Massive simpsons redpill

Massive simpsons redpill

Or wathever you call it.

Decided to watch the simpsons which I havent in years, went to last episode.

Literally a whole episode shitting on :

>Cultural apropriation

They actually say the word diversity in a negative tone and the whole plot implies these new sensitive studentss as robots.

I don't understand your point that your debilitating beautiful mind tries to connect to some dots. Are you pro diversity or against it?

Wasnt expecting the simpsons to be that red pilled I guess

Huh, do you know what episode it is? I want to torrent some Simpsons episodes.

all pills are poison pills in CIA lemon party gestapo. All colors of the rainbows are created equally poisonous.

Pedro, make sure you weren't tripping on shrooms during your viewing. Lisa Simpson in the newer episodes exists with the sole purpose of spouting SJW meme arguments, how can you get more bluepilled than that?

great episode..I also noticed this

oops...wrong one

which episode?

lol give the ep and season please. I'm going to watch it too.


>Lisa Simpson
>8 years old

That's the joke, Mike.

literally says S28E19 in the picture


Is that stalin?



S28 E19 - Caper Chase

Check your Doubles, sir

That episode was pretty refreshing...
I've noticed a big improvement this last season. For more than ten years the simpsons used to be just meh but this season was different. The episodes were more down to earth an homer is finally the dumb but caring dad again instead of being just the dumb, fat moron...

I guess even leftist grow tired of sjw bullshit

>they're on season 28 now
I feel old. Weren't they going to end it a bit ago? Any end in site? Hows the show atm?

Been pretty good so far this season.

Doesn't look like Stalin at all. Not every man with a moustache = Stalin.

Simpsons isn't that bad, for being pretty lefty they still do a good job of making fun of libs.

Yes it fucking does.

They've been redpilled since S01E01

the last few new episodes have been quite good/ 'redpilled'(hate that label) there is a reason the show holds records for longest running ect. they seem to keep tabs on the heartbeat of the country as good as any of us

No, they blew it.


Maybe I should start watching the Simpsons again.

Tell me why would a (((billionaire))) have a picture of Stalin? To emphasise how evil he is?

Season 28, Episode 19

Wew, might check a stream and watch ONE new episode and see if anythings gotten better.

Let alone the fact its literally this picture of stalin but hes looking to the right. His whole character is just an evil guy who does what he does for
>Bringing other people pain
Why would george soros sell his own people out to the nazis? Because he was evil.

Simpsons has been hit or miss for the last few years. It almost seems like they have two teams of writers. You can tell right away if an episode was written by the the B team...unwatchable

I think it is Stalin but I was referring to the phones. This is at Skull and Bones and one of the four emergency phones is a pizza place

It isn't his home. It is at the Skull and Bones clubhouse at Yale. He is drinking out of Martin Van Buren's skull

Yeah, as someone that watches pretty religiously, this has been accurate for a while unfortunately. Watching older episodes and just laughing my ass off, kinda makes me sad but this newer season seems to do a good job so far.

The last two Simpsons episodes have been pretty great including the one you're referencing. This season has had a lot of stinkers though. Worse than normal nu Simpsons.


Simpsons used to be redpilled back when redpilled was just called funny & normal. That's how far we have fallen


memeber when right wingers were mad at the Simpsons because Bart saying "eat my shorts" was offensive?

>Southpark goes full bluepill
>as the Simpson goes red
what a bizzaro world we live in

Back when it was the right who were the no fun allowed police?

I've noticed this new season that Simpsons seem to have a purpose again. There's a lot of Kubrick like and blatantly obvious references to all sorts of red pills.



Understand what?

Aren't the writers mostly Jewish? Sup Forums btfo

what have they got lose? no one watches it anymore. they could have entire episode where each character did nothing but yell nigger and there wouldn't even be a shitty BuzzFeed article about it. might as well.

They didn't used to be

refugee crisis is the problem. rise of right and dumbed down racism is reaction. now it's time for the solution (((they))) will offer

Hope the next season isn't bluepilled as shit. Couldn't even get through the last one.