors will never understand this

>The Zulus were an "inconvenience". One we dealt with quickly.
Like France then

Yes.We love you and respect you.

Dude we've been at war with France for centuries.

>when we are the protagonist in the history of earth

feels good man

>US deploys F-35s to defend EU

We picked our side.

>when we are the protagonist in the history of the universe

Not really. As a Scot my war with France starts in 1707, before that we were allies, after that we fucked them up.